Above the gray fog

Chapter 953 New Version of Adam and Eve

Lin Shan's figure blocked the light, casting a long shadow.

This scene will be forever engraved in the eyes and hearts of the pseudo-humans.

Lin Shan walked through the crowd and walked towards the smartest man and woman.

The man and woman crawling on the ground seemed to have some kind of induction, slightly raised their heads, and looked at Lin Shan who was walking towards them.

Lin Shan walked in front of them and stopped. From a God's perspective, it was difficult to find that the IQ of these two pseudo-humans had already crushed other people of the same race.

The plan to burn the forest should also have come from these two people.

Any race has geniuses and fools, even if this race is defined as a race with genetic defects.



Two whispers came into Lin Shan's ears. They were not in any language, but Lin Shan understood the meaning.

"Hu..." Lin Shan took a deep breath and exhaled. His emotions were a bit complicated now. He didn't know how to treat this race that he used to feed the evil ants.

"Let it go. Everything has the right to live." Lin Shan said to himself.

There was still more than an hour left, so Lin Shan sat down cross-legged and told the man and woman in front of him to sit down like him.

With a good foundation, it was not difficult to make them understand.

The other pseudo-humans also followed suit and sat in circles.

"Give you two a name."

Lin Shan pointed at the female pseudo-human, "Your name is Eve."

He then pointed at the male pseudo-human, "Your name is Adam."




It was still difficult for them to understand what the name meant.

Lin Shan could only point to himself, "I am the creator, the God in your mouth, you are Adam, and you are Eve."

After Lin Shan's explanation, the two vaguely understood the meaning of the name.

Adam pointed at Eve and said, "You are Eve."

Eve pointed at Adam and said, "You are Adam."

"All of these are your people. You were created by me at the same time, but your genes are better." Lin Shan said, and then he didn't care whether they could understand or not, "From now on, you two are their king and queen. You should lead them to avoid danger, reproduce, and build civilization."

Adam and Eve's eyes were blank. At this moment, there was a very strange feeling, echoing in their chests.

"Race... tribe... family." Adam was a little at a loss, and asked foolishly, "God, are they all Adam's family? But what is family?"

"Well..." Lin Shan smiled and shook his head, "Race is race, family is family, you can treat race as family now, but don't always treat race as family."

"Adam doesn't understand..." Adam's undeveloped brain was running at high speed, and in the end he still couldn't understand what Lin Shan meant.

Eve looked confused, "What happened to our family members?"

Lin Shan knew that he was asking about the dead pseudo-humans, "Because you don't have your own civilization and haven't evolved higher wisdom, you can't face powerful enemies. Those lying on the ground are dead."

"Dead?" Eve's expression became extremely sad. She could vaguely understand what "death" meant, but she couldn't understand it thoroughly. After all, she was only 40 days old. It was very good for them to achieve this level now, all thanks to the ready-made wisdom that Lin Shan had instilled in his existence.

Their future descendants will really start from scratch.

"What should I do next? How can I keep them from dying? Please teach us." Eve knelt down devoutly, and Adam knelt down after seeing this.

The pseudo-humans in the distance didn't even see what happened clearly. Seeing that the people in front of them were lying on the ground, they also imitated them.

For a while, Lin Shan was the only one sitting on the field.

Lin Shan did not feel any psychological pressure to accept the worship of his creation. This was natural. It was not an exaggeration to say that he was their god.

Lin Shan raised his voice so that the pseudo-humans around him could hear as much as possible.

"Civilization is a series of achievements created and accumulated by a racial society in its long-term development. It is the crystallization of the wisdom and creativity of intelligent creatures, including language, art, science, morality, law, religion, philosophy, social organization and technology."

Lin Shan's words are like heavenly books to them now. Although they can't understand them, all the words Lin Shan said will be remembered by them.

"Language and writing are tools for communication. It is not civilized to understand what I say. Civilization means that you can understand the words of any tribe member."

"The latter is still a little far for you. You can only explore it yourself in the future."

"Please teach us to create civilization. I want to talk to other tribesmen." Adam said piously.

Lin Shan shook his head slowly, "What you lack now is just a bridge of communication, which you need to create by yourselves. I am the God who created you. I have saved you tens of millions of years of civilization. And you, Adam and Eve, are their future kings. You two are the ones who will lead the pseudo-human race to create civilization."

In the remaining time, Lin Shan taught them what writing is. It is very difficult to create their own writing from scratch, but only with writing can it be considered the cornerstone of civilization.

Lin Shan did not teach them Chinese characters or other simpler characters of other races, but only roughly explained the meaning of characters to let them understand what characters are.

The essential meaning of Lin Shan asking them to create characters is to let them communicate and become a whole.

Whether the pseudo-human race can give birth to a real civilization as he wishes depends on the luck of these people.

If they fail, it is just a matter of re-creation for Lin Shan. With the previous experience, he can even create a real human race this time.

"God, is our race called the pseudo-human race? Is it the name God gave us?"

Eve often heard Lin Shan mention the pseudo-human race and asked the doubts in her heart.

"The full name of your race is the No. 17 pseudo-human race, which is a human race with genetic defects." Lin Shan said directly, thinking that they must not understand what genetic defects mean now.

But he didn't expect that when Lin Shan said this, Adam and Eve's eyes all lost their brightness and became dim and heavy, "Will God... abandon us?"

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