Above the gray fog

Chapter 954: Incident.

"I created you, and I definitely hope that you will go your own way and develop your own civilization. I will not abandon you, but I cannot help you too much." Lin Shan did not coax, but just spoke his mind.

There is no need to lie to the creatures he created. No matter how they develop in the future, even if they rush out of the sandbox world, they cannot remove the label he put on them.

The corners of their mouths drooped slightly, and their eyes were red. Perhaps tears were already rolling in their eyes, but they had not yet flowed out.

Adam's shoulders shrugged slightly, as if he was carrying an unspeakable heaviness.

Eve's eyes were filled with a trace of desire, longing for their gods to help them more helplessly.

"I'm leaving." Lin Shan just uttered three words lightly.

When the time came, Lin Shan directly started the transmission and appeared at the intersection of the two sandboxes.

It can be clearly seen that the two worlds are pieced together, and the vegetation on both sides is very different.

Lin Shan's sandbox world is planted with natural fruit trees, and Jixian's sandbox is full of signs of farming. All you can see are various crops.

"Lin Shan, have you sent it over?" Ji Xian sent another communication.

"Well, I didn't see the man-eating monster at the location you sent." Lin Shan replied.

"Go deeper and look for it. The location reported below is indeed there. You should investigate carefully. This monster has eaten my village in three hours. If you really can't find it, come to me. Send me the location and I will send someone to pick you up." Ji Xian gave an instruction and hung up the communication.

Compared with the man-eating monster, the war in front of us is more important.

After the war, the man-eating monster will be restored to the God's perspective and it will be easy to find it. Ji Xian is just a little worried that this monster may be the enemy's arrangement.

As for Lin Shan's safety, he really didn't think about it.

Lin Shan walked forward along the path in the middle of the field.

When Ji Xian talked about the man-eating monster, Lin Shan had already guessed it in his heart.

This land is connected to the continent where the evil ants are. Lin Shan feels... The monster that ate Ji Xian's village is likely to be an evil ant that ran over by mistake.

The paths were lined with crops like sweet potatoes, and small ditches were neatly arranged. At a glance, the vines were intertwined like green waves, undulating and surging.

At the end of the path was a village. Lin Shan could already smell a faint smell of blood from afar.

Lin Shan quickened his pace and soon came to the village that Ji Xian mentioned.

The smell of blood became stronger and stronger.

As expected.

The village was full of corpses, and their internal organs were hollowed out. There were also livestock such as cows, horses, dogs, and chickens.

Seeing this scene, Lin Shan had already figured it out in his mind. It must be the work of the evil ants.

I hope it is not the evolved evil ants, which can fight against ten thousand.

If the evil ants eat Ji Xian's 10,000 people and are not discovered, it is fine. If Ji Xian finds out that it is the work of his creation, things will be complicated...

After walking around the whole village, there was no trace of the evil ants. None of the more than 100 people in the village survived. Only a dying horse was found.

After the clue was cut off, Lin Shan was about to contact Ji Xian to ask him to send someone to pick him up, but was interrupted by a ferocious beast roar.


The roar had a fishy smell. Without looking, Lin Shan knew who was coming.

Lin Shan looked at the person coming.

Seeing the wings behind the evil ant, Lin Shan was stunned. It was really this guy. The injuries caused by the pseudo-human race made it unable to climb up, but he didn't expect... It could recover so much in just a few hours.

This recovery speed is comparable to the extraordinary with recovery ability.

Is this the gene carried by the old god's broken flesh?

Facing his own creation, Lin Shan was not afraid at all. He was its creator, and it would never attack him under any circumstances.

Sure enough.

When the evil ant saw Lin Shan, it immediately lowered its proud head, picked up the dying fat horse with its mouth, tremblingly walked to Lin Shan, put the horse down, as if wanting to honor Lin Shan, and it crawled at Lin Shan's feet.

Lin Shan saw the monster he created and had no intention of teaching it a lesson. It was its nature to eat people and commit evil. From his point of view, he could not tell good from bad.

"Stay with me. During this period, you are not allowed to attack any living creatures without my permission." Lin Shan ordered softly.

The evil ant trembled and buried its head even lower. Lin Shan's words were like a lock to it, which could lock its instincts and desires.

After the evil ant evolved, the ant features on its body were already very small, more like a small black dragon. Lin Shan went around behind it and rode on it directly.

It was quite suitable as a temporary mount.

Lin Shan sent his location to Ji Xian and asked him to send someone to pick him up.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Ji Xian did not respond.

With a bad premonition in his heart, Lin Shan still did not act rashly and continued to wait in place.

After more than ten minutes, a green light curtain popped up.

Ji Xian's deep voice came out, "Lin Shan, don't come to me. We underestimated the enemy's strength. You should find a place to hide and wait for the game to end."

"What's wrong? What happened?" Lin Shan asked.

"We underestimated the enemy's strength. The enemy is too strong. I am the main target. It will be dangerous for you to come to me. Just hide well and don't worry about other things." Ji Xian said quickly, "Other things, wait until the civilization game is over. It may only take a few months if it's fast, and a few years if it's slow."

After saying this, Ji Xian hung up the communication again.

"Ah..." Lin Shan sighed, his premonition was still so accurate.

Where should he go in a few days or even months?

Since Ji Xian told him not to participate, he would not rush forward headfirst. The only thing he could show was a few dozen evil ants.

The pseudo-human race was sent out to participate in the war just to deliver food to the enemy.

Touching the evil ants under him, a thought suddenly jumped out of Lin Shan's heart.

He silently contacted Ji Xian in his heart, and this time Ji Xian quickly connected the communication.

"What's wrong?"

"Are there any small-scale enemies? I think I can help." Lin Shan explained his intention.

"Small-scale enemies? How many people do you have?"

"Probably... less than 80." Lin Shan said.

"No, no, the smallest enemy army has 2,000 people, and the weapons and equipment are advanced. Your 80 people are just delivering food."

"My creation is a bit special, and the single strength is very strong." Lin Shan said, "and it can devour other creatures to evolve."

Lin Shan revealed that the meaning of this point was very clear. He wanted his creation to devour the enemy and evolve.

"If you have confidence, I can provide you with a location, but this is a civilization game. No matter how strong a single player is, it is impossible to reach the extraordinary level. The opponent is the best in the civilization game, and there is even an army with a single player strength close to the extraordinary. If you bury the creation, don't blame me for not reminding you." Seeing Lin Shan's insistence, Ji Xian reminded him.

"No problem."

"I sent you the location. There is a garrison of 2,000 people there. They are just ordinary human beings, but they are well-equipped. Be careful."

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