Above the gray fog

Chapter 989 Tang En and the Fox

Lin Shan, who had retreated thousands of miles away, sat in a large pit with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters.

A faint smell of burning could be smelled in the pit.

Various huge parts were scattered all over the ground.

Suddenly, an abnormal wave swept across the pit.

Lin Shan's dark pupils swept the sky,

This wave came from the space station above.

The golden spear condensed in his hand, and the dazzling golden light condensed and emitted, forming a pillar of light that shot up into the sky.

Without seeing how hard Lin Shan exerted, the spear pierced through the space and arrived in front of the space station.

No matter how many weapons were used to resist, it was useless. The space station that was hit turned into a huge fireball and fell from the sky.

Lin Shan sat there for a long time, "Is there any way to make me completely invisible?"

Parchment: [There are many ways, but most of them you can't afford. The elimination of existence by divination can prevent you from being discovered by ordinary demigods. What you need now is a device that can block technological searches. 】

"Demigods can find it, but qualitative change and breaking the first taboo can't? If you really count it, the strength of these three is about the same..." Lin Shan asked in a low voice.

Demigods only have half a fragment of authority, and they are two species from real gods. If they are only sequence 5 demigods, their strength is even worse than ordinary qualitative change.

Parchment: [In the absence of authority fragments, qualitative change and breaking the taboo can be called demigods. No matter what path you take, as long as you exceed the peak of sequence 5, you are touching the gods, and your life level will change drastically. However, creatures with authority fragments will be closer to gods. With your current ability, you can't eliminate your existence in front of them. 】

The words of the parchment relieved Lin Shan's doubts.

It turns out that from sequence 5 onwards, whether it is qualitative change or breaking the taboo, they are touching the realm of gods, and they can be called demigods. No wonder he will have such a huge improvement after breaking the taboo.

Demigod, with the word "god", the meaning is completely different.

A device that can block technology search... This is not difficult.

A pure white light flashed in Lin Shan's hand.

"Give me something that can resist the technological search of a level 7 civilization, and it must be easy to carry."

Lin Shan muttered.

The Federation is only a level 6 civilization, and it can block the search of a level 7 civilization, and it is more than enough to block the Federation's technology.

Technology search is inevitable, and for the extraordinary, there is a natural restraint. For many things, if the problem of technological search can be solved, many steps can be reduced.

The source essence is rapidly passing by in units of billions.

Level 7 civilization, Lin Shan has never seen it so far. It is normal for things in level 7 civilization to consume more source essence. With 145.3 billion units of source essence in hand, Lin Shan is not afraid of consumption.

The amount of source essence quickly dropped below 100 billion and stopped at 98 billion.

Just one technological creation consumed 47.3 billion units of source essence.

The source essence points and Eden points are about 1 billion to 1. One point in Eden can be exchanged for three sequence 5 spiritual medicines, and 300 million source essences can be exchanged for one sequence 5 spiritual medicine.

Such a lot of source essence is worth nearly fifty points in the Garden of Eden, which is more than enough to exchange for two better sequence 7 artifacts.

The artifacts are special. Lin Shan has tried it. The universal source essence cannot be exchanged for things related to the past, such as the artifacts, the relics of the past, and the knowledge of the past.

The pure white light representing the power of the source essence gradually dissipated, and an elliptical halo floated in the air. Next to the ring was a dark green card.

"What is this?" Seeing this thing, Lin Shan was a little confused.

He took out the yellow paper to identify it.

[The hermit halo produced by the cyber civilization: the wearer of this halo will disappear under various sky eyes, and it has the effect of temporarily interfering with the 'eye'. ]

"Cyber ​​civilization..." Lin Shan picked up the gray-white plastic ring with a strange expression.

The yellow paper said it was a halo, but Lin Shan didn't see where it was glowing.

After groping for a while, he found a strip-shaped groove in the corner of the ring.

Lin Shan looked at the dark green card next to him, picked up the card and stuffed it into the groove.

The moment he picked up the card, Lin Shan only felt a momentary throbbing pain in his palm, which quickly disappeared.

The dark green card was perfectly inserted into the groove, and the originally grayish-white halo began to emit a faint golden light.

After the halo was activated, a stream of information flooded into Lin Shan's mind.

Lin Shan instantly understood.

The information just now was the instruction manual of this disc.

The full name of the ring is 'Cyber ​​Hermit Halo', and the usage is also very simple, just carry it behind your head.

Lin Shan reluctantly put the glowing ring behind his head. The Cyber ​​Hermit Halo has an automatic sensing function, floating a few centimeters behind him. No matter where Lin Shan goes, it follows closely.

"Knock the electronic wooden fish, see the mecha Buddha, and practice the cyber sutra." Lin Shan suddenly thought of these words in his mind.

Is there really a civilization with a mecha Buddha?

There must be, isn't this cyber merit ring the best proof...

Federal military camp.

Edgeworth Twain, a 19-year-old boy from the Federation Benyin Star Region.

His green skin and strong body made him stand out in the local military district.

Born in a small place, he cherished the opportunity to join the army, hoping to accumulate military merits in the army to wash away his identity as a "savage", which would also make his family live a better life.

However, when he really participated in the war and encountered several large and small battles, he knew what cruelty was.

In the battles of mechas, missiles, mutants, genetic warriors, and even the extraordinary, ordinary exoskeleton logistics soldiers like him can only silently hope that he can live one more day and not become part of the battlefield meat.

Although he is only responsible for cleaning the battlefield and recycling supplies, and is a soldier with a higher survival rate in this war, hundreds of comrades have left him these days, which makes him feel scared.

It is impossible to escape from the battlefield. Not to mention that all previous efforts will be in vain, the probability of escaping is almost zero. Those adults will never allow deserters to exist.

So this idea only existed in his mind for a moment, and then it was suppressed fiercely.

Fear, unable to escape, a sense of powerlessness has always surrounded his heart.

Now is the only shift break time of the day, and it is also the only time for Edgeworth Donen to relax.

A group of soldiers wearing the same uniforms lay beside Edgeworth Donen, looking up at the red moon in the sky and talking about everything.

The faint gray fog lingered not far away, tempting creatures to explore.

Edgeworth Twain stared at the red moon in the sky in a daze.

At a certain moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed by his eyes, and he tilted his head to look.

It was a fox.

Half of the fox's body was hidden in the gray fog, and the specific appearance and color could not be seen clearly. Edgeworth Twain felt that the fox was staring at him.

"Where did the fox come from?" Edgeworth Twain was alert. This was gray fog, and any species that appeared should not be underestimated.

"Fox, what fox?" His companion heard him mutter.

"Then..." Edgeworth Twain pointed to the location of the fox, and when he looked again, the fox had disappeared.

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