Above the gray fog

Chapter 990: Drive away the twins?

"You must be dazzled. The gray fog is not something that we logistics soldiers can enter. The time for exercise is over. Let's go back to the camp quickly." The soldier next to him stretched and sighed, "It's great to live another day."

Edgeworth Twain rubbed his eyes and murmured, "Maybe I've been too nervous recently."

A group of people lined up neatly along the temporarily built avenue and walked into the camp.

The camp spans thousands of kilometers, with countless regional divisions, buildings and tents everywhere, dense figures constantly shuttling back and forth, and occasionally you can hear a rumbling sound, which is the tall mecha conducting exercises and patrols.

Edgeworth Twain looked forward, but his index finger was secretly rubbing the ancient ring that suddenly appeared on his thumb.

He who has received advanced education knows what this may mean.

Opportunity, or disaster.

Edgeworth Twain's heart is eager to move, and many ideas have sprouted.

But now is not the time to explore.

The next stop was to go to the training ground of the logistics troops for a short night drill. After the night drill, they had to enter the virtual reality drill without stopping. They could not get time to wash and rest until the red moon was overhead, which was also sleep time.

Federal citizens needed very little sleep time. Night was their unique private space. They could do whatever they wanted. With the help of advanced technology, it only took less than two hours of conscious sleep to maintain daily energy.

After finishing everything, Edgeworth Twain could not wait to get into the sleeping chamber and enter his own private world.

If it was before, he would definitely choose to play games to relax, but at this moment, he just wanted to know what the ring that suddenly appeared on his hand was.

"Turn on the light." Edgeworth Twain shouted softly.

The small space that was only big enough for one person to move suddenly became bright. The surroundings were all glass-shaped materials. Several light screens floated above, showing various body data.

Edgeworth Twain took the ring off his hand and put it in the light to look at it. The gray ring looked like an ordinary old object. He wiped the ring again and again with his breath. He didn't believe that this ring was an ordinary old object.

He would rather believe that this was his opportunity. As a young man in the new era, he understood a lot of things.

"Ring, ring, you suddenly appeared in my hand. Are you here to help me?" Edgeworth Twain whispered while rubbing the ring with his hand.

The next second, a terrifying suction force surged from the ring.

Edgeworth Twain was surprised and happy, and was sucked into the ring without any resistance.

In a world full of colorful stones, Edgeworth Twain kept searching for his opportunity.

Lin Shan saw everything the child did. He couldn't understand why the child was so sure that this was an opportunity, not a disaster.

This was not a good thing for Lin Shan. His thoughts were too advanced, so it was not easy to fool him.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Lin Shan took out a transparent stone.

It was called the "Soul Crystal", a treasure on the third floor of the Zhaixing Tower, and also a game prop from a higher civilization.

The Soul Crystal showed a transparent crystal structure and emitted a soft light.

The specific effect was to bind a living being and become the destination of its soul after the living being died.

In short, it was a resurrection crystal.

This thing was too useless for Sequence 5, but for creatures below Sequence 5, it was also a small artifact.

Edgeworth Twain looked at the crystal that suddenly appeared in front of him with surprise, and he reached out to grab it without hesitation.

The moment he touched the crystal, his soul had been marked by the Soul Crystal.

Lin Shan took back the crystal and placed a mirror on the path that Edgeworth Twain had to pass.

This was the Crystal Mirror, also a game prop from the third floor of the Zhaixing Pavilion. The effect was that it allowed the user to explore the inner world, talk to his own heart, and gain enlightenment.

To prevent the child from suddenly dying, he took out the soul crystal stone and took out the crystal mirror to let him quickly enter the main line of the task without wasting time.

Get revelation, Lin Shan dare not say what the revelation of others is, but the revelation of this child of destiny must be his main line task.

Lin Shan does not understand how such a poor and ordinary child can take on the task of maintaining balance.

What is his specific task?

We can only wait and see what changes will happen later.

After he came out of the crystal mirror, Lin Shan threw him out.

Lin Shan first took a look at the still sleeping star dragon cub, and then entered the seventh floor of the Star Picking Pavilion to check the boxes that had not been opened yet.

Outside world.

Edgeworth Twain no longer had the heart to play virtual games.

Clutching the ring, he fell asleep with expectation.

[Hello, Mr. Edgeworth Twain, it's time for morning exercise. ]

Edgeworth Twain didn't wake up until the mechanical female voice sounded in his ears.

In the following days, Edgeworth Twain was full of expectations every night, but he was always disappointed.

He never entered that strange world full of stones of various colors again.

Until one day a month later.

The army horn sounded.

Edgeworth Twain recalled the fear of being dominated by war.

Tens of millions of technological troops, with a small number of extraordinary people, marched for most of the day and stopped somewhere in a gray foggy area.

From a distance, huge flying boats could be seen floating in the sky, facing the mecha troops. The two sides seemed to be talking, but Edgeworth Twain could not hear anything.

It seemed that the talks had broken down, and hard flying swords shot out from the flying boats, and all the mechas that were scratched were missing arms and legs.

The missiles behind the mechas flew out, and all the flying boats that were hit were not spared.

The war was about to break out.

The sky and the earth were gradually filled with enemies.

The federal high-energy weapons carried by the large space station were constantly charging and firing, and each shot would bring destruction to the land within a radius of thousands of kilometers.

The golden giant sword on the opposite side was also slashing wildly, and each sword took away a large number of lives.

In such an intensive battle, large-scale attacks would inevitably affect teammates. Both sides were cautiously using large-scale attacks, waiting to turn the situation around when they were at a disadvantage.

The battle line gradually expanded to tens of thousands of kilometers, and neither side gained any benefit. However, most of the sacrifices of the Federation were machine warriors and some unmanned drones, and there were very few real people.

The puppets fighting on the flying boat were also some wooden puppets.

Earth-shaking shocks were heard from time to time, and the masters of both sides stared at each other, and no one took action.

At this moment, the grassroots forces of the two civilizations were fighting.

The high-order extraordinary and high-level gene warriors did not dare to take action easily. No matter which side was defeated, the consequences would be huge.

As the battle circle gradually became stalemate, flying swords would occasionally penetrate the heavy defenses and harvest the lives of the logistics department in the rear.

Edgeworth Tangen looked at his colleagues who fell one by one, fearful and angry.

They stood here, unable to do anything, as if they could only wait for the flying swords to cut off their heads and pierce their hearts.

Edgeworth Tangen clenched his fists.

He didn't understand why there was a war, nor did he understand why the leaders of the troops watched the soldiers around them being ruthlessly slaughtered.

It was obvious that a battle between two masters could determine the superiority, so why did they involve so many soldiers?

"There are limited high-order creatures, and unlimited low-order creatures. In the absence of accidents, the ones who can really decide the outcome of a war are actually the grassroots creatures, that is, you."

"They are all testing, testing the grassroots forces in the other civilization that can determine the outcome of the war. Now you are just testing tools. The real galaxy war is ten thousand or a hundred million times the current scale, and the battle line stretches for several light years. No matter how many high-order extraordinary people there are, they can't fill this long flesh and blood hole." The ring emitted a faint light, and an ethereal voice came into Edgeworth Twain's ears.

"If you have the power, what do you want to do?"

"I will drive away these invaders and end this cruel war." Edgeworth Twain said without hesitation that even he himself couldn't believe it.

"Drive away the twins?"


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