Above the gray fog

Chapter 998: Dragon Falling Land

Five years later.

"Conductor, the train is about to enter an unknown galaxy. Please prepare yourself." Lin Shan, who was obsessed with qualitative change, was awakened by Weier.

After five years of precipitation, the black lines on Lin Shan's face have disappeared, and the black flames on his body have become barely noticeable.

Jiu Qi got out of the Zhulong ring. She also discovered the changes in Lin Shan in the past five years. The worry in her eyes not only did not dissipate, but became stronger and stronger.

The black flames on Lin Shan's body dissipated, which did not mean that these resentments also disappeared, but were completely integrated by Lin Shan.

"You should find a native race to collect faith and slowly clear the resentment in your body." Jiu Qi looked at Lin Shan and said seriously.

Resentment will not dissipate with the passage of time. If it is not actively cleared, it will always entangle the host, and the more it is entangled, the deeper it will be. Jiu Qi knows that the only way to clear resentment is the power of faith. In fact, it is difficult to find a second method in the entire gray fog universe.

"Where can I find so much faith power now?" Lin Shan directly rejected Jiu Qi's proposal. He was now fully focused on the star map given by the parchment.

Two purple light spots, more than ten blue light spots, countless green and white light spots.

Lin Shan didn't want to get involved below the blue light spots, the benefits were too low.

"Turn around and go this way." Lin Shan pointed to the purple light spot closest to him.

"Got it."

The Weir train turned into a slender silver light and shuttled through the dark universe. Even without the use of starlight traction, the speed of the Weir train can be maintained at 10,000 times the speed of light, and it can travel 27 light years per day on average.

As the train gradually broke through the galaxy border, more and more lights representing stars flashed densely.

Lin Shan sat in a seat by the side, thinking about how to move in this unknown galaxy.

In addition to the human circle and Gemini next to the Federation, Lin Shan didn't know which other galaxies were also next to the Federation.

Somehow, Lin Shan suddenly wanted to go back to the human circle to see how the human race was developing and whether it had encountered any bottlenecks in development.

Lin Shan shook his head and threw these thoughts out of his mind. He was about to die, so he should think about his own affairs first.

After using the feather pen continuously, he still had 2012 years of life left.

He was getting further and further away from his target life of 100,000 years. He really didn't know when it would end. Thinking of this, a burst of anger suddenly rushed out of his heart.

In his eyes, the black flames that almost condensed into substance flashed and disappeared.

After three months of rushing, the journey was smooth all the way. The main reason was that the Weir train was too fast and no one could intercept it.

There was one thing that Lin Shan was very confused about. The Weir train was a technological creation of the 7th level civilization, and its speed should have reached the level of the 7th level civilization. Why didn't it enter the scale 3 sky prison to sail?

Lin Shan never kept questions in his mind, and immediately looked at the standing ship girl and asked her doubts.

"Scale 4 Void Prison represents the normal old universe. Scale 4 Void Prison can accommodate all levels of civilization. Not to mention level 7 civilization, even level 8 civilization, the normal living area is still scale 4 Void Prison. Scale 4 Void Prison below represents unconventional universe, which is special and difficult to develop." Weier gave a natural answer.

"So that's it..." Hearing this, Lin Shan nodded slightly.

He had been to Scale 3 Void Prison, where there were floating continents made of large pieces of elemental stones, which were indeed not suitable for normal creatures to live in.

Looking at the purple light spot on the parchment that was gradually getting closer, Lin Shan immediately ordered, "Reduce the speed by half."

After driving for a distance, Lin Shan ordered to reduce the speed by half again, and then reduce the speed in turn until it stopped steadily near the purple light spot.


A deafening dragon roar penetrated the train and went straight into Lin Shan's ears.

Lin Shan's expression was slightly condensed.

His mental power spread out instantly, freezing the starry sky within a radius of more than 2,000 kilometers.

"Hmph." Black flames flashed in his eyes, and Lin Shan snorted coldly.

Looking out through the window of the train, you can see a black dragon as big as a hill falling down like raindrops, and the huge dragon's eyes are full of dementia.

"Dragonborn...Dragon Land?" Lin Shan muttered to himself, and his figure disappeared from the original place, standing on the top of the train, looking at the huge gray planet in the distance.

"Alas~" Looking at the black dragons falling like raindrops around him, Jiuqi sighed long, Lin Shan's murderous intent became heavier and heavier, no matter what he encountered, he wanted to solve it through killing and violence.

If it was the previous Lin Shan, he would never be so reckless. When he first arrived in a strange place, he would at least find out the situation before taking action.

Although the ban-breaking is very strong, it is not invincible under this starry sky.

The nearby black dragons fell down like raindrops, and there were dense black dragons rushing from the black planet. The density was like ink spilled on a pure white paper, and the ink color quickly smudged the entire starry sky.

"Interesting." Lin Shan smiled, and a dazzling golden spear appeared in his hand.

In 5 years, he had completely integrated the Song of the Forest, and even the last Wangchuan had shown signs of integration. As long as he integrated Wangchuan again, he would be able to complete the qualitative change of his body.

"Wait... wait..." Before Jiu Qi finished speaking, Lin Shan had already turned into a beam of black light mixed with golden silk threads, rushing towards the starry sky stained with "ink".

In the ink, there are constantly bright golden beams shooting out like lasers, and each beam can clear all the dragons in the area, leaving no flesh and blood.

Under Lin Shan's slaughter

The strands of resentment turned into black fog, covering the sky above the planet, even blocking the light from the distant stars.

In the center of the black fog, all the black fog was scrambling to squeeze into Lin Shan's body.

Not only did Lin Shan not feel any discomfort, but he felt unusually comfortable. His slightly confused consciousness in the fight gradually became clear in the process of absorbing resentment.

Seeing that Lin Shan had been doing his own thing, Jiu Qi could only give up his dissuasion and silently pray that Lin Shan would not be swallowed by resentment.

"There are only so few creatures on such a big planet?" After absorbing all the black fog, Lin Shan was a little unsatisfied.

These black dragons are pseudo-transcendents between ordinary spirits and extraordinary spirits, but because of their super physical fitness, if they really fight, less than ten black dragons may be able to suppress ordinary extraordinary spirits.

Licking his lips, Lin Shan looked at the parchment. The purple light dot marked on the paper was on this planet.

"The game is over. It's time to get down to business."

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