Above the gray fog

Chapter 999 Dragonborn

The planet looks like a big iron ball from above.

Lin Shan landed on the ground and discovered that his hunch was right again. The planet was an iron ball.

Divination now seems to have some passive prediction effects.

The fine iron sand is blown by the strong wind like a sharp blade, and ordinary flesh and blood bodies will only end up being chopped into pieces here.

It is not that there is no life on this planet, on the contrary, iron trees, iron grass, and even animals have bodies of steel.

Lin Shan's soul power directly penetrated the surface of these creatures and found that the bodies of these creatures were not steel, but real flesh and blood. However, the color of the blood tended to be dark gray.

The thin layer of steel skin on the outside should be to resist the iron sand wind that often blows on this planet. This is the evolution of living things. No matter how cruel the environment is, it cannot stop the determination of living things to continue.

Lin Shan saw a wolf-like creature not far away, using its claws to dig into the iron sand on the ground. After digging half a foot deep, a creature with arms as thick as an earthworm was dug out. The iron wolf used its mouth to dig out the iron sand. Bite the earthworm, suck it in, and swallow it.

After the wolf was full, it glanced at Lin Shan. Its steel-like skin made it look much bigger than an ordinary wolf.

After just staring for a few seconds, the wolf suddenly whined and ran away with its tail between its legs.

Lin Shan didn't care about this ordinary creature and didn't even bother to kill it.

He looked at the tribe hundreds of kilometers away, gathering on the iron sand.

The entire tribe is also an ordinary creature, but it can be clearly seen that these are dragonborn. Their overall appearance is no different from that of humanoid creatures, except that their skin is iron-colored, there is a circle of black dragon scales on their wrists, and there is a With its horns bent backwards, its individual strength even surpassed those of the large dragonborn he had just killed.

From the perspective of ordinary creatures, these dragonborns contain explosive power in their small bodies.

At the entrance of the settlement, there are many large flying dragonborn tied to huge iron chains. These should be their mounts.

Lin Shan disappeared from the place and appeared inside the settlement.

People here turned a blind eye to him.


Manyuan Settlement is an inconspicuous settlement on Spade Planet.

There are hundreds of intermediate dragonborn living here. Their ancestors have lived here for generations, and their lifestyles are similar. They do not have the word "hardship" in their minds, and they do not feel that they are living a hard life on this desolate planet.

This is the difference in genes. Even if a virtual reality game cabin is moved here from the Federation, these dragonborn will not be interested. In their opinion, playing games is not as comfortable as running on the desolate desert.

Darnell Amy is one of the few young dragonborns in the settlement. According to tradition, he and the old hunters of the settlement will pay tribute to the higher settlement tomorrow.

In front of him was a house made of fired hardened iron sand. Darnell Amy stood outside the door and knocked gently, "Chief, can I come in."

A steady voice came from the room, "It's little Amy, come in quickly."

Hearing this, Darnell Amy carefully opened the door and looked at the two elderly dragonborn in the room. Their strong figures were a bit restrained.

"Little Amy, don't be so formal, come and sit down." The elderly dragonborn with gray skin greeted at the table.

"Amy, did you encounter any problems?" Another elderly dragonborn asked.

"Grandfather two chiefs... tomorrow's tribute... I may not be able to go." Darnell Amy hesitated to explain the purpose of his visit.

"Oh? What's the reason?" The elderly dragonborn sitting on the main seat frowned slightly, and his words were somewhat unhappy.

"I seem to be sick." Darnell Amy explained the truth.

"Camillar's iron melting syndrome?" The expression on the elderly dragonborn's face changed.

Camilla Iron Meltosis is the most common disease here, and it is also the most dangerous disease. Once you get this disease, it is basically hopeless.

"No, it's not Camilla's iron melting syndrome." Darnell Amy waved his hands repeatedly. He didn't want to be regarded as a dying person.

The elderly dragonborn breathed a sigh of relief, "Tell me about your illness, and I'll see if it's recorded in the disease spectrum."

As dragonborn, they rarely get sick. Once they do get sick, they are often difficult to cure. After long-term development, the complications and treatment methods of these difficult and complicated diseases are also regarded as important inheritance and are regarded as important inheritance. Recorded.

"I've been having hallucinations lately, and my body is always shaking involuntarily." Darnell Amy recalled, "I can often see a black figure, and he seems to be staring at me. Every time I have hallucinations, my body There will be strong tremors.”

The elderly dragonborn took out an iron book from the drawer, which was densely engraved with rustling symbols. After turning a few pages, the elderly dragonborn asked with some uncertainty, "Hallucination? Did you eat iron by mistake?" Festival insect?"

"No, no, I'm not a child. How could I eat something like that?" Darnell Amy shook his head repeatedly. Only children would accidentally eat iron knot insects due to gluttony. He is a young dragonborn, how could he even do this? I don’t know any common sense.

The elderly dragonborn looked at the top of Darnell Amy's head and asked doubtfully, "There is no iron mushroom growing on the head, and there are no signs of softening in the horns... Could this be a new disease of yours?"

"Are you sure you can see it?"


"Okay, I'll record it briefly, because your case is an exception. I can't be sure whether it is a new disease. If the same symptoms appear again in the settlement in the future, it will prove the threat of this new disease. You go out first. Remember, don't tell the outside world that you are sick. It is not certain whether the disease will spread. You don't have to participate in the tribute tomorrow. I will arrange treatment for you."

"Chief Grandpa, is there any hope for me?" Daniel Amy looked bitter. As everyone knows, any disease that occurs to a dragonborn can be fatal.

"I don't know either. Let's see the situation tomorrow." The old dragonborn was also a little worried. If it was just an ordinary new disease, it would be fine. If it was an infectious disease, it would be a disaster for the entire settlement, but it was impossible to give up a young dragonborn because of a possibility.

Before Daniel Amy left, the old dragonborn specifically instructed, "Don't get close to other dragonborns during this period."

After leaving the chief's house, Daniel Amy carefully avoided other dragonborns passing by, and even did not take the initiative to greet the woman he had always secretly liked.

Hiding all the way, he returned to his own iron house.

Lying on the bumpy bed woven with iron grass, Daniel Amy seemed a little confused, muttering, "It must not be an infectious disease, it must not be an infectious disease."

After that, he opened the bed and took out the iron box hidden in the corner.

"I agree with your request, please help me, I don't want to get sick, I don't want to spread the disease to other dragons."

The box was opened, and a creature only the size of a thumb sat in the box.

"Think it through? I said a long time ago that you are born with extraordinary luck and have your own mission. Don't live in this small settlement. You should find your own way." The little creature stretched and glanced at Daniel Amy, "You just said symptoms, what disease do you have?"

Suddenly, the little creature looked at the corner of the room.

Lin Shan looked at it with expressionless face.

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