Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 14: Jinluan Underground Trade Fair

Just as Wang Lu was returning to the inner city, a voice called him.

The three words "foundation building pill" forced him to stop. Now he was thinking about how to get a foundation building pill. How could he stop?

Wang Lu looked at this shrewd man calmly and said, "I don't know what you mean by that?"

"I am Xiong Canzhi. I work for Master Chen Yang, one of the three great masters of the Fantasy Sect. Now there is an opportunity that requires the ninth level of Qi Refining."

"The master is the son of Chen Zhu, the deputy head of the Fantasy Sect. If the matter is successful, I can promise you a foundation building pill."

After saying that, Xiong Canzhi folded his hands, looking like he didn't believe you and didn't agree.

After hearing this, Wang Lu didn't answer him immediately. He thought things wouldn't be that simple.

The Fantasy Sect is a hot large sect in the southern part of the Western Desert. It is one of the seven sects of the two righteous and evil paths in the southern part of the Western Desert.

The son of the deputy head has a high status, and even some powerful elders in the sect have to give him some face.

How could such a big sect and such a person of such status need a ninth-level Qi Refining Master to work for him, and also offer the Foundation Building Pill that everyone is fighting for? Just thinking about it makes me feel weird and abnormal.

Wang Lu replied: "Thank you for your kindness, but can you tell me what the matter is and what you need me to do?"

Xiong Canzhi smiled and said: "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss it, you will miss it. I can tell you that although there are more than one person on the mission, the young master has prepared twelve Foundation Building Pills for you. I can't tell you anything else, unless you are willing to join the young master's team. As the saying goes, wealth and honor are sought in danger, and the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road. Please think carefully. This is my communication talisman. The mission will start in half a year. If you change your mind, you can send a message to me."

As Xiong Canzhi left, Wang Lu returned to the inner city, put on a cloak that concealed his breath, and came to an inconspicuous bungalow.

Wang Lu knocked on the door several times rhythmically and waited for ten breaths. A lean man in the middle stage of Qi Refining opened the door and said to him, "Please verify your identity, fellow Taoist."

Wang Lu took out a delicate token with an unknown material carved on it that his master had given him before his death and gave it to the other party. The man made a magic gesture and tapped on the token, and a lifelike phantom of the Golden Throne appeared on the token.

The man nodded slightly, returned the token, and respectfully asked Wang Lu to follow him in.

Behind the door was a pond of more than one acre. The lush lotus in the pond was in full bloom. A small pavilion with four corners stood in the middle of the pond, with a wooden bridge on each side.

The two walked onto the wooden bridge and came to the middle of the pavilion. The man stretched out his hand and pressed the left eye of a tiger carved on one of the pavilion pillars.

"Click", "click" sounds were heard, and a tunnel entrance slowly opened in the middle of the pavilion.

They walked down the tunnel for two meters, and the terrain gradually became flat. After walking another five meters forward, the man made a "please" to Wang Lu behind him.

Wang Lu took out the token, input the magic power, and a golden light circle rose and surrounded him. He was immersed in the stone wall in front of him like water.

The man looked at Wang Lu's disappearing figure, and envy could not help but welled up in his eyes.

Wang Lu came to a stone room with a radius of about ten meters.

The stone room was square, with six rows of seats, six seats in each row, and at this time, there were a dozen people sitting scattered on the seats.

Seeing someone coming, they looked at him, the newcomer, with different expressions.

In front of the stone room, a platform slightly higher than the ground was placed with an auction table seven feet wide and two feet long, but there was no one behind the auction table.

Wang Lu ignored the gazes of others, and found a seat in the back row with a wooden expression, secretly looking at the underground trading place called Jinluan that his master mentioned to him.

In the Jinluan Field, an underground transaction is held every ten years. Because it involves everyone's privacy, almost everyone present wears a cloak or mask that can block the divine sense to hide from others.

As for the organizer of the Jinluan Field, according to the master, it was initiated by the most mysterious and all-powerful Yinluanxuan organization in the world of immortal cultivation.

At the same time, people who come to participate in the underground transaction, regardless of their identity and status, must abide by the rules of the Jinluan Field, otherwise they will be killed on the spot. There have been many bloody facts that prove the fate of those who do not abide by the rules.

In the underground transaction of the Jinluan Field, as long as the transaction is successful, the organizer will take a 5% commission from it. They can not only ensure the safety of the cultivators here, but also ensure that when they leave this room, the Jinluan Order on their bodies will randomly teleport everyone to the inner city a hundred miles away from the transaction place, which is extremely safe.

Two hours later, more than ten people came one after another.

Everyone present had a different aura. Some were full of murderous aura, some were menacing, some were ghostly, some were dark, some were amazing, and so on. They were all masters.

With a "dang" sound, everyone's heart trembled.

The stone wall in front of them opened, and an old man with gray hair and beard came out wearing a golden mask.

"Only tokens are recognized, not people. Those who violate the rules of this place will be killed on the spot. The transaction begins."

The old man said nothing, and his low voice echoed around the stone room.

However, Wang Lu felt that the old man seemed to look at him intentionally or unintentionally.

"Old rules, starting from this association, I will throw out a brick to attract jade."

After the old man finished speaking, he pulled a storage bag from his waist and took out three samples and placed them on the auction table.

With a "hiss", seeing these three samples, the other twenty or so people were surprised at the same time.

Wang Lu looked at the three treasures without knowing why: an orange-red spirit flower, a clump of light green flames, and an unknown piece of metal that was about a foot long and glowing with red light.

"I want that Tian Xin Orchid. How can I exchange it for it?"

A man wearing a snake mask stood up.

"How much is that green light flame worth?"

A middle-aged man in a black cloak asked in a deep voice.

"It turns out to be Tian Xinlan. No matter what the cost, I will bring it back."

A man in a scar mask is rich and powerful.

At the same time, the words "Tian Xin Lan" and "Green Light Flame" came one after another in the room, but no one mentioned the unknown piece of metal.

Seeing so many people wanting Tian Xin Lan and Lu Qian Yan, the old man couldn't help stroking his beard and said with a smile: "Everyone knows the rules. It's not who has the final say. Tian Xin Lan will be exchanged for a spiritual crystal. As for Lu Qian Yan, he will take out ten bottles of ten thousand yuan." Nian Ling Ru, take it away directly."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the trading place suddenly became quiet, and you could hear a needle drop.

"Excuse me, friend, are there any other spiritual materials available?"

A woman covered with a piece of green gauze sitting on the side of the fifth row said.

"After such a long time, no fellow Taoist has spoken. It seems that we can only settle for the next best thing. Tian Xinlan uses spirit stones to bid, but the spirit stones must be of the highest quality. Green Qian Yan's condition remains unchanged."

The old man finished speaking.

"Five hundred top-quality spiritual stones!" The snake man shouted.

"Hmph, I want to get Tian Xin Lan for five hundred top-quality spiritual stones. I wish I could get six hundred." The scarred man said.

"one thousand."

"One thousand and five."

"Five thousand."

"Ten thousand."

As the two quoted prices, the prices fluctuated one after another and were shouted out by the cultivators present.

"Fifty thousand top-quality spiritual stones!"

A loud roar echoed in the stone room, instantly shocking everyone. They couldn't help but turn their heads to look at the man in the middle seat wearing a sparrow mask.

"Fifty thousand once, fifty thousand twice, fifty thousand three times! Congratulations to this fellow Taoist for obtaining the Tianxin Orchid, which is said to be one of the top ten rare flowers that can solve the mystery of the soul."

"What, it's comparable to the top ten strange flowers. I'll give you 80,000 top-quality spiritual stones."

A monk wearing a tiger head mask stood up with a roar and was about to move forward to snatch it.


A cold snort came out of the old Jinluan's nose, and the tiger-faced monk suddenly woke up and sat down immediately, with cold sweat breaking out on his face.

"Treasures belong to those who are destined to live in them. If you don't develop a pair of piercing eyes, you can't blame others. It won't happen again."

The old man's eyes were like arrows, as if he wanted to see through his mask, and he said coldly.

Although some people here realized it later and regretted it, the old man's words forced them to follow the rules. However, many people were secretly sizing up the man in the sparrow mask, waiting for the transaction to end to see if they would be the last one. That destined person.

Next, the woman wearing a green gauze painfully took out ten bottles of ten thousand years of spiritual milk and exchanged it for the green light flame.

It is a relatively rare kind of spiritual flame that even old monsters in the transformation stage are extremely excited about. As long as it is warmed and cultivated properly, there is a slight chance that it will transform into the green fairy flame, one of the top ten famous fairy flames in the world of immortality.

No one asked about the red glowing metal block.

However, everyone here is a hard-working person in the world of cultivating immortals. Don’t you understand that the first two spiritual materials are so precious, and the third one is bound to be even more precious. It’s just that everyone is waiting for what Old Jin Luan will say.

Sure enough, the old man seemed to know what everyone was thinking, and said: "This unknown piece of metal, according to the divination of our experts, should be a magic formula recorded on it. As for how to open it, this sect has gone through tens of thousands of years." I still haven’t found the answer to my research, so I’ll exchange it now. The exchange condition is a piece of heaven-level top-level martial arts, or a piece of heaven-level top-level magical power.”

Everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air when they heard the four words "high grade of heaven". The skills were divided into four levels: Xuan, Huang, Earth and Tian. Xuan was the lowest and Tian was the highest.

Each level is divided into four levels: lower grade, middle grade, upper grade and top grade.

Only super sects have the highest level of heaven-level techniques. As for top-level sects, even many large sects don’t have them.

Someone here may be a member of a super sect who has practiced similar skills, but it is impossible to exchange them for a skill of unknown level and how to activate it, let alone betrayal. For the master to show his own martial arts, this is an absolute betrayal to deceive the master and destroy the ancestors, and to be treasonous.

After a while, seeing that no one mentioned the metal, the old man Jinluan put it away and said: "Now, please fellow Taoists who need to exchange, come on stage one by one."

The first person to take the stage was the woman who had obtained the green light flame. She took out an ancient flying treasure, which was as exquisite as a sampan boat, and exchanged it for five bottles of Broken Infant Pill.

A stocky male cultivator wearing a turtle-shaped mask reached a deal with her, and the woman also paid two thousand high-grade spiritual stones to the old man Jinluan.

As soon as the deal was completed, she couldn't wait to leave.

Upon seeing this, the male cultivator in the sparrow mask gave up the subsequent transaction and left in a hurry like the female cultivator.

The trade fair is in full swing.

During this period, Wang Lu took advantage of the departure of several of them and quietly left the Jinluan Underground Trade Fair.

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