Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 15 The Song Family Father and Son

Wang Lu was teleported to an uninhabited dilapidated house in the outer city. There was nothing else in the room except a wooden table. He opened the door and walked out.

Jade City is divided into two parts: inner and outer cities. The outer city is more deserted than the inner city, but it is still crowded.

The inner city mainly contains some medium-sized sects from the southern part of the Western Desert, while the outer city is scattered with some small sects.

He found a small inn called "Xiankeju" to stay, and casually set up a simple defensive array for defense and early warning purposes.

After the Jinluan Underground Trade Fair, his mood could not be calm for a long time. He could clearly feel that almost everyone sitting there had a cultivation level far higher than that of his master. Especially the old man Jinluan who hosted the trade fair, his aura was even more intense. It was unfathomable, and when the old man Jinluan mentioned Tian Xinlan at the end, it was as if he was explaining to him intentionally or unintentionally.

He could only sit in the back row and look at the treasures one by one to gain some insight. Even if he lost all his money, he could not afford to buy each treasure, let alone exchange it for something.

Especially spiritual stones. He had never heard of any spiritual crystals, top-grade spiritual stones, top-grade spiritual stones, and even mid-grade spiritual stones. He was worried about how to get them. It made his heart jump up and down. Those people were simply too rich, as rich as the enemy.

When he left, the random teleportation of Jinluan Club also opened his eyes and was incredible.

It shows that the Jinluan Society is an invisible force in the world of immortality. I don’t know how the master obtained this Golden Luan Order?

This Jinluan Underground Fair was small in size, but far superior to ordinary auctions. The various types of immortal cultivators inside made him feel that the world of immortal cultivation was treacherous, and he had to walk on thin ice and be cautious in his words and deeds.

Wang Lu meditated all night and walked out of the inn early the next morning.

If he decides to take part in the mission, he must be prepared.

Now he lacks a magic weapon that he can use. He needs to start refining it while the mission is still half a year away, otherwise he will be extremely disadvantaged in the battle with others. With the magic weapon in front, the talisman will become his magic weapon to win unexpectedly.

He came to a shop opened by a father and son in the outer city. The father and son were also well-known in the outer city of Yushan for their weapon refining skills. They once became famous for refining a medium-grade spiritual weapon.

He almost burst into laughter when he looked at the weapon-refining shop called "Somewhat Interesting".

Wang Lu walked in. A young man, about twenty years old, with a handsome face and clear eyebrows, was lying on the counter lazily playing with a small lingmu branch in his hand.

The three waiters were eloquently greeting the three customers in the store who were in the middle and late stages of Qi refining.

Wang Lu looked at the flying swords and various other magical weapons along the counter of the bunk, but he was not moved.

When he came to the counter, the young man raised his head and glanced at him casually, and said, "Fellow Taoist, you can take a look at it as you like. We don't negotiate the price. Just pay for whatever you like."

After saying that, he was so angry that he didn't look at him again.

Wang Lu smiled and said, "I think Taoist friend's shop should be renamed to something more appropriate?"

"What do you mean? Dad chose it personally. I still need his permission to change the name. Is it just a matter of changing the name? It's too childish."

The young man scratched his head and said.

"I think it's still called, it's too boring. Is this a nicer name?"

When Wang Lu heard what the young man said, he felt that he was really interesting and couldn't help but smile.

"You...you...I know, you are here to cause trouble on purpose."

The man jumped up suddenly, pointed at Wang Lu and cursed.

"Haha, Song Fengyu, please stop pretending and take out the treasures from your store, right?" Wang Lu smiled calmly.

"What a treasure, oh, I remembered it. When dad left some time ago, he took away some magic weapons, saying that he wanted me to stay at home. Haha, this period of time is indeed more comfortable, and there is no need to refine weapons. You can also sleep in every day, um, not bad.”

Song Fengyu nodded while talking to himself.

Suddenly his voice changed and he sounded like he was about to cry: "Oh no, dad is coming back today. It's over. The good days are over. I can't just do whatever I want. Ouch, I have to hurry up. Hide my little bird, otherwise he will roast it again."

Wang Lu smiled and looked at Song Fengyu who quickly ran into the back hall, dumbfounded. It was indeed a little different as rumored.

Seeing Song Fengyu, the sense of urgency lingering in his heart for the Foundation Establishment Pill was no longer so heavy.

When he was idle, he brought a bamboo chair and sat next to the guests. He took out the green bud tea from the storage bag, brewed a pot, and waited for Song Fengyu's father, Song Mingtang, to come back.

After more than an hour, Song Fengyu, who looked unhappy, walked out of the back hall. When he saw Wang Lu drinking tea, his eyes lit up and he ran over. Without saying a word, he took out a cup, poured it for himself, and drank it all in one gulp. .

"Oh, it tastes really good. Taoist friend, what kind of tea is this? It tastes better than my father's."

Song Fengyu poured himself another cup of tea and wiped the tea around his mouth with his sleeve and said with a smile.

"What's the matter? Brother Feng Yu is still thinking about my spiritual tea. Then I have to exchange it with a good magic weapon."

Wang Lu said half-jokingly.

"Brother Dao, don't be stingy. What do you think of this Fire Feather Fan? My father gave it to me on my nineteenth birthday last year. I have long wanted to throw it away. Every time I refine weapons with him and the fire is not enough, let me It’s annoying to be slapped here and there.”

With that said, he handed the fire feather fan to Wang Lu.

The fire feather fan that glowed red was actually a top-quality magic weapon.

According to Song Fengyu, once the fan is out, blazing fire will fill the sky. The blazing fire is not ordinary fire, but the three-yang fire with a trace of the true spirit of the three-legged golden crow, which has great lethality.

Wang Lu really wanted to get this fire feather fan. After thinking about it, since it was a birthday gift from Song Mingtang to his own child, he must not take it away from others, even if Song Fengyu said it was so magical.

He returned it to Song Fengyu casually and said jokingly: "This fire feather fan is not worth a few spirit stones. I still have some Cuiya spirit tea here. You must cherish it and drink it."

"Nonsense, my fire feather fan is a top-grade magic weapon. It is enough even in the foundation-building period. I must ask for an explanation. Since I accepted your spirit tea, you must keep this stinky fan. Haha, good, I can finally throw you away."

Song Fengyu said happily.

"Hmph, if you keep talking nonsense there, I'll break your legs!"

Just when Wang Lu had no way to deal with Song Fengyu, a domineering and furious voice came from the door.

A middle-aged man with a dark face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, more than six feet tall, walked in.

"Dad...you...ah...you're back..."

When Song Fengyu saw Song Mingtang, he was like a mouse seeing a cat. He hid behind Wang Lu and said timidly.

Song Mingtang saw that the three waiters stood still respectfully and said, "You guys are busy."

Then he said to Wang Lu, "Young friend, you are here to buy magic tools, let's talk in the back hall."

Song Fengyu secretly took back the fire feather fan from Wang Lu.

"Since the senior asked, how can Wang Lu not obey." Wang Lu clasped his fists.

Song Fengyu and Wang Lu are both in the late stage of Qi Refining. He is in the seventh level of Qi Refining, and Song Mingtang must be in the foundation building stage.

Song Fengyu followed Wang Lu, and the three of them came to a living room in the back hall.

Song Mingtang asked Wang Lu to sit down and glanced at Song Fengyu. Song Fengyu stood beside him timidly like a wronged child.

"My son is like this. He always loves to make trouble. This time when I went out, I was worried that he would ignore the store's affairs and give away all the good magic tools in our store. So I took away most of the top-grade magic tools. I wonder if these magic tools are worthy of your attention."

Song Mingtang took out a yellow sword, a blue bow, three black arrows, a white round bead, a red hammer, a pair of silver boots and other magic tools. Each magic tool exuded a different color of brilliant spiritual light.

When Song Fengyu came out of the back hall earlier, he came to the outside of the store and clearly saw the scene where Wang Lu gave Song Fengyu spiritual tea but did not take the opportunity to take the fire feather fan. He couldn't help but think: There are not many young people in the world of immortal cultivation who still maintain integrity.

So he took out several magic tools that he was most satisfied with in recent years for Wang Lu to choose. Among them, he was reluctant to sell two of them, and planned to leave them to Song Fengyu. It depends on whether Wang Lu has the vision.

"I know, I know, the square inch boots are made of lark rabbit skin, hundred-year-old silver jade and several other auxiliary materials. After wearing them, you can jump three feet like a lark rabbit and move at a small speed. I want to wear them. After wearing them, my father can't catch up with me, hahahaha..."

When Song Mingtang took out the square inch boots, Song Fengyu couldn't help but say it with his eyes shining, and then he hugged it in his arms, looking very satisfied.

Seeing this, Wang Lu and Song Mingtang were completely stunned. When they saw Song Fengyu laughing and taking off his shoes and about to put them on his feet, they said: "Damn thing, put it down, you want to piss me off to death!"

A loud shout came out from Song Mingtang's mouth.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah..."

Caught off guard, Song Fengyu ran out like a frightened rabbit, dropping his square-inch boots.

"Don't worry, my friend. Alas, his mother died early and I failed to discipline him."

Song Mingtang sighed.

Wang Lu noticed that when Song Mingtang talked about his wife, a trace of heart-wrenching sadness flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

And then, he thought of his parents, are you all right?

Song Mingtang introduced the magic tools to Wang Lu one by one.

After speaking, Wang Lu took a fancy to the square-inch boots and the red hammer.

Song Mingtang named the red hammer Crazy Hammer.

The Crazy Hammer is made of thousand-year-old red stone and deep-sea thousand-year-old fire jade. When it is hammered down, it is like a small mountain falling from the sky, with great power.

The square-inch boots are auxiliary magic tools. Although they are top-grade magic tools, they are more expensive than ordinary top-grade magic tools because of their rarity. The crazy hammer is a genuine top-grade attack magic tool, close to the category of spiritual tools, and is quite rare.

Wang Lu reluctantly paid a thousand medium-grade spiritual stones, and his storage bag was empty except for the talismans he made.

Before leaving, Song Mingtang said to Wang Lu: "If you need Song's help in the future, I will definitely help you if I can."

At this time, Song Fengyu secretly revealed half of his body and waved to Wang Lu to see him off.

Wang Lu laughed dumbly when he saw this.

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