Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 16: Jiuyue Secret Realm

Wang Lu returned to Xiankeju and casually set up a defensive formation. After using the communication talisman to explain to Xiong Canzhi that he was participating in the mission, he took out his square-inch boots and crazy hammer and started refining.

Half a year is enough time to refine a top-quality magic weapon and a high-quality magic weapon.

For the sake of his life, he still had to work hard. Some elixirs for healing, detoxifying and quickly restoring mana were indispensable. He also purchased some materials for making talismans. He planned to draw some special talisman seals for emergencies.

Two months later, Wang Lu refined the Crazy Hammer and Square-inch Boots.

Xiong Canzhi came as promised, but he didn't come alone. He was accompanied by Zuo Xiong, a master in the foundation building stage. This man looked at Wang Lu coldly and set up a forbidden formation in the room.

Xiong Canzhi explained: "Two years ago, our sect discovered a secret realm deep in Yushan. Although the sect has cracked the forbidden formation of the secret realm, only monks in the Qi Refining Stage can enter the secret realm."

"At the beginning of the crack, the Qi-refining period disciples in the sect rushed in. For several months, no one survived."

"There is a touch of fear throughout the sect, but more of it is surprise, which means that there are some long-extinct elixirs growing in this secret realm, as well as the supreme inheritance left by the ancient sect and countless opportunities. "

"One year ago, our sect once again dispatched more than 500 elite disciples in the Qi Refining Stage, including eight geniuses from the top ten on the White Tiger List, to enter the secret realm again."

"This time the whole army was not wiped out. Two people came out. One was Xu Feng, who was ninth on the White Tiger Ranking. He had wind spirit roots, but he was in madness when he came out. He passed away half a year ago; one was Xu Feng, who was ninth on the White Tiger Ranking. On the second day of Zhou Li, he was a Leilinggen monk. He is still unconscious until now, but before he fell into coma, he said seven words: Ninth Level of Qi Refining, Jiuyue Sect. "

"Immediately, we looked through ancient books and found out the origin of the Jiuyue Sect vaguely. This sect is not a sect from ancient times, but a super sect in ancient times. Its "Moving Mountains and Seas" technique is the most powerful sect in the world. The top level skills are infinitely close to the immortal level skills, and their magical power "Jiuyue Transformation" is on par with the immortal level magic power. It is said that the Jiuyue Sect was rejected by all the sects at that time because it was too defiant and wanted to unify the world of immortality. They attacked in groups and were destroyed."

Xiong Canzhi said this, glanced at Wang Lu, and continued: "This time the secret realm is opened, because the ninth level of our sect's Qi Refining is basically buried in the Jiuyue Secret Realm, so the sect leader decided to open the secret realm in the three mountains under our sect's jurisdiction in Liupi Mountain. , looking for cultivators of the ninth level of Qi Refining. Anyone who enters and comes out, regardless of whether they gain anything or not, will be rewarded with two foundation-building pills, a thousand pieces of high-grade spiritual stones, and can also become the core disciple of the inner sect of the sect. Found in the secret realm All treasures belong to individuals.”

"If your luck goes against the will of heaven, the person who obtains the "Moving Mountains and Seas Technique" or the magical power "Nine Mountains Transformation" will succeed the sect's next sect leader or treasure pavilion master. So Wang Daoyou, you don't want to go in this time. It won’t work, because anyone who knows this secret will be killed on the spot if they don’t participate.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Zuo Xiong stood up, locked his consciousness on Wang Lu, and took out a shining golden spirit sword. As long as Wang Lu said the word "no", he would not hesitate to cut him into pieces and call him a corpse. The first difference.

"Fellow Daoist Xiong and Senior Zuo, don't be nervous. If I, Wang Lu, don't participate in such a good thing, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"Although the secret realm is full of difficulties and dangers, wealth can be found in danger. If you are lucky, you may become your immediate boss in an instant. However, I have to make some preparations and plan to purchase some spiritual materials. I can't I lost my life due to lack of preparation because of my wealth. It is a small thing to lose my life, but it is a big thing to delay the important event of your sect. Can Fellow Daoist Xiong give me a few days to prepare?"

Seeing this, Wang Lu had no choice but to flatter him against his will, for fear that he would be killed on the spot if he said a wrong word.

When the two of them heard Wang Lu speak so appropriately, the tense scene immediately disappeared.

Xiong Canzhi said with a smile: "We have prepared a superior courtyard for all the fellow Taoists who have joined. As for the spiritual materials mentioned by fellow Taoists, as long as they are within a reasonable range, our sect will meet your requirements. Fellow Taoist Wang, Tianse It’s not too early, let’s set off now.”

Wang Lu felt angry in his heart. To put it nicely, it was protection, but it was just a damn imprisonment.

Xiong Canzhi couldn't help but make up his mind, and directly released a shuttle-like flying magic weapon in the courtyard of the inn. The inside of the magic weapon was roughly decorated, and the three of them sat in it and flew away through the air.

An hour later, Wang Lu followed the two of them to the outer city of Yushan.

Looking outside is the boundless Jade Mountain.

Xiong Canzhi and Zuo Xiong took Wang Lu to a hill and stopped in front of it. Wang Lu knew that he should have arrived at the so-called other courtyard. Sure enough, he used his spiritual sense to sense that there was a formation in front of him.

Xiong Canzhi quickly made a seal with his hands, and in an instant, a three-foot-wide and ten-foot-high crack opened in the middle of the formation.

Wang Lu was in the middle, and the three of them walked in one after another.

The first thing you see is a row of temporary residences made of hundreds of stone houses. The residences are covered by a huge formation.

Xiong Canzhi gave Wang Lu a jade plaque and asked him to choose a room at will for practice and rest. As for the spiritual materials and other items that need to be purchased, there will be news within a few days.

At the same time, he told him that the formation was so powerful that it could withstand the continuous attacks of the old monsters in the Nascent Soul Stage all day and night, and told him not to be clever. When the mission begins, someone will come to arrange it.

Wang Lu randomly selected a stone house, and the number of the room was immediately displayed on the jade sign, one hundred and twenty-five.

Pushing open the door and entering, he casually set up a simple forbidden formation. Now I am for fish and meat, and everyone is a swordsman, but he doesn't want the Dream Sect to see what he does.

When Wang Lu first heard about the Jiuyue Secret Realm, his mood was inevitably turbulent. The ancient times and the ancient prosperity were so magnificent, but it was also a life-and-death struggle.

He could understand the actions of the Fantasy Sect. Although they had lost most of the basic strength of the sect, it was impossible for them to return empty-handed with such a huge treasure.

How could the Fantasy Sect let it go easily? Even if they failed this time, there would be the next time next year. They would fight again and again until there was a result.

Before they got the actual benefits, how could the Fantasy Sect invite friends from all over the world to hunt for treasures together?

If so, it would not be called a treasure hunt, but purely seeking death. Who would not be jealous of the treasure that fell from the sky? If they did not operate properly, it might bring disaster to the Fantasy Sect.

Now that he was imprisoned, it at least showed that the Fantasy Sect valued it very much and would not easily leak it. Instead, Wang Lu felt a little relieved.

He decided to burn his boats and die if he failed.

A knock on the door interrupted Wang Lu from his practice. After opening the door, a mortal girl in her twenties bowed to Wang Lu and said, "Excuse me, is there anything you need to buy? I can help you complete it."

Wang Lu took out a jade slip and handed it to the girl, then went into the house to practice.

Danger is unknown, life and death are unpredictable, every second counts, and it is good to have a little more mana.

He has reached the peak of the ninth level of Qi Refining, but he still feels that there are still some acupuncture points and veins in the first picture of the "Six Talismans" that have not been broken.

Somehow, once he perfectly completes the practice instructions in the picture, his mana will undergo some inexplicable changes.

He was palpitating, but his intuition told him that once it is perfect, there will be only benefits, no harm.

At noon, the mortal girl brought him a storage bag. Wang Lu took a look and found that it was two more than the spiritual materials he needed.

He couldn't help but sigh that the wealth of the Dream Sect was also a compliment and encouragement before the war.

In the following time, Wang Lu practiced while making talismans, and did not go out a step.

The half-year deadline soon arrived.

On this day, a clear horn sounded throughout the courtyard, and hundreds of doors opened at the same time.

A huge octagonal sailboat landed on the white stone square in front of the courtyard, and three monks with unfathomable auras, one man and two women, fell from the sky.

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