Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 18: Dangers abound

All the ninth-level Qi Refining Immortal Cultivators entered, and after burning incense, the light door was completely closed.

The Baili Waterfall rushed down immediately, splashing hundreds of feet of huge waves and resounding through the clouds.

Chen Zhu and the other four came to the lobby on the second floor of Louchuan. A glistening green carpet illuminated the hall as if they were walking into a dream world. The interior of the hall was elegantly and beautifully decorated.

The four of them sat down casually, and a beautiful maid presented them with fresh spiritual fruits and spiritual tea.

The lively Fang Ling picked up a green spiritual fruit, put it on her red lips, and bit it lightly: "Two sisters, Brother Chen, how many people do you think can come out? The whole army will not be wiped out like last time, sect leader. The two old guys, He Baoge Pavilion Master, actually listened to the nonsense of this guy Xiong Canzhi, and asked us to operate secretly, while pretending to be sanctimonious in the sect, haha, I want to laugh just thinking about it. "

Chen Zhu took over the words: "Junior sister Fang, please respect your master and be more respectful. Don't be an old guy or an elder. The master of the sect master is an extremely powerful person in the divine transformation stage. Maybe he can feel it in his heart and ask you to face the wall and reflect on your mistakes after you go back. "

"But having said that, this sect has spent money this time. Just setting up the Seven-Star Inclined Moon Formation has consumed eight spiritual diamonds. You also know that the Patriarch in Tsing Yi made a divination for our sect before he left. , Three thousand years later, the sect must be prosperous. The time has come, and fate must have fallen in the secret realm of Jiuyue. Otherwise, in the past three thousand years, who in the Qingyi Patriarch's lineage would have inherited his mantle until Xiong Canzhi appeared. "

After listening to Chen Zhu's analysis, the three of them felt as if a thread of cause and effect was pulling them and the entire Dream Sect, which was indescribably magical.

"Lu Jun, who is number one on the White Tiger List, and Chen Ya'er, who is number seven, seem to have also entered the secret realm?"

Qin Xuan asked.

"Yes, the competition on the White Tiger List is very fierce, but the relationship between the ten people is not like the intrigues and intrigues among the ten of us hundreds of years ago. They compete and help each other. This is quite rare in the world of immortal cultivation. The ten talents of the ten people are Manman, three heavenly spiritual roots and seven foreign spiritual roots. The two sect masters and pavilion masters originally thought that the sign of great prosperity was in them, but they did not expect... Alas, I hope they can come back smoothly. Bar."

Zhong Yixue couldn't help but sigh.

"Chen Ya'er is the pavilion master's favorite girl. I heard that he was imprisoned by his old man not long ago. Why did she sneak out?"

Fang Ling asked.

"Girl Pianzi is as stubborn as the Pavilion Master, and she is forcing her to die. The Pavilion Master has no choice but to let her out. Well, let's not say so much. The four of us now have important responsibilities, so I ask the three junior sisters to be more considerate. , We not only need to maintain the operation of the formation at all times, but also prevent external sneak attacks. After four months, when the restriction of the secret realm is slightly weakened, we can open the light door and take them out. "

Chen Zhu cupped his fists and said to the three of them.

"I will obey the laws of my senior brother."

The three of them replied.

As soon as Wang Lu entered the light gate, he felt the world was spinning and stepped on a piece of grass.

On the grassland, everything is quiet, and you can hear a needle drop.

As soon as you see it, you can see an endless expanse of dark green sawgrass. The grass is dense and more than two feet high. The whole grassland is full of spiritual energy.

Wang Lu randomly picked a direction and moved forward cautiously. He tried to slow down as much as possible. There were still four months left for him to explore.

He understood that there must be huge dangers in the Jiuyue Secret Realm, and he couldn't think about how much he would gain. As long as he saved his life, he would be a complete victory.

An hour later, a piece of blue monk's clothing was randomly scattered on the grass. The clothing was badly damaged, as if it had been gnawed by something. There were no bones under the clothing, which should have been left by the previous two groups of monks.

Wang Lu continued to move forward more and more cautiously, when a gust of breeze blew, causing the boundless sawgrass to shake its head humanely.

This is not wind, but the breath of wind caused by the passage of something.

"Zhi", "Zhi Zhi", "Zhi Zhi Zhi"......

The rat-like voice sounded in the grass from weak to strong. Wang Lu let go of his consciousness. Thousands of two-foot-long second-level demonic beasts, the Spiny-tusked Rats, opened their teeth and claws, revealing two six-inch sharp fangs at the top and bottom. Chirps came out of the grass and screamed, gathering in a steady stream from all directions with Wang Road as the center.

Wang Lu calmly added a junior-intermediate Vajra Talisman before the danger, holding the Crazy Hammer in his hand, gathered 10% of his magic power on his feet, jumped forward, and at the same time, the Crazy Hammer hammered towards the grass five feet away.

As soon as the hammer came down, the sawgrass shattered with a sound, and grass foam swirled all over the sky. However, hundreds of spiny-toothed rats seemed to have rolled on the ground, and nothing happened.

This made Wang Lu feel numb and frightened. Fortunately, he had temporarily cleared a rat-free place.

Wang Lu kicked off the ground again, and several mutated spiny-toothed rats, as if they had grown wings, rose into the air and bit into Wang Lu fiercely.

With a "squeak" sound, a burst of sparks flashed at the bite site of the spiny-toothed rat. The force was so powerful that Wang Lu was almost knocked over in mid-air.

Seeing Wang Lu flying away, the mutated spiny-toothed mouse let out a series of harsh and urgent screams.

As soon as the cry came out, all the spiny-toothed rats screamed like crazy, and the sound spread far away. More and more spiny-toothed rats continued to emerge from the grass, converging in the direction of the escape of the king's road from all directions.

Wang Lu gritted his teeth and fought bloody battles, constantly smashing the spiny-toothed rats away.

He kept repeating the same action over and over again, until he was about to run out of mana, and the "squeaking" sound in his ears gradually decreased. Wang Lu estimated that he still had twenty or thirty miles before he died. escape.

He didn't care so much and took out a spirit storage talisman and slapped it on his body. The almost dry mana recovered by 20% in an instant. He mustered up his remaining strength and opened the way with hammer after hammer...

Finally, he escaped.

Suddenly, Wang Lu fell in a jungle with exhausted physical strength and mana.

Unconsciously, he didn't even know how he fell.

A faint mist filled the jungle, and the crisp and pleasant bird calls came, strange and quiet.

As if there was a strong sense of crisis, Wang Lu, who was in a coma, forced himself to wake up. He climbed up with difficulty, took out a primary intermediate invisibility talisman and a trap earth talisman, and slowly sank into the ground.

Fortunately, there was no restriction here, otherwise it would be dangerous.

After sinking about twenty feet, he forced himself to take out two medium-grade spirit stones and slowly meditated to recover.

Not long after Wang Lu arrived underground, a level three flash wolf came to the place where Wang Lu fell, sniffed carefully for a long time, found nothing, and then disappeared in the mist like lightning.

At the same time, various scenes were staged in various places in the secret realm.

A male cultivator was teleported to the lair of a group of blood poisonous scorpions as soon as he entered the secret realm. He was eaten up in a short while.

Five cultivators were teleported to a place with great luck. They found a ten-thousand-year-old red fruit. Before they could pick it, it was eaten by a group of crazy soul-eating ants.

A female cultivator was sent to a swamp. In danger, she activated the flying talisman. She screamed "ah" and was caught off guard by a thick tentacle and was sucked into the swamp. A few big mud bubbles appeared and then there was no sound.

A relatively famous casual cultivator in Liupi Mountain, nicknamed "Ghost Cry", practiced both magic and martial arts, and had good combat power. He became famous for killing a cultivator in the early stage of foundation building at the eighth level of Qi Refining.

After seriously injuring and killing a third-level monster, he came to a river about ten miles wide. The river water was flowing slowly with a scarlet color. On the other side of the river was a majestic and tall castle, and an arch bridge connected the two banks.

After carefully observing the induction, Guiqiu set up a defense array that he bought at a high price around him, swallowed a pill, stepped into the array, and recovered just like that.


In less than a day, six out of ten cultivators who came to the secret realm were gone.

Wang Lu woke up slowly, and after some practice, he felt that his mana was full, his whole body was filled with endless strength, and his consciousness and mana seemed to be a little stronger than a day ago.

Oh, it really corresponds to the saying that there are great dangers and great gains.

He couldn't help but smile bitterly. He almost died when he just came in. It seems that the Jiuyue Secret Realm is full of dangers.

Back on the ground, Wang Lu learned from his previous experience and used a primary intermediate invisibility talisman on himself. After a slight induction, he sneaked towards the east.

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