Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 19 Stone Butterfly Valley

For half a month, Wang Lu used the invisibility talisman to avoid waves of monsters, and was almost discovered several times.

However, what puzzled him was that he did not encounter a monster in the Jindan stage.

Monsters are generally divided into ten levels. Levels one and two are equivalent to the Qi Refining Stage, levels three and four are the Foundation Building Stage, levels five and six are the Jindan Stage, levels seven and eight are the Nascent Soul Stage, and level nine and ten monsters are called Heavenly Demons, which are comparable to the top powerhouses of the human race in the God Transformation Stage. They can transform into humans and it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

There are also some strange insects and beasts that do not belong to this range and need to be discussed separately.

During this period, Wang Lu activated the induction talisman, but there was no response along the way. He did not know whether it was blocked by the secret realm, or the distance was too far, or it had fallen.

This made him feel heavy in his heart. The team of more than 300 people had not encountered anyone so far.

All the way to a valley, the valley was full of clusters of purple-red azaleas, the fragrance of flowers was overflowing, and colorful butterflies were flying.

The fluctuation of spiritual energy in his induction became stronger and stronger. There must be some natural treasures in the valley, which made him more eager than ever before.

Wang Lu approached the valley slowly like a walking corpse.

A breeze blew, and Wang Lu was shocked. The butterflies all over his body flew away in panic.

Could it be that the fragrance of flowers confused him?

In the middle of the valley, the butterflies surrounded each other in three layers, as if they were wrapped in something, and amazing spiritual energy came out from them.

As Wang Lu approached, tens of thousands of butterflies scattered, revealing a white and flawless palm-sized flower. The eight petals were as crystal as jade, the flower path was clear and jasper-like, three feet high, and as thick as a finger. Two red leaves as big as fans wrapped the flower in it.


When Wang Lu saw this flower, he was so shocked that he couldn't speak. If he picked it and got out alive, it would be completely worth the trip.

Tongxinyu is one of the ten great flowers in the world of immortal cultivation. It grows in a place with extremely strong spiritual energy and abundant sunshine. It takes 100,000 years to grow a petal. It has long been extinct in the outside world, but its specific effects are unknown.

Wang Lu took out a medicine shovel and was about to dig out the Tongxinyu with mud and soil, when a sudden change occurred.

A group of gray butterflies flew out of the valley like a flash of lightning, each butterfly was about one foot long.

Wang Lu hurriedly added a diamond talisman and held a crazy hammer in his hand.

One by one, the gray butterflies bypassed the Tongxinyu, and the two large wings that were disproportionate to their bodies kept flapping at Wang Lu. Every time they flapped, Wang Lu seemed to be in a sharp wind blade formation.

With one hammer, a hammer shadow of one foot wide whistled out, and the gray butterfly in the air was hammered to the ground. It seemed to be dizzy for a few breaths, and nothing happened, and continued to attack Wang Lu.

Wang Lu did not believe in evil and hammered again. Finally, several weak butterflies were smashed into meat sauce.

It seems that he is not immortal, and Wang Lu is confident.

After a while, the surrounding area is densely packed with gray butterflies. He is like being in a sky full of wind blades. The diamond talisman is fragmented and in danger of being cut through at any time.

If this continues, he will be exhausted to death.


He shouted violently, and swung out more than ten hammers at a high speed. His magic power dropped sharply. While the gray butterflies were killed in large numbers, he added five diamond talismans to himself in one breath.

Wang Lu rushed into the valley regardless of anything. He wanted to capture the king first. It was the sound waves coming from inside that made the gray butterflies attack him madly.

Seeing Wang Lu rushing into the valley, the gray butterflies desperately chased and intercepted him.

He swung the hammer and jumped at the same time.

After an incense stick, there was a huge cave at the end of the valley. Gray butterflies flew out of the cave continuously, blocking him about a hundred feet away from the cave, making it difficult for him to move.

At this time, thousands of butterflies with dark gray wings opened their mouths at the same time and spit out a dizzying black juice.

The juice hit the diamond talisman cover, and the remaining two layers of the talisman cover seemed to be corroded and melted rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wang Lu's mana was half exhausted. At the brink of life and death, he took out a dozen talismans without hesitation. The talismans were wrapped in a faint silver light. This was one of the few "Silver Thunder Talismans" drawn by Wang Lu.

This talisman was originally intended to be used on a strong enemy, but it was unexpectedly forced out by a group of second-level demon butterflies.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"!

Several silver thunders fell from the sky and exploded around him at a lightning speed.

After ten breaths, the whole world was quiet, and the broken bodies of demon butterflies were scattered all over the ground.

Before he had time to catch his breath, another sound wave came suddenly. Following the direction of the sound wave, Wang Lu couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling as he watched a group of dark gray demon butterflies kill him.

He immediately added a few Vajra Talismans and swung the hammer continuously. The shadows of the hammer and the green wind blades in the sky were constantly consumed and reborn in the air. His mana was less than 30% left.

Wang Lu gritted his teeth and took out a dozen "Fire Talismans". After a burst of fire, the demon butterflies ignored the raging fire on their bodies and rushed towards him madly.

Either you die or I die!

Wang Lu took out more than a thousand fire talismans like crazy. In an instant, the valley was ablaze. The demon butterflies around could no longer withstand the burning of the fire. Hundreds and thousands of them turned into ashes in an instant.

Including himself, he was also burned by the fire and scarred. He might be the first person in the world of immortal cultivation who was injured by his own spiritual talisman to defeat the enemy with a talisman.

With only a trace of mana left, he stared at the cave with a bit of despair. At this time, even if a gray butterfly flew out, he would have no resistance and would be buried here.

After waiting for a while and seeing that no demon butterfly flew out, Wang Lu breathed a sigh of relief. However, he still added a few low-level Vajra Talismans out of concern.

The intermediate ones have been used up.

He wanted to sink into the ground, but the whole valley was wrapped in restrictions, and the earth trap had no reaction.

Now he didn't even have the strength to move, so he had to try his luck. He immediately took out two "Returning Spirit Pills" bought at a high price, held two medium-grade spirit stones in his hand, and recovered on the spot.

God was merciful, there was no danger, no monsters came, and no cultivators passed by.

A day passed, and the mana finally recovered to one-third of the level.

Wang Lu stood up, took a look at the dimly lit cave, and walked in.

In the cave, more than a dozen huge stalagmites stood upside down, emitting a faint silver light that filled the entire cave. He walked forward step by step, holding the crazy hammer in both hands, ready to fight to the death.

Unexpectedly, at the end of the cave, a dark gray demon butterfly more than three feet long lay weakly on the ground, flapping its wings. Seeing Wang Lu in front of him, hatred flashed in its eyes.

Wang Lu released a golden sword talisman towards the demon butterfly, which turned into a golden sword and slashed fiercely at the demon butterfly's body.


A burst of sparks flashed, and the demon butterfly did not split into two, but lay intact and motionless.

Wang Lu did not think that he could kill the demon with one sword, but was just testing it. Seeing that the demon butterfly had no power to fight back, he did not investigate the reason. Now was the time to beat the drowning dog.

He held the crazy hammer tightly with both hands, infused all his magic power, and a huge hammer image fell from the sky like a small mountain and smashed towards the demon butterfly.

The demon butterfly felt the powerful force of this blow and wanted to move its body, but found that it was powerless and could only protect its body with a pair of wings.

There was a loud "boom".

The two wings of the demon butterfly trembled slightly, but they were unharmed.

Is it so hard?

Wang Lu hammered one hammer after another, thirty-three hammers, the wings were bloody, more than a hundred hammers, until the magic power was almost exhausted, until the demon butterfly was dead and couldn't die anymore, he put away the crazy hammer.

At the moment when Wang Lu killed the demon butterfly, a boundless purple flower sea like waves appeared in the secret realm.

It turned out that its ups and downs were caused by countless purple demon butterflies playing and playing in it.

Suddenly, in the depths of the flower sea, a demon butterfly with purple wings about four feet long suddenly screamed in anger, and all the demon butterflies seemed to be hit by a talisman. After a while, under the leadership of the Butterfly King, they rushed in one direction at a high speed.

Along the way, no matter whether it was a level one, two, three or four demon beast, whether it was a single one or a group of them, all those who blocked the air were bitten to pieces like locusts passing through.

The army of purple demon butterflies was mighty, overwhelming and unstoppable.

Just as the weak Wang Lu was about to turn around and leave the cave, a "drip...drip..." sound was faintly heard.

He followed the direction of the sound and came to an opening on the mountain wall. The crack was more than one foot wide and it was pitch black inside. He took out a moonstone and embedded it in the mountain wall deep in the crack.

In the crack, a small cave appeared in front of him. A black stone spirit shoot as thick as an arm and five feet high stood in a small pool of three feet square. Drops of pale white spirit liquid dripped from the stone spirit shoot, and a small pool of spirit liquid had gathered in the pool.


Wang Lu laughed wildly with joy. He guessed that this might be an extremely rare spirit milk. As for whether it was ten thousand years old, he would have to take it before he could get the answer.

Released a diamond talisman to wrap the stalagmite and a small pool of spirit milk.

He smashed it open with a hammer along the crack, removed the diamond talisman, and looked at the small pool of spirit milk. Wang Lu took out a jade bottle and filled it up. He couldn't help but drink a sip.

Suddenly, his magic power was restored to its original state. At the same time, in his perception, his magic power seemed to be a little purer.

He smiled with satisfaction. Good luck is coming. A treasure has fallen from the sky.

It took sixteen jade bottles to collect all the spiritual milk in the small pool.

When collecting the spiritual milk, he found a butterfly egg about half a foot long. He sensed that there was still a breath of life. He also collected it and put it into the spirit beast bag, and threw two medium-grade spiritual stones.

Wang Lu muttered to himself: Since you are as hard as stone, I will call you Stone Butterfly.

In fact, Wang Lu didn't know that it was because the Queen Butterfly laid eggs that made her extremely weak, which gave him an opportunity to take advantage of.

The gray demon butterfly has become a tyrant in this butterfly valley. There are countless demon butterflies for the Queen Butterfly to command. All the demon beasts within a radius of twenty miles dare not set foot. It is extremely powerful.

They can form their own powerful formations, and there are forbidden valleys underground. There are countless monsters in the secret realm who want to get the "Tongxin Jade", but they never return. Over time, the Butterfly Valley has become a major forbidden area in the secret realm.

Who would have thought that because they had laid eggs not long ago and were weak, they met Wang Lu, who had countless talismans and was extremely fierce.

The Butterfly Queen then ordered the demon butterflies to attack Wang Lu, but because they were unable to command the demon butterflies to form a formation, their power was greatly reduced, and they were defeated and lost. In the end, even the butterfly eggs were taken away by him.

Wang Lu came to the Tongxin Jade, and the underground was forbidden by a strong restriction and could not be dug.

He could only take the Tongxin Jade as a second choice, but just when his hand was three inches away from the Tongxin Jade, a forbidden formation suddenly appeared. Wang Lu took out his crazy hammer without saying a word and began to break the ban by force.

One hammer down, it didn't move at all.

One hundred hammers down, it finally loosened.

One thousand hammers down, the restriction finally showed a few cracks.

At this time, he had swallowed a whole bottle of spiritual milk. His magic power was running out, but he could not stop for a moment, because the cracks in the restriction were healing visibly.

I will fight you, Wang Lu opened another bottle, took a gulp, and smashed it with a hammer.


One day and one night.

Until the three bottles of spiritual milk were empty, the restriction was finally broken by his desperate bombardment.

Now is not the time to celebrate, so as to avoid more troubles, Wang Lu took out a pair of jade scissors, carefully cut off the Tongxin jade from the root, immediately put it into a jade box, and pasted dozens of forbidden spirit talismans in one breath, and then put it away.

Fortunately, he was well prepared, and prepared more than ten jade boxes of various sizes for storing spiritual medicine.

However, at the moment he put away the jade box, suddenly, a feeling of fear and impending disaster arose.

He had no time to be ecstatic, and hurriedly fled from the "Stone Butterfly Valley" he named it.

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