Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 22: Traveling Together

The night slowly covered the sky. For two months, he was either on the run or dealing with and fighting various monsters.

This was the first time Wang Lu looked at the night sky of the secret realm.

There were no stars or moon in the night sky, only dark clouds reflecting a little light, lighting a faint light for the secret realm.

The sleeping mountain cloud on the horizon was magnificent and clearly visible, but so untouchable.

Chen Yaer, half leaning on Wang Lu's legs, was as quiet as a daffodil, spotless.

This night was finally spent safely under the search of several waves of monsters.

The dark clouds dissipated, and the sky without the sun also cleared up. The light and brightness warmed the entire Jiuyue Secret Realm, and the spiritual energy flowed freely, like a fish swimming happily in the secret realm.

Chen Yaer blushed slightly, and Wang Lu said awkwardly: "For two months, we will try to go to the place pointed by the cloud. That should be the center of the Jiuyue Secret Realm."

Chen Yaer cheered: "Brother Lu is so nice. Let's go now. Oh, if it's unlucky to go on the road, let's go now."

Wang Lu and Chen Yaer sneaked quickly.

Along the way, they passed through the vast jungle and snatched a few Wanfang grass from the Thunderstorm Beast; they climbed over unknown mountains and failed to compete with the Black Cloud Red Snake for the Fire Rock Fruit; they crossed a lake and used the Lingkong Talisman to compete with the Golden Arrowfish in flying, and after winning, they picked two Ice Heart Hibiscus...

At this time, there were only a few people left in the secret realm. There were almost no people who traveled together like Wang Lu and the others. Most of them were alone and went on the road in blood. However, after being refined in the secret realm, these people have emerged from the cocoon and become butterflies, reborn.

In a huge room at the bottom of a lake, the room was divided into three small rooms. A young monk named Huang Yan had messy hair and was holding a top-grade spiritual sword in his hand. He was constantly slashing at dozens of demon beast puppets in the second room, releasing a defensive talisman from time to time, and a stream of evil spirit came from him.

A third-level ape-shaped puppet waved a stick magic weapon and swept and whipped him. Seeing that things were impossible, he retreated to the first room. The puppets in the second room were blocked inside by the door restriction and howled wildly.

He ignored the puppets and sat casually in a pile of scattered puppets whose bodies were burnt to a crisp.

He had been trapped in this strange room for two months. When he was just teleported in, a bunch of puppets appeared from the restriction of the gate and attacked him violently without explanation. He took out several sky thunder beads one after another to barely save his life.

When no puppets came out of the gate, he carefully came to the second room.

As soon as he arrived at the room, the gate connecting to the third room flickered, and groups of puppets flashed out in unison like an army, vowing to die sooner or later. He made up his mind and fought with the puppets.

He was forced to the first door with his mana exhausted. He retreated to the first room inadvertently. Just as he closed his eyes and waited for death, the puppets did not follow him.

He was at a loss, but ecstatic, and secretly speculated.

When his mana recovered, he came to the second room again. The puppets came out of the gate continuously. After fighting for a while, he retreated again, and the puppets glared at him.

After that, he boldly let go, and it worked every time. Every time he killed a few puppets, he calmly retreated to the first room.


Unknowingly, Devil May Cry had been exploring the castle for two months.

In a bright side hall, there were more than a dozen puppets lying in all directions. Gui Qi was panting, but his eyes were filled with ecstasy. A beautiful golden crystal was quietly placed in the jade box in front of him.

The center of the crystal seemed to be a ball of golden liquid flowing, which looked magnificent and mysterious.

Next to the jade box was a storage ring that only Yuanying stage cultivators in the world of immortal cultivation could afford.

Gui Qi picked up the storage ring and took out an old yellowed book "Puppet Encyclopedia", a tattered map and nine unrefined foundation-building puppets.


Gui Qi couldn't help laughing wildly.

He spent half a month refining two puppets, and according to the instructions on the map, he flew towards the place where Wang Lu and the others were going.


In the secret realm, there was a valley of flowers, with hundreds of flowers blooming in the valley, petals flying, floating in the air, and faintly building a colorful rainbow.

There is a small one-story attic in the valley. In the attic stands a colorful female cultivator named He Chan, with a face like peach blossoms and a body like catkins. She is a core disciple of a small sect named Caiyixuan. Due to some opportunities, she has inherited the Gu of an ancient small sect called "Chan Gu Sect".

She broke through many difficulties in the secret realm and came to this Baihua Valley.

After a fierce battle, after almost exhausting the vitality of two life-long love Gu, she came to this attic, which is called Baihua Niang.

Baihua Niang is the name of a kind of spiritual wine. As soon as I arrived at the attic, a refreshing wine aroma came from the wine racks around the hall, and the wine racks were full of jade bottles of different colors.

Most of the spiritual wine in the jade bottles was empty due to the passage of time, but there were still five bottles of spiritual wine left because they were protected by the prohibition on the jade bottles and were intact.

The wine aroma was emitted from a jade bottle that was all light blue.

He Chan picked up the jade bottle, removed the half-remaining restriction, and couldn't help but take a sip. The spiritual wine flowed down his throat, and the sweet and cold taste lingered on the tip of his tongue.

The next moment, her whole body was red, as if burning, her magic power overflowed instantly, and the boiling spiritual liquid rushed through her body. Just when she was bitten and blown to pieces by the overwhelming spiritual power, the two love insects in her dantian suddenly revived under the watering of the spiritual wine, devouring large tracts of spiritual power hungrily, and regained vitality bit by bit.

He Chan sensed the desire of the love insects. These were the two spiritual pets that would accompany her for the rest of her life. Her face flushed with the spiritual wine was beautiful.

"Gulu, gurgle, gurgle."

He drank three more mouthfuls.

The love insects were like two excited children, happily receiving the nourishment of the spiritual wine in He Chan's dantian, and soon they were full of vitality, even better than before.

He Chan joined the Jiuyue Secret Realm this time not for the foundation-building pill, but for the secret realm's ten thousand year old elixir. The two little guys, Acacia Gu, consumed too many spirit stones, so much that she was almost penniless, but they also saved her from danger time and time again.

Seeing that the life Gu had recovered as before, she couldn't help but be happy, like a colorful summer cicada, dancing gracefully, beautiful and magnificent.

There was also a jade slip and a jade box on the wine rack.

Half an hour later, He Chan sighed lightly, looked back at the Hundred Flowers Valley, looked up at the cloud in the sky, and resolutely walked towards the direction of Yunshan.


A desert oasis, with a small hill in the middle, in a cave on the hill, three cultivators were surrounded by countless hideous ghost-faced mosquitoes.

Two of them stood back to back and constantly attacked the buzzing ghost-faced mosquitoes around them, and the other was meditating to recover.

After two hours, the monk who was meditating to recover replaced the one whose mana was about to run out and joined the battle.

One of them was Lu Jun.

Lu Jun said to the two of them: "Two Daoists, this is not a solution. We will eventually reach the end of our rope. The Ghost-faced Mosquitoes are attacking in such an orderly and stable manner. There must be a mosquito king secretly commanding us. We need to find the mosquito king and kill him to have a chance of survival."

"I agree with Daoist Lu."

The monk who was leaning against Lu Jun said.

"I have a set of Hundred Swords Formation here. It will take some time to set it up. Daoists, don't hide it. If we don't fight hard, we will all die."

Lu Jun said in a deep voice.

The monk who was meditating heard Lu Jun's words, opened his mouth and took a pill. His face flushed instantly, and his mana rose like a fountain. He took out a feather fan magic weapon and fanned it away. The temperature in front of him dropped sharply, and sharp ice broke through the air, and a group of ghost-faced mosquitoes fell one after another.

Another cultivator took out a set of needle magic tools, which disappeared without a trace after being activated. It was obvious that this was a strong man with great spiritual talent.

Lu Jun took out dozens of formation flags and arranged them quickly.

"Hurry, fellow Daoist Lu, I can't hold on any longer."

The cultivator with the needle magic tools said urgently.

Ten breaths later, "Open", Lu Jun finally arranged the Hundred Swords Formation.

As the voice fell, thousands of flying swords appeared out of thin air, and large patches of ghost-faced mosquitoes around were like harvested wheat, with their bodies shattered and torn into pieces, constantly falling to the ground.

When all the ghost-faced mosquitoes were strangled to death, in the darkness, a particularly strong ghost-faced mosquito flapped its wings and flew out.


The three of them gathered their remaining strength and rushed towards the mosquito king desperately.

Half a day later.


After all the calculations, it was not a wedding dress for me, Jiang Pei.

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