Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 23 Going up the mountain

In half a month, the secret realm will be closed, and the Dream Sect will lead the living people out.

Wang Lu and Chen Yaer went through various difficulties and finally arrived at the foot of Yunshan Mountain.

Above their heads is a yellow cloud with a radius of hundreds of miles. In front of them is a majestic but ruined mountain. The mountains and clouds meet, and the two embrace each other like intimate lovers.

The mountain has no top, just a flat platform, which is as shocking as if someone had flattened it with a sword.

The two looked at each other and saw each other's shock. A gust of mountain wind blew, and the mountain rushed towards them like a monster.

Chen Ya'er couldn't help but shuddered and said: "Brother Lu, I feel that this mountain is a bit weird. How about we leave here and go elsewhere. As long as we spend the last half month safely, we will win."

Wang Lu shook his head and said, "Sister Ya'er, along the way, we encountered so many hardships and dangers before we got here. How could we enter Baoshan and come back empty-handed?"

Chen Ya'er didn't know that when he arrived at the foot of the mountain, the jade box containing the fiery red crystal in the storage bag was already hot, as if he was about to jump out of excitement.

This strengthened his determination to go into the mountains to hunt for treasure.

"Brother Lu, you must protect Ya'er."

Chen Yaer seemed to be really scared and covered her mouth.

Wang Lu looked at Chen Ya'er's delicate appearance, but he didn't believe her words. Along the way, Chen Ya'er was a cruel and decisive person.

He pays more attention to making decisions and taking action, but Chen Yaer is not afraid of anything and takes action immediately.

Wang Lu didn't see that after Chen Ya'er finished saying that, the faint worry in her eyes quietly disappeared.

She has never mentioned to Wang Lu that her grandfather is the master of the Treasure Pavilion of the Dream Sect.

The Chen family has a secret technique that allows them to get a glimpse of the secrets of heaven. The moment they reached the foot of the mountain, Chen Yaer felt an inexplicable palpitation in her heart. She knew that a huge danger was coming.

There are things that can and cannot be done in everything. For some reason, she feels at ease when she is around Wang Lu. This may be the reason why he saved her.

The two of them walked up the mountain along the bluestone path.

Five days later, they arrived halfway up the mountain.

I saw that the entire mountain was divided into two, revealing a huge rift valley about thirty feet wide.

The rift valley is bottomless, and cold winds surge wildly from the endless abyss. A rope bridge made of unknown ropes spans both sides of the mountain. Sweeping by the strong wind, it keeps going up and down like a swing. Swinging violently back and forth from side to side.

Chen Ya'er hid behind Wang Lu and said worriedly: "Brother Lu, it is impossible to pass through such a rift valley. How about we leave here."

"Sister Ya'er, have you noticed that we are standing on the edge of this cliff, but there is no wind blowing. It seems that the entire rift valley is covered by a formation."

Wang Lu said, walked to the cliff, took out a low-grade magic weapon that was no longer needed, and threw it into the rift valley.

I saw the magic weapon being cut crazily by countless wind blades in the dark wind. Without even a breath, it turned into pieces and dissipated in the rift valley.

When the two saw this, their expressions changed suddenly. It seemed that they would never be able to reach the other side without special means.

The two stood on the edge of the cliff, silent for a long time.

Wang Lu sighed: "It seems that we can only return the same way."

"Brother Lu, maybe I can help you."

An imperceptible strange color flashed in Chen Ya'er's eyes, and she suddenly spoke.

"This is the Wind-Fixing Bead given to me by my grandpa. It can block the attacks of thousands of wind blades. However, the Wind-Fixing Bead requires a lot of mana. It requires the two of us to continuously inject mana. At a distance of thirty feet, with the mana of the two of us, I should be able to barely reach the other side.”

Chen Yaer took out a cyan bead, which emitted a gentle but stable cyan halo.

As Chen Ya'er continued to inject magic power, the cyan aperture slowly grew larger, gradually enveloping the two of them.

Chen Ya'er cast a spell, and the beads floated them both to the opposite side.

Just after leaving the cliff, the dark wind was more violent and violent than expected. Countless wind blades cut randomly on the cyan aperture. The cyan aperture shook violently and was in danger of breaking at any time.

"Brother Lu, speed up the input of mana. There are too many wind blades and the storm is too fierce!"

Chen Yaer said urgently.

As the mana of the two people continued to be injected, the Fixed Wind Bead gradually stabilized. However, less than one-twentieth of the distance, the mana of the two people had already bottomed out.

Chen Ya'er's face turned from red to blue, from blue to white, with beads of sweat covering her face as she continued to pour the remaining mana into the Wind-fixing Bead.

She was out of breath and said: "Brother Lu, we still couldn't escape after all. However, I am very happy to have you by my side in this last journey of my life. They all say that I am always a loser." As an older girl, I fantasize about what kind of man I can marry when I grow up. I imagine that I will be at least similar to my grandfather. Fortunately, I finally don’t have to worry about what happens when I grow up. Do you hate me? Fall with me here."

When Wang Lu heard Chen Ya'er's words, his heart ached as if being grabbed hard by two huge hands. He quickly took out two bottles of spiritual milk from his storage bag and thrust them into Chen Ya'er's hands without saying a word: " Silly Ya'er, don't talk nonsense, just drink it one mouthful at a time, believe me, we will be fine."

Chen Ya'er took the jade bottle and said dreamily: "Brother Lu, this is the first gift you gave me. I will cherish it."

Wang Lu could only smile bitterly when he saw this. He took Chen Yaer's mouth away without saying anything, poured a mouthful of spiritual milk, and then drank a mouthful himself.

In an instant, the magic power of the two people boiled and recovered as before.

Chen Yaer said with disbelief: "Brother Lu, why didn't you tell me earlier that you only gave me such a good thing now? Humph, I won't pay attention to you in the future."

In the abyss where the wind was howling, a green light circle flickered like a candle in the wind, and slowly flew forward.

Two hours later, Wang Lu and the others reached the other side without any danger.

After removing the wind-fixing beads, Wang Lu didn't dare to look at Chen Yaer's eyes for some reason.

On this side of the mountain, there is a small path up the mountain.

Standing halfway up the mountain, looking at the top of the mountain shrouded in mist, the faint appearance of a palace on the top of the mountain came into view, and the determination in Wang Lu's eyes was rich and strong.

Chen Yaer hummed a tune happily: "Brother Lu, it looks like we are still far away. We have to hurry up."

Wang Lu said undeniably: "Take a rest. Although the spiritual milk can restore mana, it is an external object after all and is not good for the body."

"Brother Lu is really thoughtful."

Two hours passed in a flash. With full mana, the two stood up and moved forward.

Five days later, they finally reached the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was covered by a thin mist, about ten miles in radius, and the thick yellow cloud was above their heads.

It was within reach but out of reach.

There were no buildings on the top of the mountain, let alone any tunnels or caves. The palace that was vaguely seen before disappeared like a mirage. However, the crystal in the jade box of the storage bag was jumping like a boiling flame.

Wang Lu took out the jade box, and caught him off guard. The fiery red crystal suddenly pierced through the box and shot up into the sky like a sharp arrow.

Disappeared in the yellow cloud in the blink of an eye.

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