Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 220 Wang Lu's Talisman

Faced with Wang Lu's sudden and lightning-fast attack, Fang Tian was shocked. He shouted in his heart with an uncertain expression. He disappeared like a bubble pierced by a needle.

Suddenly, the mother blade and the two sub-blades suddenly lost their direction, like three headless flies flying back and forth in the air. Wang Lu ignored the disappearing Fang Tian. He knew that since the other party was a genius who appeared once every three hundred years in Feng Yanzong, he must have studied the way of wind very deeply. His body skills were already shocking, but compared with Fang Tian, ​​there was still a little gap.

It was this little gap, seemingly small, but in fact it was like an insurmountable chasm!

He waved his hand and threw out the green blade. The mother blade and the two sub-blades merged with the green blade in a snap. After being nurtured by the treasure sheath, the six-star arched moon blade with clear green light and extraordinary spiritual pressure finally showed its powerful power beyond the best magic weapon again.

He looked at Fang Tian, ​​whose figure was gradually condensing in the distance. His eyes were sharp, and the shadow was still in the same place. The green blade had already chopped the axe of opening the sky.

"Bang bang bang bang bang..."

Both of them were extremely fast, several levels higher than others. The kind of punches hitting the flesh, and the bursts of green and orange light balls bursting out from the intersection of the blade and axe, continued to bloom in various places on the battlefield.

In less than half a meal, the entire battlefield seemed to be shrouded in the entanglement of green and orange, so thick that it was almost impossible to see where the two were fighting.


There was a loud earth-shaking sound. After a long time, the orange and green light balls disappeared without a trace. Everyone saw that the two had switched positions. Fang Tian stood in front of the human army with the orange axe of opening the sky, and Wang Lu was in front of the Feng Yanzong camp of the demon clan with the six-star arched moon blade.

Both of them were silent, but the previous fight made them both have a slight panting sound like mortals after being exhausted.

Wang Lu was surprised by the heavy and sharp orange axe of Fang Tian and his swift and untraceable body movements. If it weren't for the fact that "Crossing the Clouds" added some exquisite changes in small space after he reached the middle stage of Jindan, he would have been forced by Fang Tian to passively use the blade. If Fang Tian had a breakthrough in his understanding of the way of wind, it would be the time for his life and death.

So, while Fang Tian had not grown to that point, he suddenly wanted to kill him. This person was too powerful.

Fang Tian was also afraid of Wang Lu's magical powers. What he couldn't understand was that with his dual cultivation of magic and martial arts and the cultivation of Jindan Daquan, Wang Lu actually tied with him. It can be seen that the other party has practiced an extremely profound heaven-level technique.

What made him even more afraid was that this person actually possessed an unpredictable body movement. If he practiced this body movement, his understanding of the way of wind would definitely be improved to an astonishing degree. As long as he killed him, everything on him would be his.

He showed a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth. He didn't want anything from Wang Lu. As long as he knew the body movement, it would be enough.

Thinking of this, he was very excited. He didn't expect that there would be such a good opportunity in the last battle before the decisive battle. If he didn't take it, he would be punished by heaven.

Fang Tian let out a long roar, which was heard from afar. Wang Lu couldn't see what his purpose was. He just felt that the roar was very scary, as if a giant beast was opening its bloody mouth and waiting for him to enter.

He snorted coldly. What should I, Wang Lu, fear?

The scene of the two men's fierce fight and the intersection of their axes not only made all the Jindan-stage cultivators of the human race dumbfounded, but also made the cultivators and monsters above the Jindan stage feel difficult and terrible. Both of them have the strength to rival the peak powerhouses of the early Yuanying stage, and they are all brilliant stars among ten thousand.

They have seen Fang Tian's strength. They originally thought that Wang Lu was just a Jindan-stage freak with excellent talent and slightly stronger strength. However, the strength shown by Wang Lu surprised them and they dared not underestimate him again.

They looked forward to the next fight between the two.

After Fang Tian roared, his cold eyes showed the belief of winning. When he saw Wang Lu's figure disappear in the virtual shaking, he shouted: "Come on!"

At the same time, suddenly, his face changed suddenly, as if a huge danger was coming.

"Boom boom"

"Boom boom"

"Boom boom"


Seven consecutive thunderstorms that seemed to be the creation of the world exploded violently within a radius of fifty feet with him as the center.

Wang Lu was leaning on the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade and breathing heavily, with beads of sweat the size of beans pouring out of his head like a fountain. His mana was almost exhausted to the lowest point.

When the dust cleared, Fang Tian, ​​who was covered in blood and scars, was half-kneeling on the ground, supporting himself with one hand, looking at Wang Lu in the distance with extremely unwilling and vicious eyes.


Suddenly, he laughed wildly, his laughter broke through the sky, and people were frightened. The hatred and anger in his laughter could be clearly felt by everyone, and it was simply overwhelming and overwhelming.

Wang Lu looked at this incredible opponent with a gloomy face. He didn't understand how Fang Tian survived under his intermediate thunder array. You know, even a great master in the late Nascent Soul stage would have no choice but to surrender and be annihilated under such a continuous thunderstorm of seven intermediate thunder arrays. Even he himself suffered a certain degree of internal injuries under the impact of the seven thunder arrays.

"Hmph, even if you are an immortal bird, I will make you disappear into thin air!"

Anger arose in his heart, evil grew in his courage, and he would not stop doing anything. Now that he had reached the critical moment of life and death, he had to send Fang Tian back.

In fact, Fang Tian was not defeated entirely because Feng Yanzong considered that the Son of Feng and the Children of Feng, who were only born in three hundred years, must be adequately protected, and gave them a super defensive ancient treasure respectively.

When faced with the sudden shocking talisman formation composed of a certain pattern, Fang Tian, ​​who was so frightened, only had time to release the ancient defensive treasure. He could only pour all his energy into it and pour endless mana into it until the thunderstorm was over. It has exhausted its mana, and the defensive ancient treasure also ended its fate as a super defensive ancient treasure in the thunderstorm.

Under everyone's attention, Wang Lu slowly stood up and slowly took out a white jade bottle from his storage bag. He pulled out the cork and poured it into his mouth fiercely. He almost drank it. After drinking more than half of the bottle in one go, his mana surged to its peak. He slapped a forbidden spirit talisman on the mouth of the bottle and looked at Fang Tian coldly.

What surprised the ape madman of the Red Ape clan was that what Wang Lu drank turned out to be the Millennium Monkey Wine of the Golden Monkey clan. Thinking of this clan, he had no choice but to give up. Because of the rules of the Manghai, the Golden Monkey clan is one of the most special races. One, even he didn’t dare to interfere too much.

Just because of those four words: fiery eyes and golden eyes!

Fang Tian, ​​like Wang Lu, took out a jade bottle and took out an orange pill. He swallowed the pill without hesitation, and his magic power was almost complete in an instant.

The two of them looked at each other intently, and a monstrous fighting spirit and killing intent burst out of their bodies. Everyone knew that the most exciting moment of life and death would come next.

Even Nongwan Taizun and Tianni, who were hiding in the distance, couldn't help but move slightly. Nongwan Taizun smiled and said, "When have I ever seen Tianni's expression change?"

"It's so respectful and polite. I think this battle should be the most amazing battle between the golden elixir stages in the war between the two races in hundreds of thousands of years, and I happened to be lucky enough to witness it." Tianni Gujing Wubo said He spoke.

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