Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 221 Consumption

The entire battlefield was briefly quiet due to the duel between Wang Lu and Fang Tian. Only the deafening sound of fighting and the various lights produced by various magic weapons, magical powers, and formations could be vaguely heard from the other four battlefields.

Affected by the four battlefields, the human army, the demon clan, and the Feng Yanzong camp were also in turmoil, and they all showed an impulse to break into the camp and fight.

Then, the next victory or defeat between Wang Lu and Fang Tian was quite crucial. The victory of either side would greatly enhance the momentum of the side and weaken the morale of the opponent.

Wang Lu summoned all his magic power and danced with his hands. A twenty-foot-wide orange cloud suddenly appeared above his head. The cloud moved without wind, and it seemed that there were countless small fish playing and playing in it, rising and falling like waves.

Wang Lu, reflected by the orange cloud, was coated with a pure orange color, and the whole person looked extremely mysterious.

"Cloud phenomenon, or orange cloud phenomenon, it should not be a mysterious phenomenon." Seeing the phenomenon shown by Wang Lu, Lei Shun sighed and said.

Fang Tian's orange tornado is a mysterious phenomenon. Although cloud phenomenon is very rare, it is still a little bit worse than Fang Tian's.

A slight difference leads to a thousand miles of difference, just like the great perfection of the Nascent Soul stage and the God Transformation stage, although they are only one step away, they are like a chasm across the sky. He couldn't help but worry about Wang Lu.

"Humph, a small floating cloud, it's still orange, it's a fake." Fang Tian had no expression when he saw the floating cloud phenomenon. When he saw that Wang Lu's phenomenon was actually an orange floating cloud, fire rose from his heart and went straight up.

Orange is his unique color. Although the wind is azure, he broke the convention and integrated his talent into "Seeking the Wind", forming his unique label.

While he was sneering at Wang Lu, an orange tornado appeared behind him. The orange axe that could split the sky and earth floated in the eye of the wind, flashing an extremely dazzling orange color.

Then, what made him feel incredible was that after Wang Lu's orange floating cloud swayed twice like a swimming fish, thousands of heavy water gun symbols emitting a dark light appeared from the orange floating cloud, and they were arranged in a neat and uniform manner in front of Wang Lu like an army.

Wang Lu shouted softly: "Go!"

Thousands of heavy water gun symbols flew through the air like arrows, bringing out bursts of whistling sounds.

Wherever they passed, the space seemed to be compressed and became hundreds of times heavier. When thousands of heavy water gun symbols traveled half the distance, they quickly turned into heavy water tassel spears one by one, and continued to combine one by one. In less than a breath, they formed a huge tassel spear with a black gun head as black as ink and a length of three feet and a radius of two feet.

The dark and sharp spear head flashed with a terrifying edge, and it stabbed Fang Tian with a weight of more than a thousand pounds.

Fang Tian raised his hand, and the orange Axe of Creation rushed out and chopped at the Suying Spear in mid-air.

He frowned slightly. The closer the Axe of Creation got to the Suying Spear, the greater the resistance it encountered, as if it encountered a very strong repulsive force. Fang Tian's magic power was slightly vibrated, and the Axe of Creation finally chopped the Suying Spear with the power of Mount Tai.

There was a loud "clang".

The Suying Spear was finally chopped into a black rain of light by the Axe of Creation and disappeared without a trace. The heavy feeling also disappeared with the shattering of the Suying Spear.

Just when Fang Tian wanted to use this power to kill Wang Lu in one fell swoop, another identical Suying Spear broke through the air and hit the Axe of Creation fiercely. The Axe of Creation was caught off guard and was knocked into the sky. The Suying Spear was unstoppable and accelerated to stab Fang Tian again with the sound of wind and thunder.

As the Su Ying spears continued to approach him, Fang Tian finally felt the heavy pressure, as if a big hand fell from the sky and made him unable to move. He couldn't help but shout wildly, and punched the tip of the spear with a thunderous force, and the Su Ying spear dissipated.

He retracted his hand, and his whole arm was numb.

He frowned, and ten Su Ying spears came at lightning speed. He suppressed the anger in his heart, and held the Kaitian Axe that was recalled at some point in one hand, and used dazzling axe techniques, "bang", "bang", "bang", "bang"... The ten Su Ying spears were broken into pieces in a split second.


When Fang Tian broke the tenth Su Ying spear, Wang Lu raised his hands, and the floating clouds moved without wind. He quickly pinched the seal, and waved his hands continuously. Thousands of primary and high-level magic binding talismans whistled out, and continued to combine during the movement, turning into a yellow rope several feet long with extraordinary spiritual power, which bound Fang Tian tightly in an instant. Fang Tian raised his magic power and shattered the magic binding rope in the blink of an eye.

However, the magic rope was just the beginning. When he shattered the magic rope, thousands of tiny ice thunders with a hint of cold lightning on the surface exploded around him. He only had time to roll up the orange tornado behind him to wrap himself up.

"Boom boom"

After a thunderous sound, the magic rope, the white tassel spear, the ice thunder...

After five consecutive rounds, Wang Lu felt that his mana was less than half, and Fang Tian's mana should have been consumed by two-thirds.

This is exactly what he wants to achieve, because every time a vision is generated and used, it will quickly consume the mana of the cultivator.

He took advantage of the floating cloud vision that the speed of consuming mana is half of that of other visions, so that Fang Tian can only passively defend and continuously consume his mana.

Now that the goal has been achieved, it is time to fight to the death.

He originally wanted to use the Millennium Monkey Wine to kill Fang Tian alive, but this kind of cheating method can be used at other times, but it must not be used at this time when the human and demon tribes are in a decisive battle. He must kill Fang Tian openly and honestly, so that he can completely destroy the arrogance of the demon tribe and Feng Yanzong and make them lose with conviction.

The floating clouds above his head have shrunk by half, but they are thicker. The orange color is already extremely rich, and it is pregnant with Wang Lu's final blow.

Fang Tian's face is as gloomy as water. No one has ever made him so embarrassed, making him lose face in front of everyone. He knows Wang Lu's purpose very well. If he wants to use this method to make himself overwhelmed and lose his mana, then he has made a wrong calculation.

His mana is so deep that he can be said to be among the top five people in each stage of cultivation since the establishment of Feng Yanzong. He has enough confidence to kill this person.

He saw Wang Lu stop attacking and knew that his opponent didn't want to delay any longer.

He was fed up with such a cunning fight.

He had to kill the opponent with his strongest blow to get rid of the hatred in his heart.

Wang Lu took a deep breath, life and death depended on this last blow.

He waved his hands in front of his chest, and as his hands danced faster and faster, the orange floating cloud was like a piece of clothing, being stirred vigorously, repeatedly poked and washed, and suddenly broke into pieces.

Seven orange floating clouds floated in front of Wang Lu, and each orange floating cloud was dotted with a tiny green.

This was Wang Lu's biggest trump card. He had already placed his life-saving magic weapon, the Six-Star Arched Moon Blade, in the strange orange floating cloud.

Accumulated but not released, a fatal shot!

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