Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 25: Inheritance and Departure

Where they arrived was a circular secret room.

There is no exit in the secret room, and it is as bright as day. A humanoid skeleton is lying on a couch. His bones are glowing with a dark and smooth black light. He seems to be extremely comfortable and comfortable when lying down, but there is no Thinking of the sudden disaster, his soul was wiped out in an instant, and he still kept his original laid-back posture until he died.

Perhaps, this is the real reason why the entire Jiuyue Sect was destroyed. It was caused by a mysterious and powerful force.

There was a storage bag on the skeleton's waist. Wang Lu walked over. For some reason, maybe because the deceased was bigger, he respectfully knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the skeleton three times before picking up the storage bag. .

With a sweep of his consciousness, the storage bag was empty, except for a jade slip that was black and distant but looked timeless.

When he took out the jade slips from the storage bag, the storage bag turned into tiny points of light like smoke and disappeared.

After Wang Lu silently accepted the jade slip, he was suddenly transported to the top of the mountain without any resistance or consciousness, as if the years had turned and the world had changed.

The purple ladder on the top of the mountain is still there. Wang Lu tried to climb the ladder, but he couldn't climb it.

Three hours later, He Chan was also teleported out. When he saw Wang Lu, he smiled at him, then found a quiet place and stood there.

An hour later, Huang Yan, who was covered in injuries, was also teleported back, but with a smile on his face. He glanced at Wang Lu and the other two, and then hurriedly went down the mountain.

Half an hour later, Chen Ya'er finally came out, and the big stone in Wang Lu's heart quietly fell.

As soon as Chen Yaer saw Wang Lu, she walked up to him with joy in her eyes and kept chattering.

Less than half a quarter of an hour later, suddenly, the lead tokens on Wang Lu and the other two people lit up at the same time. The tokens formed a white halo, lifting them up, and they were led out of the secret realm in the blink of an eye.

Of course, Huang Yan, who was hiding in the mountains, and Devil May Cry, who was full of unwillingness next to the rift valley, were also led out of the secret realm.

However, Jiang Pei has never been able to get out of the Jiuyue Sect.

On the boundless lake, a building and boat was waiting in formation, and the Baili Waterfall hung quietly in mid-air as if it had been cut open by a pair of huge scissors.

Chen Zhu and the others used all their strength to activate the Seven-Star Inclined Moon Formation, the light gate condensed, and five circles of light jumped out from the light gate from far to near, and instantly arrived on the building ship.

The aperture shattered, and five figures appeared.

As soon as Wang Lu and the other five arrived at Louzhou, they were placed in a room on the second floor of Louzhou and waited for the news.

Time is like a snail, moving forward slowly breath by breath.

Half an hour later, a majestic voice was heard: "Return to the clan."

After a while, the light gate dispersed, and the building boat left the lake and flew outward at high speed.

Just when the five Wang Lu people were feeling uneasy, Zhong Yixue walked in with a smile on her face: "My friends, don't be nervous, our sect will fulfill its promise. Now everyone has a good rest, and we will make our own arrangements when we return to the sect. "

After finishing speaking, Zhong Yixue glanced at Chen Ya'er intentionally or unintentionally, and left.

The building boat broke through the clouds and fog, moving forward at high speed, and three days passed in a flash.

The five people in the room were silent. Huang Yan broke the silence and said: "Fellow Taoists, although the five of us have basically no intersection in the secret realm, we are the most destined. The opening of Jiuyue Palace at the last moment would have been impossible without any of the people present here. None of us would have had such an opportunity to inherit.”


A muffled groan came from the ghost crying: "You four have benefited, but I have watched your glory and contributed a priceless crystal. How are you going to compensate me?"

"Haha, it turns out that the golden crystal that broke through the sky was found by fellow Taoist. I thought God would help me, but according to what you said, are you just hiding in the dark, trying to make a profit? We catch them all.”

He Chan replied bluntly.

Treasures are obtained by those who are destined to get them. If you have not entered Jiuyue Palace, it means that you are not destined to be treasured. Who can blame you?

"Fart, I am trapped in the Great Rift Valley in the mountain. With my character and cultivation as Gui Qi, can I deal with you? You are not qualified at all."

Gui Qi said angrily.

"Oh, it turns out you're the famous Devil May Cry. No wonder your breath smells so bad after eating garlic. I think you're not a good person. Otherwise, why are you wearing a mask and not daring to show your true face?"

He Chan said sarcastically.

"I have a clear conscience and am upright. I will not argue with a little girl like you. It is difficult to raise a woman with a villain in the world."

Ghost Cry retorted.

"Hmph, you are hiding your head and showing your tail. You have either done something that is harmful to the world, or you are a very evil person. If you have the ability, take off the mask and let everyone see the true face of the famous Liubi Devil May Cry."

He Chan heard this and said angrily.

"You have such sharp teeth and a sharp mouth. We are all in love with each other. Why do you need to disguise yourself? Everyone carefully looked at the shape of your mouth when you spoke after you disguised yourself. It is obviously awkward. With your bone rejuvenation skills, why do you need to use it to embarrass others?"

Devil May Cry sneered "Hey" and countered.

"Okay, okay, very good. Congratulations. You have completely succeeded in irritating this young lady. When we get off the boat, I will show you my true face in Lushan."

He Chan said angrily.

She was very confident in her disguise skills. Ever since she entered the world of immortal cultivation, basically no one could see through her disguise skills. She didn't expect Devil May Cry to see through her at a glance, and she had hidden murderous intentions.

"Hey, please don't worry, I will appreciate it carefully in the future." Devil May Cry with a smirk on his face.


"Be bold!"

"He Fang Xiaoxiao!"

He Chan was so angry that he was about to commit murder when the boat suddenly shook violently. The five people steadied themselves one after another, and the sound of shouting and cursing kept coming from outside.

"Five little friends, please be patient. If something small happens to you, it will be fine in a moment."

Just when the five people walked out of the room to take a look, Qin Xuan came calmly, walked straight to the main seat and sat down.

Qin Xuan was calm on the surface, but in reality he was nervous. He didn't know who had leaked the news about Jiuyue Palace. Li Qingxuan from Qingling Mountain and Xu Yunhai from Tianlei Sect led their respective sects to block the building and ship in mid-air.

The two giant ships formed a pincer attack and surrounded the Dream Sect's building ships.

A black-clothed monk with a heroic appearance, sharp edges and a stern expression stood in the sky. Next to him was an unusually burly male cultivator with short beard and short hair. Neither of them had the same aura as Chen Zhu and the other four.

Chen Zhu opened his mouth and said, "I don't know why you two mobilized troops and mobilized a large number of people to stop my clan's ship."

Xu Yunhai from Tianlei Sect yawned and said: "Sect Master Chen, don't pretend to be confused because you understand. Your sect has benefited a lot from the emergence of the secret realm. Our two families don't want anything, so just invite five friends." Are you just here to be a guest?"

"What five little friends? I think Clan Master Xu may have heard the rumors somewhere and believed them?"

Chen Zhu said calmly.

"Haha, all the White Tigers of your sect have been wiped out, and only the granddaughter of Pavilion Master Chen is left. You are well prepared this time. You even used the Seven-Star Slanting Moon Formation of Protector of the Sect. Is it just hearsay?"

Xu Yunhai seemed confident and continued: "So, I would like to invite five friends to come out and tell us some interesting stories in the secret realm, so that I can gain some knowledge."

"The two senior brothers are really well-informed. When we leave, you will follow. Senior Brother Li is thinking of Senior Sister Qin Xuan, so who is Senior Brother Xu thinking about?"

Fang Ling smiled charmingly.

When Li Qingxuan in black heard the word "Qin Xuan", his expression suddenly changed. He sighed and said, "Master Xu, please leave for now. After all, our seven sects are all in the same spirit. This kind of thing Let the ancestors worry about it. Today we are just here to explore the truth. Now that the situation is clear, the task is completed. "

Xu Yunhai glanced at Li Qingxuan and said, "Brother Qingxuan, the word love hurts people. Well, let the ancestors worry about it."

Xu Yunhai calmly sent a message to the surroundings: "Retreat."

In a dozen breaths, the sect battle that was about to break out disappeared, and a crisis was passed in Fang Ling's light words.

Chen Zhu, Fang Ling and Zhong Yixue all felt that things would not be so simple.

Chen Zhu said to the two of them: "Two junior sisters, what we can do is to bring the five of them back to the sect safely. Let's go. As for the future, the sect leader will make his own arrangements after returning to the sect."

Zhong Yixue's face was filled with frost: "After returning to the sect, we must investigate in detail who leaked the secret of this operation. It seems that after being quiet for a long time, some people have forgotten that they are members of the devil's path."

In a room on the third floor of the building, a white-haired old man suddenly opened his slightly closed eyes and said to himself: "I wonder what Xiao Ya'er will gain in the secret realm, it's really exciting. "

Then he murmured: "It seems that I am going to meet those old immortals."

After saying that, the old man disappeared like a wisp of smoke.

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