Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 26: Conscience

On the sixth day, the ship finally returned to the mountain gate where the Fantasy Sect was located.

The Fantasy Sect was founded by the ancestor Huanzhen more than ten thousand years ago. Because the ancestor Huanzhen came from the great magic sect Qianhuan Sect, the Fantasy Sect was classified as the magic sect.

After ten thousand years of development, the Fantasy Sect has grown from a small sect to one of the seven major sects in the southern part of the Western Desert, and is likely to replace the Tianyao Valley of the Orthodox Dao and become the leader of the seven sects.

The Fantasy Sect is located in Cuiping Mountain, one of the ten sacred mountains in the southern part of the Western Desert. This mountain is famous for its jade-like Cuiyu bamboo.

There are five main peaks in Cuiping Mountain, namely Cuiping Peak, Bifeng Gorge, Yuxiu Peak, Zhuyun Peak and Yaxiu Mountain.

Cuiping Peak is the main peak of the Fantasy Sect, where the meeting and the sect master live; Bifeng Gorge is where the Dream Pavilion is located; Yuxiu Peak is the place of the Fantasy Sect; Zhuyun Peak belongs to the Treasure Pavilion; and Yaxiu Mountain is where the various families, elders and disciples are located.

Of course, there are caves opened by guest elders and some elders and disciples who like to be alone in Cuiping Mountain, which is more than 10,000 miles away.

They are densely distributed and jointly protect the Fantasy Sect.

The building ship stopped at the square at the foot of Cuiping Peak of the Fantasy Sect.

The towering Cuiping Peak is like a pointed green jade pendant, which looks bright and beautiful under the sunlight.

After Fang Ling and Qin Xuan left, Chen Zhu and Zhong Yixue brought Wang Lu and the other five to a bamboo forest.

There is a path covered with bamboo leaves in the forest, and the straight and tall bamboos on both sides of the path protect the path like guards.

Chen Zhu introduced: "Five friends, the bamboo among the thousands of bamboos is called Moyu bamboo. It was transplanted from an island in the boundless sea by the seventh generation treasure pavilion master three thousand years ago. Moyu bamboo is invulnerable to water and fire, swords and knives are indestructible, and it has a hint of heavenly thunder. It is the main material of some top-grade spiritual tools and magic weapons. This time you have to pass this road of inquiry alone. Only by passing the test of the road of inquiry can you become the core disciple of our sect. The road of inquiry will only be opened at certain special times. Chen Yaer, you don't have to go to the road of inquiry. You can go up to the peak with Junior Sister Zhong first."

In the surprised eyes of Wang Lu and the other four, Zhong Yixue took out a piece of exquisite white silk. The silk rose in the wind. The two walked up and the silk carried them to the top of Cuiping Peak.

Afterwards, Chen Zhu took out a piece of emerald green token and activated it with a special spell. A green light hit the Moyu bamboo forest, and the whole path became hazy.

The first person to enter the road of inquiry was Huang Yan

The moment he stepped into the Road of Inquiry, he was completely enveloped by a green mist, and he could not see the situation inside at all.

An hour later, Huang Yan passed the Road of Inquiry, and Chen Zhu, with a happy face, ordered a Jindan-stage cultivator to take him to Cuiping Peak.

He Chan was the second to enter the Road of Inquiry.

Almost an hour later, she also passed the test, and Chen Zhu smiled and asked another Jindan-stage cultivator to take her up.

Guiqi was the third, and he passed the Road of Inquiry in half an hour.

A Jindan-stage cultivator had been waiting at the end. The cultivator released a spirit sword, and the two disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Finally, it was Wang Lu's turn. He walked in a little nervously.

"Swish", a green light enveloped him.

Wang Lu was unaware, took a step, and strode forward.

Walking, he came to the Aoshan Villa in Liupi Mountain.

He saw his master Qiu Huaren teaching him how to draw talismans. Wang Lu in the picture kept asking Qiu Huaren some basic questions about drawing talismans, and stopped to think for a while. Qiu Huaren patiently looked at Wang Lu who was thinking and explained to him carefully.....

Wang Lu unconsciously reached out to touch the picture...

The picture suddenly broke apart. He saw himself at a few years old, with snot, jumping behind San Gong, pestering the old man to make a small clay figurine for him, pestering the old man to carve a little rooster for him, and San Gong touched his little head very lovingly...

A year later, San Gong passed away. Under the old man's pillow, there were several exquisite wooden carved small animals, including little monkeys, little snakes, and little centipedes, all of which were Wang Lu's favorites.

Wang Lu looked at these warm scenes, and his tears flowed unconsciously, his eyes were full of tears...

Chen Zhu removed the ban, and he did not use the heart-searching mirror to check the matter about "Moving Mountains and Seas" and "Nine Mountains Gong", because Chen Yaer and Huang Yan had already obtained these two skills respectively.

As the only five people left in the secret realm, the five people are all strong in luck, otherwise how can they get out of the secret realm, so the Dream Sect intends to accept the five people as core disciples and train them as the pillars of the sect.

Although the Dream Sect is a branch of the magic path, it will not accept people with vicious minds and great evil, so it will let the four people go on the journey of heart-searching.

The performance of the four people on the journey of heart-searching is not the same.

Huang Yan has great luck, and basically did not experience any danger in the secret realm, and he successfully walked to the end. It was only when he passed on some tests at the end that he successfully obtained the "Nine Mountains Gong".

He Chan is a psychic girl. Like Wang Lu, she went through many hardships before she came out alive. She had the most gains in the secret realm. Although her inheritance was not as good as Huang Yan and Chen Yaer's, it was also shocking.

Guiqiu had the strongest combat power and was also very cunning. He obtained the inheritance of the puppetry system of the Jiuyue Sect, which was a great harvest.

Chen Zhu did not check Wang Lu's gains in the secret realm because Chen Yaer secretly told him that she did not want the sect to explore Wang Lu's trip to the secret realm. However, from his sporadic past, it can be seen that Wang Lu is a simple and honest person.

Wang Lu walked out, Chen Zhu unlocked the restriction, and Wenxin Road turned into an ordinary path covered with bamboo leaves.

Chen Zhu released a flying sword and flew Wang Lu towards Cuiping Peak.

In less than a quarter of an hour, the two arrived at the top of Cuiping Peak.

The peak is about dozens of miles in radius, and a simple gray temple is located on the top of the mountain.

The temple door plaque is engraved with three antique golden seal characters of "Dream Palace".

The two jasper doors were wide open, and Chen Zhu led Wang Lu up the steps. After forty-nine steps, the two of them walked into the main hall.

The hall is filled with a layer of light green, and a light fragrance fills the air, refreshing the mind.

The two corridors on the left and right in front of the main hall are connected. Chen Ya'er and the four of them stood respectfully on the right side of the main hall.

When Chen Yaer saw Wang Lu arriving, she happily walked to him and said to him in a tone that she and Wang Lu could hear: "Brother Lu, you are here. The sect master and grandpa will come over in person later. You You have to behave well.”

Wang Lu winked at him to express his acceptance.

Seeing this scene, Huang Yan and the three of them were each thinking.

Chen Zhu and Zhong Yixue stood in front of the hall. Except for Chen Yaer, Wang Lu and the other four were a little reserved and nervous.

Suddenly, two people appeared out of thin air on the high position directly in front of the hall.

He looks middle-aged, has a gray beard, is of medium height, has a smile on his face, and has an unfathomable aura.

There was an old man with a white beard, a kind face and kind eyes, his white hair was casually gathered behind his head with a circlet, and his aura was as deep as the sea.

"See Sect Master and Pavilion Master!"

Chen Zhu and Zhong Yixue cupped their fists at the two of them.

"Grandpa, I miss Ya'er so much!"

When Chen Yaer saw the old man with the white beard, he ran quickly onto the platform like a happy little swan, opened his hands and hugged him.

"Haha, it's good to be back. My dear granddaughter, let's talk about business first. If anything happens, we'll talk about it when we get home."

Pavilion Master Chen said gently to Chen Ya'er with a loving look on his face.

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