There are two giants in the Dream Sect, one is the sect leader Liu An, and the other is the treasure treasure pavilion master Chen Dong. Both of them are in the early stages of becoming gods and are the highest cultivation people in this world.

With them in the Dream Sect, no matter what changes happen to the sect, they can survive it safely.

The fact that the two of them appeared in front of the four people at the same time showed the importance they attached to the Jiuyue Secret Realm.

Unless something big happens to the sect or the world of immortality, they will not show up easily.

Wang Lu did not expect that Chen Ya'er was the granddaughter of the Supreme Elder of the Dream Sect, which shocked him extremely.

He just thought that Chen Ya'er must have a great background, but he didn't expect that her background was so profound.

Liu An said to the five people as if he was bathing in spring breeze: "Now, as the leader of the Dream Sect, I officially announce that Chen Ya'er, Huang Yan, Xu Kui, He Chan, and Wang Lu will officially become the core disciples of this sect from now on. As ordinary elders, they have been fully cultivated by the sect. When Huang Yan and Chen Ya'er condense the Nascent Soul, Chen Ya'er will become the next sect master of the sect, and Huang Yan will be the next master of the sect's Treasure Pavilion. Each of the five of you will be rewarded with two high-grade foundation building pieces. Dan, and a thousand high-grade spiritual stones at the same time.”

"After establishing the foundation, Huang Yan will be my direct disciple, Liu An, and Chen Ya'er will be my direct disciple, Pavilion Master Chen."

"Before, I obtained the consent of Yan Jiao, the master of the Puppet Hall, Qin Xuan, the master of the Huanmen Sect, and Fang Ling, the master of the Meng Pavilion. The three of you will become their direct disciples respectively."

"The details are as follows. Xu Kui is included in the Puppet Hall and becomes the direct disciple of the master of this generation of Puppet Hall. If you practice to the late stage of Jindan, the Puppet Hall will be under your control from now on; He Chan is included in the Fantasy Sect, and the sect leader Qin Xuan personally cultivates and condenses it. Nascent Soul, you will be the master of the new generation of Fantasy Sect; Wang Lu joins Meng Pavilion and becomes Fang Ling’s direct disciple. Likewise, when you enter the Nascent Soul stage, Meng Pavilion will be handed over to you. "

"As for your rewards, they will be distributed by your master after joining your respective mountain sects."

"Haha, are you disciples satisfied with this arrangement?"

The five people were delighted, but Wang Lu had different opinions.

"Sect Master Pavilion Master, although I have experienced nine deaths in the secret realm, this is also the opportunity given to me by the sect. I am willing to join the sect. However, since the disciple already has a master, he does not want to find another famous teacher. My The master is a talisman master, and I voluntarily join the sect’s talisman and seal system in order to make some contribution to our sect’s talisman making. I also ask the sect master’s permission.”

Wang Lu stood up, clasped his fists and said to Liu An and Chen Dong.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Wang Lu, you have to think carefully. Having a master is extremely crucial to a person's cultivation. Many times, you will take many detours if you try to explore on your own. Cultivation as an immortal means stealing time from the sky. Although we cultivators have a relatively longer lifespan, But it is also very precious. It is getting closer and closer due to cultivation and time, so you have to think carefully."

Liu An advised with earnest words.

"Yes, Brother Lu...Senior Brother Wang, the sect leader is right. It is better for master to give you some guidance than to explore on your own for several years. Let's do this. I will let grandpa take you under my seat."

When Chen Yaer heard that Wang Lu was unwilling to join Meng Pavilion and become the direct disciple of Master Fang Pavilion, Chen Yaer anxiously told Wang Lu.

In fact, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the five of them to become direct disciples of the Nascent Soul Stage.

It is extremely difficult for many cultivators in the Qi Refining Stage, Foundation Building Stage, and Golden Elixir Stage to meet a strong person in the Nascent Soul Stage. Without a certain chance, even if they spend their whole life, they will never be able to see them, let alone let them give them guidance. Talk about your own practice.

In the world of cultivating immortals, both are indispensable.

With a master, you can gain a foothold in the world of immortality. With a master, you can make your cultivation smooth, instead of taking detours throughout your life, and your cultivation will remain stagnant until the day you die.

"Junior sister's kindness, I appreciate it. Although I, Wang Lu, have average qualifications, I still hope to study the way of talisman and seal script that Master left me throughout my life. I also know that talisman and seal script is a small way, and my practice is not for immortality. , not for the glory of heaven and earth, but for the small obsession in my heart, I ask the sect master and the pavilion master to fulfill it, and I ask the sect to fulfill it!"

After Wang Lu finished speaking, he bowed deeply to Liu An, Chen Dong and Chen Zhu Zhong Yixue.

"What a small obsession, I agree. This is the token of the Sutra Pavilion. In the future, Wang Lu, if you encounter any difficulties in your practice, you can go to the Sutra Pavilion to read some of the sect's classics."

Chen Dong took out an exquisite token engraved with a book and threw it into Wang Lu's hand.

He saw that his granddaughter seemed to be particularly concerned about this young monk, and he was a little attracted to Wang Lu's sincerity, so he handed him a piece of Buddhist scriptures.

"Thank you, Pavilion Master, for the reward!"

Wang Lu rubbed the cold token and thanked him in surprise.

"Haha, well, the road to becoming an immortal is long. You have to work hard and don't let down the sect's hope for you. Let's all go on."

Liu Fuxu spoke.

"Thank you, Master!"

Wang Lu, Xu Kui and He Chan followed the three ushering boys into the main hall.

Devil May Cry Xu Kui took off his mask, and it turned out to be an extremely handsome young man in his twenties.

Wang Lu stared at him intently for several breaths. Good guy, even if it were him, his handsomeness would throw him off ten streets.

After getting to know him better, I found out that he was the only son of the patriarch of a small declining family, the Xu family, and he possessed the power spirit root that was extremely rare in the world of immortality.

Due to some chance, he got a body-training technique, but there was a scar like an earthworm on his face, which gave him an amazing charm out of thin air.

He said to Wang Lu: "Junior brother's words impressed me. If you have time another day, how about having a drink together?"

Wang Lu said: "Senior Brother Xu is joking. I am also a winner. There will be many opportunities in the future."

Xu Kui then said to He Chan: "Junior Sister He, why don't you join us too?"

He Chan turned her head away and ignored him.

He Chan also changed back to her original mask, and matching her colorful dress, she looked like a colorful ice cicada, unique and gorgeous.

Seeing that He Chan ignored him, Xu Kui laughed dryly and said to Wang Lu and the other two: "I'm going to report to the Puppet Hall right now. I'll see you later, junior brothers and sisters."

After saying that, he followed the Taoist boy down the mountain.

After Xu Kui left, He Chan said to Wang Lu: "Senior brother, take care of it."

He also followed the Taoist boy down the mountain.

Wang Lu looked back at the Dream Palace, took out the master's blue gourd, called the Taoist boy up, and went down the mountain.

The Dream Sect has a radius of more than ten thousand miles. Under the guidance of the Taoist boy, the blue gourd took half a day to stop in front of a small courtyard covering an area of ​​more than ten acres.

There is no gate to the courtyard, and people come and go. Most of them are monks in the foundation building and Qi training stages.

After the Taoist boy left, Wang Lu walked in. The courtyard was a large square with some spiritual trees and flowers planted on it. A large piece of green bamboo spread out behind the courtyard. The whole building was hidden among the green bamboos and looked quiet and peaceful.

Wang Lu walked into the hall. The hall was very busy. It was worthy of being the Talisman Hall of the Dream Sect. There was an endless stream of people coming to buy talismans.

A young man in green clothes who was in the middle stage of Qi training came up to greet him, and Wang Lu took out the blue token given by the sect master.

Seeing this, the waiter immediately led him into a side hall and waited for him for a while.

About half an hour later, an extraordinary-looking middle-aged man in white came in holding Wang Lu's blue token, and said with a smile: "I am Bai Yifan from Futang. Deputy Sect Master Chen Zhu has sent a message to me, saying A core disciple has been assigned to our Futang. I didn’t expect you, Junior Brother Wang, to achieve such an achievement at such a young age, which really makes me happy.”

However, Bai Yifan changed the subject: "Hey, our Futang has been weak in the sect for more than a thousand years and is a dispensable line. I didn't expect the sect to still care about it. Junior brother, don't worry, although senior brother is younger than you You will be hundreds of years older, but Futang's future will still fall on you. Futang will be your home from now on. I will definitely not let anyone bully you. Come on, brother, I will arrange a place for you. By the way, I would like to introduce to you the entire structure of our Futang.”

On the way here, Wang Lu had already found out that the master of the Fu Hall was Bai Yifan, who was in the middle stage of Jindan cultivation.

The Futang is composed of three branches. The first is to purchase the talisman paper, talismans and other spiritual materials needed for the talisman and seal. This hall is called Caifutang and is in charge of Yun Zibo, a master who is in the late stage of foundation building.

First, Baifu Pavilion, where talisman seals are drawn, is in charge of the hall master Bai Yifei.

The first is Pinfuju, who is responsible for sales and market expansion, and is managed by Xie Lingyun, a senior sister who is in the late stage of foundation building.

Since the main skills of the Dream Sect involve the two laws of Dream Dao and Illusion Dao, Futang was only built to assist the development of the Dream Sect, so the Futang system is insignificant in the Dream Sect.

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