Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 28 Miscellaneous

It had been five days since he joined Futang, and he chose a relatively quiet cave on the edge of the back mountain as a place to practice.

The back mountain is full of purple cloud bamboo planted by the first master of Futang. Ziyun bamboo not only has the effect of gathering spiritual energy, but also has green leaves with purple in the middle. The bamboo body is straight and slender. When you are in it, you feel relaxed and happy. It also has the ability to exorcise inner demons. use.

The next day, the hall leader Bai Yifan, on behalf of the sect, gave Wang Lu the reward for the trip to the Nine Mountains, which made his withered pocket bulge again.

After five days of getting along, Wang Lu also got to know Uncle Yunzi Bo from Cai Fu Hall and Senior Sister Xie Lingyun from Sale Fu Hall.

The two of them, like the hall master, treated him as one of their own.

On the fourth day after joining Futang, Bai Yifan gathered everyone in Futang to celebrate Wang Lu's joining Futang according to secular etiquette.

The strong atmosphere made Wang Lu feel like he was at home. Everyone toasted one after another. When the wine was in full swing, he also accepted everyone who came and got drunk for the first time in his life.

There are currently about a hundred people in the Talisman Hall, with only Bai Yifan in the Golden Core stage, nine people in the Foundation Establishment stage, nine of them are Talisman masters, and the rest are all apprentices in the Qi training stage.

During this period, Bai Yifan specifically considered Wang Lu's level of talisman making and selected several elementary and intermediate talismans from the Qi refining stage for him to draw.

In half a day, Wang Lu drew these kinds of talismans and seals, which made Bai Yifan even more sure of Wang Lu's extraordinaryness.

This was because he deliberately lowered the talisman production rate during the drawing. Otherwise, he would have to treat Wang Lu as a talisman genius.

In fact, what Wang Lu didn't know was that Talisman Masters were an extremely rare class of people in the world of immortality cultivation, and those with a high rate of becoming Talisman were even rarer.

There are two reasons. Firstly, those who are talented in cultivation and have good qualifications will not practice some heretical talismans and seals. Almost all of them will practice the advanced skills of the sect and be trained by the sect.

Firstly, it is because those with talent for making talismans often have average qualifications, and talisman masters are all accumulated with spiritual stones. Ordinary small and medium-sized sects or aristocratic families are short of daily expenses, so how can they have the financial resources to focus on cultivating them.

With a good talent like Wang Lu, his master Qiu Huaren's training at all costs, and his innate talent for making talismans, the three combined into one allowed him to take a small step towards the Tao of Talisman. .

Wang Lu planted the earth-wind apricot with his head in the medicine garden of the cave. There were several kinds of spiritual materials that were hundreds of years old in the medicine garden, as well as a small spiritual spring. This made him feel the support of the sect. benefit.

Looking at the withering Difeng Xing, he thought for a while, took out a bottle of spiritual milk, and dropped a few drops. Unexpectedly, it had a miraculous effect.

Difengxing was like a sponge, absorbing the spiritual milk in just a few breaths. Afterwards, Wang Lu felt that the tree seemed to have regained a little vitality.

So, he released the durian-shaped ape-shaped puppet left by his master and asked it to drip three drops of Difengxing every ten days.

In fact, until now, he still doesn't know whether the spiritual milk he obtained is the legendary ten thousand-year spiritual milk. People are unpredictable, and he dare not take it out and ask others.

In a flower hall in the Dream Palace, cigarette smoke curled up, and a chessboard was placed on the black stone table. Black and white chess pieces were constantly interlaced and fighting on the board. The battle was fierce and the stalemate was incessant.

The two people playing chess were the clan leader Liu An and the pavilion master Chen Dong. Chen Zhu stood aside and watched the game between the two attentively.

In the blink of an eye, the sky was already dark, and countless spiritual energies gathered on the top of the mountain like swallows returning to their nests.

Chen Dong picked up a white chess piece and placed it on the chessboard, smiling: "If you don't admit defeat yet, when will you wait?"

Liu An sighed and said: "Old monster, don't be complacent, I have to win you next time."

"Hey, old madman, I'm waiting. Remember to bring your treasured Millennium Drunk to taste next time."

Chen Dong laughed loudly.

"You've been drunk for a thousand years, but you still stink for ten thousand years. Mr. Chen, how did the six sects respond?"

Liu An suddenly said something to Chen Zhu.

Chen Zhu, who was originally attracted by the two of them, said with a serious face after hearing this: "My three sects of the Demonic Way have the same Qi Lianzhi. It's no big deal that the Fengsha Palace and the Blood Prison are just a secret realm; and Qing, the four sects of the Righteous Way, Lingshan, Tianlei Gate, Baiyun Temple and Tianyao Valley require us to tell the specific location of the secret realm before we can give up."

"Call Xiong Canzhi, I have something to ask him."

Chen Dong said.

After a while, Xiong Canzhi came to the flower hall. He had returned to the cultivation level in the early stage of foundation building.

Seeing the two people playing chess, Xiong Canzhi asked with a smile: "I wonder what the two ancestors and the deputy sect masters summoned them for? As long as I, Xiong Canzhi, can do it, I won't even blink even if I go up the mountain of swords and the sea of ​​fire."

"Canzhi is here. See what you said. There is something that needs to be confirmed again. Whether the Jiuyue Secret Realm is really a moving space secret realm, and whether it has jumped out of the Liupi Mountains, can we still confirm its specific location? location?"

Liu An asked softly.

"Two ancestors, our sect's luck is indeed against the heavens. The Jiuyue Secret Realm appears once every one thousand years. Because it is covered by space restrictions, it is equivalent to a moving secret realm. The strange thing is that it is at the foot of Liubi Mountain. It took three years to jump away, which is an incredible miracle in itself. The moment Junior Sister Ya'er and the others came out of the secret realm, the Jiuyue Secret Realm disappeared into the void. If you want to find it, you can only find it again after a thousand years. At the same time, its appearance in this world has no rules, and it is difficult to reach the sky. Otherwise, it has been so long ago, how come it is only this time that we have set foot on it, and outsiders cannot find it, let alone enter it. This is really our sect's strong luck. Blessings, the kid guesses, this is the only time, there will be no exceptions.”

Xiong Canzhi sighed.

"Haha, Mr. Chen, please listen carefully. Since the Four Sects want the specific location of the Nine Mountains Secret Realm, give it to them. However, it is not so easy to tell them, right? You can just arrange the specific operations. Also, don’t be busy here and there every day and delegate some of the sect’s affairs to various departments and other aristocratic families. You should have reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul.”

Liu An made arrangements for Chen Zhu.

"Boy Xiong, this time in the Jiuyue Secret Realm, you have accomplished extraordinary feats. Come with me to the Treasure Pavilion and pick out a few gadgets. This can be regarded as a reward from the sect."

Chen Dong laughed.

Xiong Canzhi's face lit up and he said, "Ancestor, can I stay a few more days? I still need to ask Junior Sister Ya'er for confirmation on some matters."

Chen Dong glanced at him meaningfully and took him out of the flower hall.

Half a month later, several huge flying boats docked at Baili Waterfall. Several people cursed angrily with livid faces: "You dream sect, it turns out to be a secret space in space, let's go."

A month flew by.

Wang Lu knew everything about Futang. Several of the principals in Futang knew everything about him, especially Xie Lingyun, the senior sister of Futang, who talked to him almost every day and regarded him as his biological brother. She cared so much about him, which made her fellow Taoist jealous and helpless.

Within a month, Chen Ya'er, Huang Yan, Xu Kui and He Chan succeeded in building foundations one after another. Xu Kui came to him specially to drink and drink heavily all night. The two of them drank so much that they were confused and confused. They talked a lot about their past. The two of them were in love with each other, and they had formed a deep friendship.

As a result, he was captured by his master Yan Jiao the next day.

I also tried it once during the Wanglu period, but the foundation building failed.

He asked the hall leader Bai Yifan, and Bai Yifan told him that it should be because his state of mind was not enough and he had not yet met the requirements for foundation building.

Let him let nature take its course and things will fall into place.

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