Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 29 Accepting the Mission

Wang Lu returned to the cave, and the ground wind apricots were growing well. After being watered with spiritual milk, two green apricots actually grew on the branches. This was an unexpected surprise.

Then, sitting cross-legged, he carefully took out the black jade slip he got in the Jiuyue Secret Realm.

The jade slip recorded a body-refining technique called "Kui Niu Treading the Sky Technique".

The name is so domineering, but I don't know what the effect will be after practicing.

Kui Niu is one of the ten ancient beasts, comparable to the ten divine beasts.

It is said that it has only one foot, can control thunder, control wind and rain, roar through the void, reach the Yin and Ming realms, and leap to the ninth heaven, with the ability to destroy the world.

However, the conditions for body refining are extremely harsh. It is necessary to find a demon pill of a demon beast with Kui Niu bloodline at least in the Jindan period, and refine the Kui Niu Shendan according to the requirements of the technique, so that you can formally practice according to the next practice method.

The world of immortal cultivation is so vast that there are all kinds of things, but it is too difficult to find a monster with the blood of Kui Niu. It is a rare opportunity.

There is something even more speechless, what is the "next method of cultivation", the jade slip stops here, saying that you must refine the Kui Niu magic pill to stimulate the subsequent exercises before you can practice.

You are kidding me!

Despite the scolding, he still put the jade slip away with a bitter smile. It seems that he will have to wait for the opportunity in the future to practice.

His intuition told him that this method would make him break out of the cocoon and soar into the sky.

Because of the failure of foundation building, the hall master Bai Yifan recommended him to take a task in the mission pavilion, earning merit points while also honing his mind.

Back then, he took a task and successfully built his foundation.

Before Wang Lu left, Bai Yifan gave him a medium-grade foundation-building pill, saying that he was worried that the time had come, but he didn't have the foundation-building pill, and he missed the opportunity in vain.

The Fantasy Sect treated each department of the sect very favorably. For example, the Talisman Hall would be allocated two foundation-building pills every five years and one return-origin pill every twelve years.

When Xie Lingyun heard that he was going out to practice, she took out all kinds of pills and talismans from her storage bag and stuffed them into Wang Lu's pockets without saying anything. She also asked her Taoist partner for a top-grade defensive magic weapon and instilled some things about the dangers of the immortal world in him, telling him to always be wary of the people and things around him, just like a sister, giving him many instructions.

Wang Lu solemnly thanked Bai Yifan and Xie Lingyun and left the Talisman Hall.

He added a wind-traveling talisman according to the map of the Fantasy Sect, and it took more than three hours to reach the mission pavilion.

The Fantasy Sect is a no-fly zone, but the sect stipulates that all core disciples, elders in the sect, or sect cultivators who have broken through the golden elixir stage can enjoy the treatment of flying.

It can be done as long as a token is used to stimulate a unique light circle.

Wang Lu did not use flying magic tools to travel, he was not a ostentatious person.

The Mission Pavilion is located in a mountain range. Wang Lu walked up the stone steps and came to a green quartz square. A huge attic was hidden among the mountains.

Crossing the square, he came to the attic. On the plaque in front of the building, the three characters "Mission Pavilion" were written in a dragon-like and phoenix-like manner.

The attic is divided into three floors: upper, middle and lower. The lower floor is the mission building for the Qi training period and the foundation building period, the middle floor is the mission building for the foundation building period and the golden elixir period, and the upper floor is exclusive to the Yuanying period.

The Fantasy Sect implements the merit rule. As long as you accumulate enough merit points, you can exchange for not only the foundation building pill, but also the infant-breaking pill that breaks through the Yuanying period.

The mission hall is mostly for the Qi training period.

Wang Lu looked at the task list. The task list is similar to a screen. Under the blessing of the formation, various tasks assigned by the sect are displayed on it.

If an individual wants to publish, he can register at the Mission Pavilion, and can use merit points, spirit stones, and spirit materials as rewards.

There are so many tasks on the list that you can't think of anything you can't do, which makes Wang Lu dizzy.

For example: Purchase a treasure hunting rat cub, 100 merit points.

One hundred-year-old seven-night flower, 200 merit points.

Guard the purple copper mine of Xuye Country for one year, 50 merit points.

Guard the Tieyi Country for three years, 100 merit points.

How to win the heart, 500 merit points.

Find a strong man to go to Longxugou to kill Longxushou, 1,000 merit points.

Purchase a bottle of Qinhu Yaoyao's blood, 200 merit points.


Even the Refining Hall issued a ridiculous task. Anyone who brings back a disciple with a heavenly spirit root to the Refining Hall can pick three top-grade ancient treasures or 500,000 merit points.

Wang Lu searched the task list and finally found a task that he was interested in.

A city under the rule of a small immortal cultivation family affiliated with a sect has a mystery of the disappearance of boys and girls. The sect needs to send a master of late Qi training to assist in the investigation, and the time is uncertain.

Solve this case and get 300 merits.

Wang Lu used his identity token to accept the task, sent a message to Bai Yifan, and then left the task pavilion.

After leaving the sect, he released the blue gourd and flew all the way to Liupi Mountain. He had to complete the thing that he could never let go of in his heart.

After half a month of non-stop flying, Wang Lu returned to Liupi Mountain and returned to Aoshan Courtyard.

The original oath was still vivid in his mind.

However, today is different from the past. He has become a core disciple of the Fantasy Sect, and he has the right to naturalize the entire Aoshan Courtyard under his name.

He used the token of the core disciple, and under the other party's nod and bow, Aoshan Courtyard became his private property forever.

Wang Lu came to the stone chamber on the far right of the cave, put the tablets of the ancestors back one by one, and put the tablet of his master Qiu Huaren on top.

He lit three incense sticks and kowtowed three times and nine times to the tablets.

Wang Lu took out his master's gourd, which was the flying magic weapon used by Qiu Huaren when he was alive.

He placed the gourd next to Qiu Huaren's tablet and said to himself: "Master, from now on, Aoshan Courtyard belongs to our Liufu Sect. Your favorite gourd will always accompany you. I will practice well and strive to build my foundation as soon as possible. Master, I am leaving. After I build my foundation, I will come to see you and the ancestors. At that time, I will drink with you and not leave until I am drunk."

Wang Lu knelt on the ground, took out a bottle of spiritual wine, and drank it all.

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