Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 30: Tingyu City

Wang Lu came out of the small courtyard in Aoshan, and got on the eagle waiting outside the courtyard. He cast a spell, and the eagle spread its wings and flew up. Two hours later, Wang Lu came to the weapon refining shop of the Song family father and son.

Song Fengyu was still in the same state, lying on the counter, sleepy and weak.

Wang Lu walked forward and greeted him. Song Fengyu rubbed his eyes, as if he suddenly remembered him, and said happily: "Brother Xiaolu, I haven't seen you for half a year. Where have you been? I miss you so much."

"Fengyu, is Senior Song in the store?" Wang Lu smiled.

"Dad, Brother Xiaolu is looking for you, you are coming out soon."

Hearing Wang Lu's question, Song Fengyu suddenly opened his voice and shouted.

"Little bastard, you want to be punished, why are you so loud?"

Song Mingtang came out from the inner hall with a smoky face.

Seeing Wang Lu, he asked, "It's been a long time since we last met, my friend. Are your magic weapons still working well?"

"Thank you for your concern, my senior. The Crazy Hammer and the Square Inch Boots have saved me from danger many times. I came here this time to sell a few magic weapons. I wonder if you will accept them?"

Wang Lu clasped his fists and said sincerely.

"Okay, okay, let's talk inside." Song Mingtang said.

Song Fengyu wanted to follow him, but Song Mingtang glared at him, so he had to go back in dissatisfaction.

Following Song Mingtang, he came to the inner hall. Behind the inner hall was a weapon refining room. Waves of hot air came out from inside. Wang Lu saw that Song Mingtang should be refining weapons.

He said apologetically, "I am very sorry to disturb you while you are refining weapons."

"My senior, you are overthinking. It's just the beginning. However, if you come half an hour later, you will have to wait until tomorrow. By the way, what magic weapon do you want to sell?"

Song Mingtang asked with a smile.

Wang Lu took out all the magic tools he got from Jiuyue Secret Realm and put them on the table.

Song Mingtang picked up each magic tool and examined it carefully, and said: "The method of refining the tools is very different from today. This batch of magic tools should have been refined a long time ago. You can see that the prohibitions, magic arrays and runes engraved on the magic tools are very old, so they have been preserved for so long. If my guess is correct, the mana used when using them is one-fifth less than now, but the power is almost the same. Although it is a top-grade magic tool, it is completely comparable to a low-grade spiritual tool, and even more precious."

"Senior, you have a sharp eye for magic, and I admire you. This batch of magic tools was obtained from a secret realm."

Wang Lu secretly admired in his heart, it is really a good way to do things, the father and son of the Song family are really extraordinary in their ability to refine tools.

Song Mingtang accepted this top-grade magic tool, and Wang Lu also bought a top-grade flying magic tool that looks like a lifelike eagle.

After paying Wang Lu 500 high-quality spirit stones, Song Mingtang couldn't wait to take the magic weapon to the weapon refining room for research, and at the same time he shouted Song Fengyu in.

Under his father's shouting, Song Fengyu reluctantly walked into the weapon refining room, and made a face to Wang Lu when he entered.

Wang Lu came here to take care of their business, so he sold the high-quality magic weapon of the ancient Jiuyue Sect at a low price.

In the secret realm, if it weren't for the crazy hammer and square inch boots refined by Song Mingtang, he would have gone to hell to flatter the King of Hell.

Looking at the sky, he decided to rest for a night and refine the newly bought flying magic weapon, and officially set off tomorrow.

He went to Buyunfang Market again, but this time he didn't meet the green-dressed girl Li Mouqing who made him unnatural.

He sighed, came to the "Xiankeju" inn, paid the spirit stones, and didn't say a word all night.

The next morning, outside Jade City, Wang Lu released the flying magic weapon of the withered eagle, and placed three medium-grade spirit stones in the formation hub. After a spell was cast, the withered eagle flew away like an eagle piercing the clouds.

The southern part of the Western Desert is under the jurisdiction of the Seven Sects of Righteousness and Evil. There are thousands of dynasties and countries under the jurisdiction of the Fantasy Sect, one of which is a small country called Chen. There are dozens of cities under the jurisdiction of Chen, one of which is called Tingyu City.

Tingyu City is under the jurisdiction of a small family of immortal cultivators, the Lu family. There is a small green jade mine on the Tingyu Mountain outside the city. The Lu family surrenders a certain amount of high-grade green jade to the Chen clan every five years, and then gets the protection of the Fantasy Sect.

In the past six months, there have been more than a dozen missing cases of children over the age of six in Tingyu City. At first, the Lu family thought it was an ordinary case of child trafficking and did not take it seriously.

It was not until a girl with three spiritual roots from the Lu family's side branch went missing that the Lu family suddenly felt something was wrong and arranged for monks to investigate. Unexpectedly, the monks who went to investigate were either missing or dead in the wilderness one after another.

So they asked the Chen clan to send strong men over. The Chen clan considered that children were the hope of the entire country and those with spiritual roots also emerged from them, so they had to pay attention to it, so they immediately sent several masters of mid-to-late Qi training to investigate.

After a period of investigation, the monks who came here not only found nothing, but two mid-stage Qi training monks also died for this.

Seeing the seriousness of the situation, the Chen clan had to ask for help from the Fantasy Sect, which led to Wang Lu's experience this time.

After two months of non-stop flying, Wang Lu arrived at Tingyu City.

Tingyu City, as the name suggests, has many rainy days here. Basically, it is either drizzling or pouring rain all year round, and there is only one sunny day in ten.

Along the way, in Tingyu City, it was rainy for hundreds of miles, and even if it was sunny, it would not last more than half an hour. This made him feel insignificant and at the same time admire the magic of nature.

Sometimes he even wondered whether the changes in weather were manipulated by humans or the laws of the operation of heaven and earth.

Tingyu City, the city lord is the second elder of the Lu family, and the Lu family is located on an inconspicuous street in the east of the city.

Outside the gate of the Lu family, Wang Lu lightly clicked the door knocker. After a servant in black opened the door, he politely asked him why he came. Wang Lu took out his identity token and asked him to hand it to the head of the Lu family.

With half a stick of incense, the servant came with an old man who was seventy years old but energetic at the ninth level of Qi Refining.

Seeing that he was so young, the old man was stunned for a moment, but sensing his cultivation, he hurriedly and respectfully greeted Wang Lu to enter and accompanied him to the living room.

Although the Lu family is inconspicuous, the courtyard covers more than twenty acres.

The living room is bright and spacious, with several exquisite paintings and calligraphy hanging on the surrounding walls. There are two agarwood-backed chairs in the upper position, and six huanghuali chairs on the left and right sides. The old man asked Wang Lu to take a seat, add some spiritual tea, and sit beside him.

The old man said: "I am Lu Ming, the head of the Lu family. I don't know what you call me?"

"Fellow Taoist, you are right. I am on Xiawang Road, a Qi-training disciple of Dream Sect. Please tell me in detail about the disappearance of the child."

Wang Lu replied.

"Here's the thing..."

Over a cup of tea, Lu Ming recounted the truth in detail.

"So, are there no clues about what the murderer looks like or what characteristics the murderer has?"

Wang Lu frowned.

"According to the guesses of Chen Guocong's masters, the opponent is not one person, but an organization. They speculate that there are no less than three masters in the late stage of Qi training. However, their whereabouts are unpredictable and the time of committing crimes is irregular. Last time, a girl disappeared. Twenty days ago, children disappeared inexplicably one after another, which had a very bad impact on this city. All residents in the city who have children are now in panic and everyone is in danger. Now, Taoist friends have arrived in time, and we are on our way. I’m very grateful. If you have any requests, I will do my best.”

Lu Ming stood up and cupped his fists.

Wang Lu thought for a moment and said: "In three days, gather all the children between the ages of five and seven in the city to the city lord's mansion, send more manpower and take strict precautions. I will personally guard it, and we will stop with silence. Come and wait."

After hearing Wang Lu's method, Lu Ming exclaimed: "Shangzong had a hard time traveling all the way. Let's have a good rest. In three days, we will make arrangements."

After Lu Ming finished speaking, he called for a young and beautiful maid to take Wang Lu to his room to rest.

"Master, please wait a moment."

Wang Lu suddenly spoke.

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