Wang Lu said to Lu Ming: "Please let the head of the family exaggerate it so that the whole city knows about it."

"I understand. I'm going to implement the friendly plan."

Lu Ming said.

In the next three days, the City Lord's Mansion posted notices throughout the city: For the safety of the children, please send your children to the City Lord's Mansion. The City Lord's Mansion will make appropriate arrangements. Otherwise, we will not be responsible for anything that goes wrong.

The coercive behavior of the City Lord's Mansion was approved by the vast majority of people, but there were also voices of opposition.

For example, although some wealthy families or people from martial arts sects are unwilling to send their children to the City Lord's Mansion, they have to do so due to the general trend and the dual invisible pressure of the City Lord's Mansion's strong intimidation and the unknown and brutal robbers.

Thousands of children gathered in the City Lord's Mansion, crying, laughing, playing, scolding... they were buzzing like a large group of flies, and the noise was so noisy that the City Lord's Mansion was like a pot exploding. Extremely noisy.

Lu Shun, the second elder of the Lu family, accompanied Wang Lu to a pavilion to enjoy tea. San San asked: "The reaction in the city is very intense now. If the gangsters don't show up as time goes on, it will be difficult to deal with it."

"City Lord, don't worry. I predict that the thieves will take action within a month. If they really calm down by then, each household will be compensated fifty taels of silver per month. I believe this is a drop in the bucket for the City Lord's Mansion." Bar."

Wang Lu picked up the white jade tea cup and said.

Lu Shun felt a little pain and frowned slightly: "Just follow the Shangzong's arrangement."

A month passed quickly, and the gangster still did not show up. Wang Lu also felt a little anxious at this time.

However, looking at the groups of dolls, a vague image of my childhood appeared before my eyes.

Every day, a large group of children's parents would gather outside the city lord's palace, just to take a look at their children. Some women could not help but cry, while the men would sigh and pull the women away.

Poor parents in the world, Wang Lu couldn't help but think of his parents. He planned to go home to visit his parents after successfully building the foundation.

Just when the residents in the city were excited, the city lord's palace compensated each family with fifty taels of silver according to Wang Lu's statement. With this, the public's opposition instantly became much smaller.

Many families only earn about ten taels of silver a year, which suddenly makes them fifty taels of silver a month. Many people wish their children could stay in the City Lord's Mansion for a few more months. It would be better if the City Lord's Mansion raises their children. .

More than ten days have passed, and the house is still as calm as ever, as if the other party has given up on the idea of ​​robbing children.

That night, everything was quiet, except for the drizzle that kept falling. The outside of the city lord's mansion was tight inside.

In the garden, two fifth-level Qi Refining monks who were in charge of guarding used the invisibility charm to talk softly: "Brother Yan, in the past more than a month since the city lord issued this order, those gangsters should have given up. We have surrounded the city lord's mansion. Even if If a fly flies into a city, it will be unable to escape, and it will pierce through everything.”

One of the monks said.

"Fellow Daoist Dragon's words are reasonable, but the announcement from the city lord is really attractive. Fifty taels of silver and help take care of their children. This is a piece of cake in the sky. The city lord also calculated a blood. "

The monk named Yan whispered.

"What are these worldly things? They add up to less than one spiritual stone. Speaking of which, our reward is really generous. Ten low-grade spiritual stones in one month. In two months, I can buy a bottle of Ju." Qi Dan, refining the sixth level of Qi is no longer a luxury.”

The monk surnamed Long smiled.

"It's better to save the Qi Gathering Pills of the two fellow Taoists for Xia Huangquan."

Immediately afterwards, a cold chuckle came from his ears.

A monk wearing a ghost mask appeared next to the two of them like a ghost. With a wave of his hands, the two of them fell to the ground before they could make any defense.

The man in the evil ghost mask then wandered around the city lord's palace like a breeze, killing all the guards in the Qi Refining period without leaving a trace, and quietly escaped towards a room where children were placed, using a A magical talisman.

The door opened and closed silently, and more than ten boys and girls were sleeping quietly on the beds. The ghost watched for five breaths, but did not kidnap these children and retreated out.

After going to more than ten rooms in a row, he finally found a little girl.

An extremely weak purple light appeared between the girl's eyebrows. He cast a spell on the little girl, and the little girl floated and flew towards him involuntarily.

He gently hugged the little girl and sent the message. Within ten breaths, another evil ghost mask monk arrived. The two exchanged glances and left with the girl in his arms.

The evil male cultivator continued forward and searched two-thirds of the rooms, where a boy was abducted in the same way.

Just as he was checking the next room, the loud sound of gongs and drums sounded outside. Hundreds of children were woken up one after another and began to cry, which was heard far away.

"Catch the robbers!"

"Catch the robbers!"

"Catch the robbers!"

The roars one after another instantly woke up the entire Tingyu City.

Seeing that the matter was exposed, the ghost-faced monk disappeared in a flash.

In the hall of the city lord's palace, Lu Shun's face was ashen. There were eight headless corpses placed in the hall. Wang Lu came to the corpses and took a closer look. They were all killed by an extremely rare rope-shaped magic weapon.

Wang expressionlessly walked to sit next to Lu Shun.

A middle-aged woman knelt tremblingly and uneasily not far from Lu Shun. Lu Shun asked, "How did you find out that the child was missing?"

The middle-aged woman said: "To the Lord of the City, every night at night, it's my turn and six other people to look for a room to check on the children's rest. When I walked in, I found that a girl was missing, so the slave girl immediately sounded the gong to notify guard."

Wang Lu and Lu Shun looked at each other, and Lu Shun waved his hand and said, "Go down and get ten taels of silver each. As long as you work hard and catch the murderer, there will be a heavy reward."

When she heard that there was not only no punishment but also a reward, the woman was so excited that she prostrated herself again and kept saying "Thank you City Lord" and "Thank you City Lord" non-stop.

At this time, a guard came in and said, "To the city lord, there are hundreds of children's parents gathered outside the mansion asking to see their children."

"Go down and tell them that there are many children and ask them to come early tomorrow morning."

Lu Shun said.

"As commanded."

"Sir, according to the investigation, two children were lost, and the gangsters seemed to have kidnapped them purposefully, but the reason has not yet been found out."

Lu Shun said to Wang Lu.

"Now we can only use puppetry to replace those two children. The city lord has to worry about the specific arrangements. Next, I would like to ask the city lord to check in detail whether these two children have any common characteristics with the children who were taken away in the past."

Wang Lu changed his mind and said.

"It's a good idea. Don't worry, Shang Zong, we will arrange it properly."

In the early morning, a swarm of residents came to visit their children and were relieved to see that they were safe.

At the same time, they felt more confident about leaving their children in the city lord's palace. They couldn't imagine that if they were in their own home, not only would they have no resistance, but they might be killed by the other party. They shuddered just thinking about it.

Lu Shun arranged for his capable men to inquire in detail about the parents of more than a dozen children. After some questioning, a counselor with a goatee informed the two that these more than a dozen children would tell their parents something at some point. Weird things, and sometimes they even hide in the room and cry non-stop.

The goateeted counselor surrendered, while Wang Lu and Lu Shun fell into deep thought.

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