Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 32: Butterfly Emerges

Wang Lu thought about it. Although there are many strange things in the world of immortal cultivation, what is so special about these children that makes them so concerned?

He couldn't figure it out. After a long time, Wang Lu stood up and frowned, saying, "Master, do you have any clues?"

"I am also confused. How about we send someone to ask the parents of the children to see which other children in the mansion have had such a situation?"

Lu Shun replied.

Wang Lu thought for a while and said, "For now, this is the only way. Thank you for your hard work, Master."

After returning to his residence, he thought for a while, called a cultivator, gave him a jade slip, and asked him to go to the Dream Sect Fu Hall to find Bai Yifan immediately. With his Jindan stage cultivation, he might be able to see something.

As the saying goes, one person's plan is short, and two people's plan is long. He was helpless. He tried his best. If the hall master happened to know, it would be much smoother to catch the murderer.

Just as the City Lord's Mansion sent more people to investigate, the ghost-masked male cultivator hid in the dark for a whole day, making sure that no one was following him, and then he came to an unnamed mountain outside the city.

The male cultivator came to a dense forest, threw the misty rain talisman, and suddenly, the whole dense forest was shrouded in a misty rain.

He groped for a while at a big tree, and the tree unexpectedly opened from the middle, revealing a stone staircase leading to the underground.

Going down the stone steps, after half an incense stick, he came to a wide and bright cave.

Right in front of the cave is a ghost-faced statue about ten feet high.

The statue has a green face and fangs, deep eye sockets, two lines of blood and tears flowing out, eyes looking straight ahead, a faint light purple vertical eye between the eyebrows, its nose is collapsed, its ears are like crescents, its eyebrows are frowned, it has two feet and three hands, its nails are wide and thin, and its body is blood red.

The ghost-faced monk clasped his hands together, knelt down and bowed his head, saying: "My Lord Ghost King, we have now captured sixteen children with purple eyes. We only need two more to start the blood sacrifice and revive you, my Lord Ghost King."

As soon as the ghost-faced monk finished speaking, the statue moved slightly, and a storage bag appeared in front of him. He picked up the storage bag, and after sensing it with his spiritual sense, he said with a happy face: "Thank you for the reward, Ghost King. I will gather eighteen people as soon as possible to revive you!"

He lowered his head and slowly retreated, looking at the raindrops all over the sky, and fell into memories.

His name is Hou Jie. He is an unknown casual cultivator who accidentally entered the world of immortal cultivation. After more than seventy years of ups and downs, he traveled to Tingyu City and found a small ghost-faced statue in a dilapidated cave in a deep mountain.

He found a jade slip in the belly of the statue, and his spiritual sense penetrated. According to the instructions of the jade slip, he found the big tree with trepidation and longing, and opened it and went down to the underground cave in a unique way to see the statue.

The statue called himself the Ghost King, and there was still a faint breath. It turned out that only a trace of his soul remained in it.

The powerful and unpredictable Ghost King placed a ban on him and ordered him to form a small sect, which called itself the Ghost Gate, and gave him some resources for cultivating immortals.

According to the instructions of the Ghost King, he found some casual cultivators, promised them benefits, organized them, and established a simple sect in Tingyu Mountain.

After the sect was established, the Ghost King taught him a method of looking at qi, and asked him to find children aged five to six with a purple gas ball between their eyebrows in Tingyu City, and gather eighteen people to bring them to the statue.

Then, he taught him a blood sacrifice formation, in which the Ghost King could be reborn from the ashes.

He taught the method of looking at qi to his disciples, sneaked into the houses in the city and kidnapped children between the ages of five and six with a light purple gas ball between their eyebrows.

He had three strange doubts:

First, why did he have to look for people in Tingyu City?

Second, why between five and six years old?

Third, no matter how he cast the spell, he did not find any child with such a light purple gas between the eyebrows of children younger than five or older than six.

Although he was very curious, he never asked the Ghost King or inquired indirectly.

Seventy years of experience told him that too much talk leads to mistakes. What to ask and what to say should be distinguished from the primary and secondary, otherwise, a disaster will come before you can even think of it.

He and others found and took away fourteen children with purple gas, which eventually attracted the investigation of the City Lord's Mansion.

Using the magic tools and talismans obtained from the Ghost King, he calmly killed the tracking monks, but attracted the attention of Chen State and even the Dream Sect.

In Hou Jie's view, it will be discovered sooner or later, and as long as the foundation-building monks do not come, it will not have much impact.

However, he never expected that the masters sent by the Fantasy Sect would quietly gather all the children in the city to the City Lord's Mansion, which made him unable to start. He asked the Ghost King for instructions, and the Ghost King gave him a Soul-Extinguishing Talisman and a rope-shaped top-grade magic weapon.

Unlike the Invisibility Talisman, the Soul-Extinguishing Talisman can block all of his aura after use, and even masters in the middle stage of foundation building cannot find it.

At this time, there was a foundation-building pill in his storage bag that he had dreamed of. He was originally hopeless in foundation building, so he suppressed his excitement.

In order to complete the Ghost King's plan of resurrection, he would never allow any mistakes to happen.

Hou Jie planned to go to the City Lord's Mansion after successfully building his foundation, so that even if he was discovered, no one could stop him. Even the masters sent by the Fantasy Sect could not stop him from finding the last two children. Even if he went to war, he had the confidence to destroy the entire City Lord's Mansion.

He had been staying at the ninth level of Qi Refining for twenty years. Because he did not have a foundation-building pill, he had never been able to take that step. God took pity on him and gave him a chance to ascend to heaven in one step.

He sent out a communication talisman, informing his men to stop all actions and wait for his news.

Then, he found a hidden place and built a temporary cave.

After everything was arranged, Hou Jie sat cross-legged and began to practice. When his magic power returned to its peak, he began to build a foundation.

At the same time, Wang Lu, who was practicing, suddenly felt a wave of fluctuations coming from the spirit beast bag, as if a living creature kept kicking the spirit beast bag.

He took out the spirit beast bag and cast a spell. The spirit beast bag opened, and something flashed across the room like a flash of lightning, hit the window frame, and fell to the ground.

Looking closely, it turned out to be the butterfly egg brought out from the Jiuyue Secret Realm.

The butterfly egg has hatched a half-foot-long purple and gray little butterfly. The little butterfly flapped its two purple and gray wings that were disproportionate to its body and flapped weakly.

The two sparkling little eyes looked at Wang Lu, trying to open their tiny mouths, as if saying something.

Wang Lu's heart moved, walked over, picked it up, and put it in his palm.

The little butterfly's breath was weak, but long and powerful. What shocked him was that it had already reached the level of a second-level demon beast just after it was born, comparable to the late stage of human Qi Refining.

The little guy lay softly, as if he had found his relatives, tightly clinging to Wang Lu's palm, his two wings flapping slightly, and two slender purple butterfly antennae twisting and rubbing his palm.

A burst of itchy feeling came, and Wang Lu laughed "hehe".

He didn't have a spirit beast, and planned to take the little butterfly as his life spirit beast. His intuition told him that the little butterfly was not simple.

Without saying a word, Wang Lu squeezed out a drop of blood from his fingers, and then followed the method of spirit beasts recognizing their masters, pinched the formula to penetrate the blood into the body of the little butterfly, and at the same time chanted...

After an incense stick, the little butterfly was nagging all over, and its two gray-purple eyes seemed to have different colors all of a sudden. The hazy figure of Wang Lu was gradually reflected clearly in its eyes, and it looked at him with gentle eyes like water.

After the little butterfly recognized its master, it became closer to him.

He could feel its current weakness, and from the little butterfly's weak thoughts, it needed a lot of spiritual energy and a long sleep.

Wang Lu put the little butterfly back into the spirit beast bag, took out twenty medium-grade spirit stones in one breath and put them in carefully.


Wang Lu laughed happily.

The little guy seemed to have burped and fell asleep contentedly.

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