Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 251: Endure to Death


Wang Lu suddenly felt severe pain all over his body, and he could not help but groan in pain. He had no time to make any defense, so he could only muster up his magic power and use all his strength to perform his body skills. In an instant, he disappeared in the sky full of sword light.


Wang Lu groaned softly. He was covered with scars and bleeding. Fortunately, his body skills were as fast as lightning and as fast as thunder. He passed through the sword light with a body comparable to that of a peak level 4 monster. If his speed was not fast enough, as long as he stayed in the sword light for two breaths, he would have no body left, and he would die worse than dead.

At this time, Wang Lu was bleeding all over his body. Even with the precious clothes covering his body, he still couldn't stop the extremely sharp sword light. He used his magic power to stop the bleeding.

He looked grimly at the five yellowish-brown puppets that were almost identical to him and had the same cultivation level as him, which appeared from the mirror. The puppets did not pause for even a breath because of his injury, and they all swung out yellow-green blades one after another, rushing towards Wang Lu like a tide.

"Hahaha, come on!"

Wang Lu laughed in anger, and the Thousand Layer Mountain Talisman immediately wrapped him tightly and tightly.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding"

Like rain hitting banana leaves, countless blades chopped on the Thousand Layer Mountain. Wang Lu no longer cared about the attacks of the five puppets, but just sat quietly on the ground, meditating to recover while constantly pouring his mana into the Thousand Layer Mountain Talisman.

After an hour, the five puppets saw that their attacks did not seem to have much effect on the Thousand Layer Mountain, so they flashed to Wang Lu's vicinity and directly used the strange knife in their hands to chop on the Thousand Layer Mountain one by one.

"Squeak", "Squeak", "Squeak", "Squeak".......

It was like an iron knife slashing on fine steel, making a series of harsh sounds. Qianceng Mountain was like a small sampan, floating up and down under the huge waves. However, Qianceng Mountain was never sunk to the bottom of the sea by the waves. Like a tumbler, no matter how it was hit, it still stood firm.

"Huoh", "Huoh", "Huoh", "Huoh", "Huoh"

The five puppets saw this and shouted excitedly, slashing at Qianceng Mountain like crazy, making the originally precarious Qianceng Mountain in danger of breaking at any time.

However, Qianceng Mountain was so naughty that no matter how it was tortured and destroyed, it could not be destroyed.

Half a day later, the five puppets were still waving their knives tirelessly and with all their strength.

"Dang", "Dang", "Dang", "Dang"

It was as if the five blacksmiths were sweating and wielding hammers to beat the stubborn iron. They just didn't believe that even the hardest stubborn iron could be beaten into the shape they wanted.

Well, in that case, let you beat it.

One day later, the five men were still beating the stubborn iron tirelessly. The stubborn iron seemed to give them a naughty look, which made them furious and they swung their hammers faster and harder.

Three days later, the men seemed to swing their hammers slower, and the stubborn iron seemed to be scared and became a little docile. Under their fierce hammering, part of it gradually became what they wanted.

So, the men got excited again and beat it faster and more continuously.

Five days later, the men finally realized that they had been fooled!

The iron that was hit was not ordinary iron, but meteorite iron that fell from the sky. However, after five days and five nights of continuous and desperate hammering, they had no strength left and collapsed on the ground.


Wang Lu put away the Thousand Layer Mountain and looked at the five gray puppets. He waved his hand slightly, and the six-star arched moon blade chopped around them like cutting vegetables and melons. Then, the five puppets were chopped into pieces and were in ruins.

"Congratulations to the trialer for breaking through the third level!"

The voice rang in Wang Lu's ears again without warning at the moment when the five puppets were destroyed, but this time the tone seemed to have a touch of emotion in it.

The reason why the five puppets were killed was not that the defense of the Thousand Layer Mountain was extremely powerful, but that Wang Lu had enough Thousand Layer Mountains.

One Thousand Layer Mountain Talisman can last for three hours. In the past five days, Wang Lu has used up twenty-one extremely precious Thousand Layer Mountain Talismans, which are top-grade defensive talismans that Xiaoyaozi rarely sees.

Moreover, the defensive strength of Wang Lu's Thousand Layer Mountain Talisman is one-fourth stronger than that of ordinary Thousand Layer Mountain Talismans. If it were an ordinary Thousand Layer Mountain Talisman, it would be chopped to pieces by the five puppets' blades with a ray of space magic within one hour, let alone lasting for three hours.

In fact, Wang Lu also wanted to deal with the five puppets in a dignified manner, but who knew that he was almost seriously injured when he appeared. Although he was not injured at all, the damage to his body was also difficult to recover. Originally, Wang Lu only wanted to use the Thousand Layer Mountain to temporarily stabilize his injuries, and then settle accounts with the five puppets.

Little did he know that the five puppets' violent attacks did not hurt the foundation of Qianceng Mountain, but only gradually broke it. So Wang Lu suddenly realized that his Qianceng Mountain Talisman was not circulated in this war. He worked day and night for three years to make talismans, which made him draw a lot of Qianceng Mountain Talismans, and of course left a lot of other intermediate talismans.

It's not that Wang Lu kept them privately, but his talisman making skills had made great progress in three years, even he himself felt incredible. If he took them all out, it would definitely shock many people.

He still understood the principle that the tree that stands out in the forest will be destroyed by the wind.

Besides, he has already contributed a lot to this war. Although he is not a mean person, he is not a selfless person. He also needs to prepare more for this war.

Based on the above two reasons, few people can reach the intermediate talismans in his storage bag. He also took advantage of the huge amount of resources to continuously draw new intermediate talismans.

This is also one of the reasons why he dared to participate in the war.

However, these talismans in the storage bag should have appeared in the war. Who would have thought that he would almost die before he could use them.

He laughed "hehe" and looked at the five unlucky puppets. It's not that you are not powerful enough, but the magical crystal that supports your mana source does not generate enough mana.


Wang Lu shook his head and mourned for them in his heart for a while. He hoped that when they were refined next time, their owners would consider this aspect. Otherwise, if they met a weirdo like Wang Lu again, they would not be killed, but exhausted to death. That would be too unfair.

Just like now, who can he go to for justice?

Wang Lu looked at the center of the tower ventricle, and the wooden staircase appeared again silently. Wang Lu calmed down his emotions and walked slowly towards the circular staircase.

He came to the staircase and used his hands to carefully sense the material of the staircase for the first time. The staircase was as warm as jade, smooth and exuded a very light sandalwood scent.


This circular staircase was actually made of the Bodhi tree planted outside.

Wang Lu looked at the Bodhi tree staircase in front of him stupidly and foolishly, as if there were ten thousand "Cao Ni Wu Tou" running around in his heart!

Really, comparing people is so annoying!

If he could get even a small piece of the Bodhi tree, he would be ecstatic!

But, but, you actually abused and trampled on the Bodhi tree so much, using it to make stairs for thousands of people to step on?

Is this going to let people live?

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