Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 252: Transformation

Wang Lu sighed unwillingly and meditated again to recover from his injuries.

Ten days later, apart from the minor injuries in his body, he was very satisfied with his current state.

He looked at the Bodhi tree stairs in front of him, slapped a Thousand Layer Mountain Talisman on himself, and climbed up the stairs.

Ten breaths later, Wang Lu came to the fourth floor, which had nothing to do with the expected overwhelming sword light.

The entire fourth floor was very quiet, but the moment he stepped in, he seemed to be locked by seven ferocious monsters, making him uncomfortable.

Seven puppets that were exactly the same as the first three floors were distributed around the tower ventricle and stared at him intently, as if the meaning of their existence was to wait for Wang Lu's arrival.

"Huoh", "Huoh"...

Seeing Wang Lu's appearance, they made seven excited calls one after another, and then raised their strange knives to chop at Wang Lu.

In order to verify whether the Thousand Layer Mountain could withstand the slashing of the sword light, Wang Lu stood still in the same place.


It was as if the earth and the sky were shaking, and his Qianceng Mountain was almost shattered by the joint attack of the seven puppets.

Wang Lu then realized that the seemingly random positions of the seven puppets actually implied a certain formation. Under the blessing of the formation, their sword auras were greatly enhanced, so that they far exceeded the attack of the third-layer puppets.

After understanding this, Wang Lu made a move with one hand, and the spirit-breaking flashed out. With one sword, a dark sword aura swept towards one of the puppets.

The puppet also swung out a sword aura at the same time, and the two disappeared after meeting in mid-air.

Compared with the puppet of the third layer, its sword aura was indeed much more powerful and very tricky.

When the sword aura and the sword aura dissipated, the six sword auras behind Wang Lu intertwined and slashed fiercely on the Qianceng Mountain. The Qianceng Mountain was shattered under this attack.

Wang Lu ignored the broken Qianceng Mountain. He shouted softly and danced his hands like a butterfly. In an instant, dozens of sword beams shuttled back and forth up and down, left and right, forming a sword net and rushing towards the puppet.

The puppet still had no expression on his face, but the speed of swinging the sword was a little faster. The other six yellow-green sword beams instantly merged with his sword beams and rushed towards Wang Lu's sword net.


Although the merged sword beams weakened nearly half of the sword net, the sword net still rained down on the puppet like a rainstorm.

In a flash, another merged sword beam met the sword net, and the sword net was consumed by half again. Then the sword beam reappeared and the sword net finally dissipated.

However, what made the seven puppets angry was that after the first sword net disappeared, a continuous stream of sword nets broke through the air.

The seven puppets swung their swords quickly with both hands, and the sword beams one by one also continuously met the sword net.

Wang Lu and the seven puppets were consumed together.

However, due to the distance, as the blade light and the sword net disappeared and reappeared, the puppet facing Wang Lu always had to swing more than ten swords per breath than the other six puppets to prevent the sword net from moving forward an inch.

Wang Lu also saw the stalemate and the situation of the puppet opposite.

He didn't believe that he couldn't do anything with the monkey wine.

Let's see who can outlast the other.

Since Wang Lu and they were all doing their best, his mana was consumed quite quickly. Fortunately, the black sword net was still more than half stronger than the huge sword aura of seven swords combined into one. Basically, each sword net required three sword auras from seven puppets to completely offset it.

After a meal, Wang Lu drank a big mouthful of five hundred years of monkey wine, and the consumed mana was perfected again. The speed of swinging the sword of the puppet facing Wang Lu slowed down a bit, and the sword net also moved forward a few inches.

However, just when Wang Lu thought that he would be able to wipe out this puppet soon, his eyes seemed to flicker. The puppet on the opposite side, which was already struggling to swing the sword, suddenly seemed to be injected with chicken blood, and his hands quickly swung out a series of sword beams, making the sword net unable to move forward again.

This made Wang Lu puzzled. Could it be that the puppet also had some elixir or treasure to replenish mana?

At this point, Wang Lu grasped this advantage, how could he give up easily.

His intuition told him that if he had not suppressed one of the puppets on the opposite side at the beginning, the seven puppets must have other powerful magical powers. Once that magical power was released, he would be very dangerous.

Soon, the time for a meal passed again. When the puppet's sword swinging movement also slowed down, Wang Lu seemed to be dazzled again, and the sword net that had moved forward a few inches was blocked again.

The puppet was still swinging the sword as before. Since Wang Lu's consciousness was basically used to control the sword light to form the sword net, he really didn't understand why the puppet suddenly seemed to have something from outer space replenished in its body, making it lively again. He just felt that there must be something strange.

The time for a meal was approaching, and the hands of the puppet swinging the sword had changed a little. Wang Lu planned to separate a part of his consciousness this time to carefully observe how the puppet, whose mana was already a little exhausted, could be full of vitality again?

If he couldn't figure this out, he would be exhausted to death here even if he had a large amount of spirit monkey wine.

At the moment when the puppet's sword swinging slowed down, Wang Lu's eyes suddenly blurred again, but his powerful consciousness had already captured the tricks played by the other party.

It turned out that when the puppet that was running out of mana slowed down, one of the six puppets exchanged positions with it in a moment, so it became vigorous again.

Because their exchange was completed in a very short time, and because the seven puppets were almost made from the same mold, Wang Lu had an illusion that they were just playing a trick of escaping from the shell and stealing the day.

After solving this mystery, Wang Lu felt relieved. Since the other party did not have any external force to replenish them, even if they could hold on now, after six times, the seven puppets would be greatly consumed. At that time, it would be time to annihilate them in one fell swoop.

At the same time, Wang Lu also noticed that the other four puppets that had previously changed positions could keep up with the frequency of the other three swinging swords under the blessing of the formation, but every time they swung a sword, their movements would unconsciously slow down by one third of a breath.

After two more meals, the puppets were finally exchanged completely. At this time, even with the blessing of the formation, the seven puppets could not resist the advancement of the sword net.

As time went on, the frequency of the seven puppets' positions became faster and faster. In the end, when the sword net was about to approach, the speed of their exchange was so fast that they almost formed a complete circle, which made Wang Lu dizzy.

As soon as a puppet landed, it was moved away by the formation in almost the next breath. The seven puppets were so fast that even Wang Lu's powerful consciousness could not catch their figures.

Faster and faster, faster and faster...

A loud "boom" sounded

The seven puppets were so fast that their bodies could not bear the pressure. When the sword net approached, almost at the same time, their bodies suddenly exploded like seven fireworks and disappeared in the fourth floor in an instant.

"Congratulations to the trialer for successfully breaking through the fourth floor."

The voice sounded in Wang Lu's mind again.

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