After repeated thinking, Wang Lu still did not decide to leave, but stayed.

He needed to confirm that Long Zhou was safe or safely placed him before he could leave with peace of mind. The reason why the Tai family chased him was because of the fairy vine gourd, and the awakening of the fairy vine gourd was entirely due to Long Zhou.

Although he didn't know what the fairy vine gourd was for, his intuition told him that the fairy vine gourd was very important to him. Once it was completed, it would be a great help to him and become his right-hand man.

Since the cause had been planted, if he just let it go, he would definitely bear huge karma in the future. This was the first; second, with the deep foundation and strength of the Tai family, Long Zhou would definitely not be spared. Even if this was a trap, he had to get in.

After solving the problem of breath, Wang Lu had no worries. He did not go directly to find the whereabouts of Long Zhou. He planned to go to the "Herb House" mentioned by the mysterious man to see what tricks the other party wanted to play.

Two hours later, a shop about six feet in radius appeared in front of Wang Lu. He looked at the open door and walked in.

At this time, he had suppressed his cultivation to the level of the middle stage of foundation building, and his breath was a little unstable at this time, giving people a feeling that his cultivation would drop to the early stage of foundation building at any time.

Entering it, a faint smell of elixir came to his nose. He walked directly to the counter. A middle-aged man in the early stage of foundation building in green clothes stood up with a happy face and asked with a smile: "Excuse me, fellow Daoist, what kind of elixir do you want to choose? The elixir in our store is complete and of excellent quality, especially for the elixir in the Qi training stage. It is outstanding."

"Indeed," Wang Lu said after looking around, "the elixir in your store is quite complete from low to high. I have a junior whose consciousness has been damaged to a certain extent. I wonder if there is any elixir to treat this injury."

"Yes, yes, yes," the middle-aged cultivator said impatiently, "Here is a bottle of Qingling Pill, which is good for the consciousness. Damage has a better effect. This is a bottle of soul-replenishing pill, which is also very beneficial. The two are taken together, which can be said to be a medicine to cure the injury. What do you think, fellow Daoist? "

Wang Lu was not in a hurry to buy. He sighed and said, "My junior aptitude is not very good. I need to buy some pills to consolidate my cultivation, enhance my magic power, stabilize my soul, treat external injuries, and repair internal injuries. Can you recommend some, fellow Daoist?"

The middle-aged cultivator flicked his two mustaches, and his eyes showed the meaning of "I know everything". He took out some niche pills such as Broken Jade Pill, Soul-enhancing Pill, Golden Crow Pill, Blood-dissolving Pill, Soul-replenishing Pill, etc. and stuffed them to Wang Lu.

Seeing this, he did not ask the price, but bought all the pills without saying anything, and left in a hurry after paying the spirit stones.

After Wang Lu left, the middle-aged cultivator changed his previous smiling and enthusiastic expression and became serious.

The sudden arrival of this cultivator was very strange, because there were few foundation-building cultivators who came to buy the corresponding elixir. Those who came to buy the elixir were only some familiar Qi-refining cultivators.

He had just carefully observed Wang Lu's every move and every word. Although he was acting real and natural, he still had some doubts in his heart. However, he didn't know where this inexplicable doubt came from.

He forced the relevant thoughts out of his mind. The whereabouts of Chen Yong were now the top priority. With the power of their Tai family's "Qi-taking Array", they didn't even catch Chen Yong's shadow.

Either this person was very patient and still stayed in Zhaoyao Inn; or this person's power was far beyond their imagination, and he could enter and exit freely under the monitoring of the "Qi-taking Array".

Alas, the special puppet that he had finally found in a secret realm was wasted in vain, which made him very unwilling. He originally wanted to use Chen Yong to muddy the waters of the Tai family, but now it seems unlikely to be realized.

He stayed in the store for a while, and a cultivator who looked exactly like him came out of the secret door, bowed to him, and he nodded and disappeared into the secret door.

At this point, the entire Herbal House fell into the same calm as before.

Wang Lu walked out of the Herbal House, still in a hurry, but he stayed in each small medicine shop for a while. After confirming that no one was following him, he returned to the place where he met Long Zhou's stall.

He did not gain nothing from the Herbal House trip. The middle-aged shopkeeper just now obviously suppressed his cultivation like him. Even though he hid it very deeply, he was actually a real Jindan mid-stage cultivator. It seems that there is still a lot of water in it. It is better not to go here unless it is absolutely necessary.

At this time, Long Zhou's stall was replaced by a green-clothed woman with average looks, selling some exquisite small accessories and small objects and other ordinary things, and the business was quite good.

This woman looked like an ordinary woman, but Wang Lu still found a clue with his powerful consciousness: very weak fluctuations of magic power drifted out from time to time with her words and deeds, even if she tried her best to suppress it.

Moreover, even if she acted naturally and kindly, the pride in her eyes as a cultivator did not escape Wang Lu's eyes.

He knew that something happened to Long Zhou.

To save Long Zhou, he had to know his whereabouts, which was a top priority, otherwise how could he talk about it.

He followed the crowd and disappeared, and casually found a small wine shop near the woman's stall, tasting the spirit wine while waiting for her to leave.

Soon, the sun set, and the dim red light covered the entire Lingyun City. The woman carefully put the small ornaments on the stall into an exquisite flower basket, looked at the crowd around her inconspicuously, and saw nothing unusual. She looked in a direction and walked back slowly.

Putting down ten low-grade spirit stones, Wang Lu left the tavern.

As one of the three major sects of the righteous way in the northern border and southern regions, Lingyun Sect is naturally powerful.

As the largest city under the jurisdiction of Lingyun Sect, Lingyun City is also extraordinary. It is more than 10,000 miles in radius, with beautiful mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery, and long streets crisscrossing in all directions. There are countless people coming and going to this city for trade and treasure hunting.

The woman walked through the streets and alleys all the way. After an hour, she came to a block where mortals lived. At this time, there were fewer pedestrians on the street. Because it was a place where mortals lived, almost no cultivators were seen.

Both sides of the street were bungalows built of white stone. The woman walked to one of the houses with a small courtyard, took out the key, opened the gate and slipped in.

Wang Lu used the intermediate body-destroying talisman to come to the front of the courtyard. With his spiritual sense, the whole courtyard was actually wrapped in a formation. Fortunately, the formation only served as a simple warning.

He took out a small dark gray formation flag, made a gesture with both hands, and a gray light instantly wrapped him up. Like a sponge absorbing water, he quietly merged into the formation and entered the small courtyard.

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