In the small courtyard, a willow tree as thick as a bowl was dancing in the wind. Under the willow tree was a small round stone table and four stone benches. On the stone table was placed a relatively fine knife.

On the other side of the small courtyard is Xuxuan. The wooden door is ajar, and a light comes from the wooden window, pulling out the two shadows in the house.

Wang Lu came to the wooden window. Lying on the wooden bed was a young man dressed in white. His breathing seemed to be absent, and his face was ashen. He was not Long Zhou.

Two early Jindan cultivators, a man and a woman, were sitting in the room. The male cultivator said: "Junior sister Yu, we have been here for three months, but Chen Yong still hasn't shown up. I think nine out of ten of them may have left. "Lingyun City."

"Senior brother, what you said is not unreasonable." The pretty female cultivator has returned to her original appearance and said, "Even so, what can we do? The camp leader asked us to continue to guard here. This dragon boat has now become the arresting Chen Yong's last clue, I think the half-year period is approaching, and Longzhou can only last for the last three months. It's strange to say that after ordinary mortals go through soul searching, even with the support of our elixirs and magic power, they can't survive for up to ten days. He would be out of his mind when he arrived. Who would have thought that he could survive for half a year? We are better here and can return in half a year, while Brother Bai and Brother Gu still need to stick to it for two years. I think the family is very fond of this Chen Yong. It’s inevitable.”

"Oh, so I am so valued by the nobles?"

It was like a thunderbolt from the clear sky resounding in the house!

The male and female second cultivators were extremely surprised but did not panic. They instantly released their defensive treasures and looked at Wang Lu who suddenly appeared in the room.

Wang Lu smiled strangely at the two of them. When they felt something was wrong and were about to run away, the word "It's too late" burst out of Wang Lu's mouth.

A piece of emerald green light fell from the sky like a big net, covering them in an instant.

Wang Lu quickly cast spells one after another at the green net, and the originally brilliant green net suddenly became bright again.

"Ah", "Ah"...

Before the two shrill screams could be fully uttered, the two of them were annihilated in the sudden explosion of green light.

Wang Lu used a powerful and overwhelming violent blow in a very short time of less than three breaths. With the cooperation of the six-star Gongyue Blade and the "Thousands of Thousand Threads Blade Formation", he ended the battle almost instantly. He was worried that the time would be too long. Other accidents will occur.

He did not expect that the re-evolved Six-Star Gongyue Blade would have such unrivaled power. It was already as sharp as a waterfall. With the improvement of his cultivation and the strengthening of his body, he could already more easily wield " Twenty percent of the power of the Thousand Thousand Threads Blade Formation was unleashed.

He looked at the dragon boat that was breathing less and out. From the conversation between the two of them just now, he had been soul-searched. The reason he was still alive was because the other party was pitiful and waiting for his appearance.

Wang Lu cast a magic spell at him, and Long Zhou's closed mouth opened slightly. A soul-replenishing pill, wrapped in Wang Lu's magic power, went down his throat to his heart, and melted instantly. Long Zhou's livid complexion improved slightly.

After putting the dragon boat into the bag, Wang Lu took a picture of himself again and left the dragon boat house.

Since then, he no longer has any nostalgia. As for whether he can save the dragon boat, he can only worry about it after leaving the city.

However, just when he left Longzhou's house, a huge crisis suddenly came out of the sky. Wang Lu couldn't help but shudder. He understood that a great danger was coming.

When the disaster was imminent, he didn't care whether his true appearance was exposed or not. He stretched out his body with all his strength and flew towards the South City Gate three thousand miles away. He disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Just when he killed the male and female cultivators of the Tai family, the two life cards in Tai Qingyu's room suddenly shattered and turned into powder. She immediately sent a message to the leader of the second battalion of Longbu Tiandi, and then led dozens of golden men from her family. The powerful man in the Dan stage flew at full speed in the direction of Wang Lu's escape on the ultimate flying spiritual weapon.

As soon as the news came out, the entire Tai family was instantly moved.

In the hall of the Longbu Dicamp, more than ten monks with varying levels of cultivation at the Golden Core stage gathered together.

A slender mid-Jindan monk wearing a purple robe and an extraordinary temperament looked at everyone in the hall thoughtfully. After a moment, he asked lightly: "Tai Qingyu has set off, right? Are the various branches of the family... What's the situation?"

A golden elixir Dzogchen strong man stepped out and replied: "Young Master, according to internal information, Taiyuzhou has led more than ten golden elixir stage powerhouses to follow Tai Qingyu. Tailong and Tai There is no movement from Qin yet.”

"Continue to monitor Tailong and Taiqin, especially Taiqin. Although this person is unknown, he has been dormant and watching with cold eyes. This opportunity is once in a lifetime. I don't believe he can still sit still. If there is any trouble in Taiqin, he will Qianli sent me a message." Tai Shanxing's calm words revealed a strong confidence that deeply affected everyone present. After a pause, he continued, "Jin Shark, how are you preparing? ?”

Another man with thick eyebrows and big eyes in the late stage of the Golden Core came out and said with a strong voice: "We are fully prepared, just waiting for the young master's order."

Tai Shanxing nodded and said seriously: "This operation is of great importance. If we don't get out, we will do it. If we do, we will succeed with one blow. Even I didn't expect that Chen Yong could crack my clan's "Qi Obtaining". Formation", and at the same time, we can go deep into danger to rescue that mortal. This is a God-given opportunity. We must seize it. At the same time, when we use our full strength to take action, there are three elders who hold Tai Qingyu and Tai Yuzhou behind us! Those who are strong in the Nascent Soul stage, so please rest assured, I will definitely reward you based on your merits! If you fail, I will go to hell with you."

"I am willing to do my best for the young master, even to the point of death!"

"Okay! Everyone is here, great things can be expected. Now let's take a good rest. We still need to wait for one more news, an extremely important news." Taishan Xing did not set off, but sat back down and closed his eyes to rest.

A quarter of an hour later, a jade slip came through the air, and Taishan Xing suddenly shot out two very strong yellow eyes. After looking at the jade slip, he sighed: "What a Chen Yong, I am convinced by Shanxing, now that I have returned it to I have left such a way out!”

Then, he said extremely calmly: "Let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, more than ten people got on a small boat-shaped flying ancient treasure, and flew towards the south at a speed far exceeding the best flying spiritual weapon, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, when Taishan Xing and his party disappeared, in a courtyard, a group of Jindan monks gathered around a young man with a melancholy look and fair skin like a patient.

The man looked towards the distant south in ecstasy, sighed and said: "Everyone, please go back, this operation is cancelled."

He is Tai Qin, Tai Shanxing's biggest rival in his heart.

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