Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 296: Soul-killing Talisman and Heavenly Radiance Stone

Yun Tiange appeared on the platform at the exact moment of Si Shi. No matter how high or low the cultivation level was, no one present could figure out how he did it.

In particular, the several Yuanying-stage masters present were also confused by his appearance. They looked at each other, and saw a trace of doubt and surprise in each other's eyes.

No matter how powerful Yun Tiange was, he could never escape their powerful consciousness. His appearance was too abrupt. After excluding any possibility, could it be that Yun Tiange had already arrived at the empty platform before them?

"I guess everyone is thinking about how I got here in an instant, right?" Yun Tiange said with a smile. Seeing that everyone was listening, he paused, pointed at himself, and continued, "In fact, the answer is very simple, like this."

What made everyone feel incredible was that the moment the word "sample" fell, Yun Tiange, who was talking freely, disappeared in an instant.

One breath, two breaths, three breaths, until ten breaths, Yun Tiange magically appeared in the same place again.

However, during this period, no one noticed his existence, let alone how he disappeared and came back again.

"Yun Tiange is indeed superior to others. I guess you must have used a treasure that can completely block the divine consciousness and pupil method. I wonder if what I said is true?" A horse-faced monk sitting in the front row who Wang Lu could not see through said stiffly without showing any expression.

"Hey, I won't keep you in suspense. You are right. You saw through the secret at a glance. Yes, this is the Absolute Spirit Talisman of the Six Talisman Sect that caused a sensation in the Northern Frontier more than 3,000 years ago. Although the Six Talisman Sect was destroyed more than 200 years ago, fortunately, more than 3,000 years have passed, and this talisman has appeared again in the world of immortal cultivation, which is a great blessing for our Northern Frontier. However, this talisman is not a complete Absolute Spirit Talisman. After it is used, it can only stay in place. If it moves slightly, it will be seen through by the divine consciousness. I have also laid out the advantages and disadvantages. Without further ado, I have two Absolute Spirit Talismans in my hand. The highest bidder wins." Yun Tiange started with a rare spiritual talisman that disappeared for 3,000 years.

Although the flaws are obvious, the advantage is that except for the peerless masters of the Spiritualization Stage or the cultivators of the Nascent Soul Stage and above who have practiced the magical pupil method, no one can see through this talisman. It is the best choice for hiding.

Therefore, when Yun Tiange finished speaking, everyone present, whether in the Nascent Soul Stage or the Golden Core Stage, showed an eager attitude, and the originally empty and quiet hall seemed to be hot all of a sudden.

"Nine thousand high-grade spirit stones!"

"Fourteen thousand!"

"Twenty thousand!"

"Thirty thousand!"


"Thirty-three thousand high-grade spirit stones, I want it!"

"Humph, wishful thinking, thirty or seventy thousand high-grade spirit stones!"

Wang Lu heard so many biddings one after another, as if he had eaten coptis, bitter.

But, more of it was anger!

Master Qiu Huaren mentioned to him at that time that Grandmaster Yunkong had planned to pass the throne of the Six Talisman Sect to Mi Tianhua, so he explained to him a lot about some talismans in the first volume of the Six Talisman Book.

Since Grandmaster Yunkong was a Yuanying-stage strongman, he must have opened the third page of the first volume of the Six Talisman Book and told Mi Tianhua about the relevant information of the Absolute Spirit Talisman, which led to the semi-finished Absolute God Talisman that is now being snatched up.

However, Wang Lu also admired the attainments of "Uncle Master" Mi Tianhua's talisman. In his opinion, the difficulty of drawing the Absolute Spirit Talisman is definitely higher than that of the intermediate-level talisman, and it can be regarded as the category of intermediate-level high-level talismans, because the Absolute Spirit Talisman is not in the five elements, but is an alternative talisman among the six talismans.

In addition, the key points of the Absolute Spirit Talisman should not have been explained to him in detail at the beginning, but he was able to draw it with his understanding of the talisman, which shows how extraordinary Mi Tianhua's talent is.

Unless Wang Lu's cultivation level breaks through to the Nascent Soul stage, it is impossible to open the third page of the upper volume of the "Six Talisman Book", and it is impossible to draw this talisman.

Seeing the appearance of the Absolute Spirit Talisman, Wang Lu understands that Mi Tianhua has achieved Nascent Soul. If he wants to take the middle volume of the "Six Talisman Book" from him, the difficulty will increase again. Unless he completes the first level of the "Kui Niu Treading the Sky Art", it will be possible, because he is not only facing Mi Tianhua, but also all the Nascent Soul masters in the entire Shenxue Sect.

Wang Lu also wants to fight for the Absolute Spirit Talisman of his master, even if this talisman is drawn by Mi Tianhua, but the price is too high, which is far more than the Blood Escape Talisman. Even his Shadow Talisman is still far behind the Absolute Spirit Talisman.

He couldn't help but sigh, the Six Talisman Sect had the highest book of talismans in this world, why didn't it become a super sect, but survived under the command of the Demon Sect?

Is it really a crime of possessing a treasure even if it is innocent?

The competition has now reached a fever pitch. After a female cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage wearing a green veil and wearing blue clothes shouted out the high price of "55,000 high-grade spirit stones", the whole place fell silent. If it was a complete Absolute Spirit Talisman, someone would probably fight for it for 100,000 high-grade spirit stones.

In the end, the female cultivator in blue clothes took away the two Absolute Spirit Talismans.

Next, Yun Tiange stroked his white beard and said jokingly: "Those Daoists who didn't get it don't need to worry too much. This is a trade fair held once every 500 years by Yinluanxuan, not an auction. I understand that many Daoists come from far away. I am just throwing out a brick to attract jade. The highlight is still to come. As the host, I am still a little famous, so I will lead by example."

Yun Tiange raised his hand, and a fist-sized unknown ore with golden light flashing was spread on the stone table made of fire fluorite. At the same time, a yellow light surged from the ground to the stone table in an instant.

"Tianyao Stone!"

A bear-faced monk whose cultivation level was beyond Wang Lu's perception saw this thing, and suddenly couldn't help jumping up from the rattan chair, and said in shock with an incredible look on his face.

Wang Lu had only heard of Tianyao Stone. It was said that a finger-sized Tianyao Stone was heavier than a small mountain. How much heavier would a fist-sized one be?

No wonder there was a yellow light covering the stone table. It turned out to increase the bearing capacity of the stone table.

Wang Lu didn't even dare to think about it. If Yun Tiange threw the Tianyao Stone to anyone present, he believed that very few people would be able to catch it. It was like a huge iron mountain falling from the sky. The weight alone could crush a person into a meat pie.

Too scary!

At the same time, this also made Wang Lu's desire for Kuiniu Shendan reach its peak. He wanted to leave the trade fair immediately and practice alchemy in seclusion.

However, he was just thinking about it. If he tried to make the alchemy with this mentality, the failure rate would be extremely high. Besides, he also had some personal ideas about alchemy.

The bear-faced monk who stood up saw the appearance of the Tianyao Stone. Even with the mask covering it, he could not stop the blazing flames in his eyes. He forced himself to suppress his excitement and asked in a deep voice: "I wonder how to exchange this thing?"

Yun Tiange did not answer him. With a slight movement of his magic power, his black eyeballs turned around, and a very light blue appeared in his pupils. He looked around and looked at everyone present.

When he glanced at Wang Lu, Wang Lu felt his whole body stiff, as if he was seen through.

When Yun Tiange retracted his gaze, in a very short moment, Wang Lu felt as if he had walked through the gates of hell, with hair standing on end and his back cold.

This person is too scary!

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