Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 297 The natural treasures of the Golden Throne Commanders

Actually, Wang Lu was wrong. Yun Tiange was not targeting him. He was targeting everyone in the audience.

It was just that when he looked at the six people, they all used their magical powers to cover themselves completely without hesitation. This made Yun Tiange feel that he was worthy of being a person with great luck who had the Golden Throne Order.


One of the sturdy men wearing a dragon mask stood up and said to Yun Tiange mercilessly, "Don't think that you, Yun Tiange, can walk sideways in the Nascent Soul stage. Others may be afraid of you, but I am not. I may have time to get close to you so that you can understand that there are always people who are better than you."

"Haha, you do have the strength to fight me, I will take it," Yun Tiange paused and continued, "It is said that the holders of the Golden Throne Order have great luck and great opportunities. Hehe, I just want to see if you are really as magical as the legend says. Sure enough, you all have the appearance of dragons and tigers, which opened my eyes! At the same time, please rest assured that I swear by my inner demon that I will never leak your information."

Yun Tiange did not hide his thoughts at all, which surprised everyone.

His casual and upright approach did not arouse the disgust of the crowd, and his oath by his inner demon made everyone feel relieved.

"Okay, no more small talk. This Tianyao Stone will be exchanged for a ten thousand year black flower. If there is no ten thousand year black flower, then two thousand year silver flowers."

As soon as Yun Tiange finished speaking, the whole hall fell into silence. Even the male cultivator wearing a black bear mask who stood up sighed and sat down angrily.

After a while, seeing no one responded, when Yun Tiange was about to take back the Tianyao Stone, the male cultivator wearing a black bear mask suddenly stood up again. He said loudly: "I know that everyone here must have a black flower or a thousand year silver flower in their hands. This Tianyao Stone is extremely important to me. I am willing to exchange it for ten spirit crystals!"

After hearing the words of the bear-faced male cultivator, everyone couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. It's too crazy, it's actually a spirit crystal!

After the upper-grade spirit stone is the best spirit stone, and above the best spirit stone is the spirit crystal. You know, a small spirit stone mine can condense a spirit crystal. Ten spirit crystals are ten small spirit stone mines. It's incredible to think about it.

If one top-grade spirit stone is exchanged for 5,000 high-grade spirit stones, and one spirit crystal is exchanged for 5,000 top-grade spirit stones, one spirit crystal is equivalent to 25 million high-grade spirit stones, and ten spirit crystals are equal to 250 million high-grade spirit stones. This is no longer crazy, but insane!

At this time, Wang Lu was struggling in his heart as fiercely as ever, and the roar of "I will trade with you" was about to come out, extremely strong.

But just as he was about to stand up, a cold breath surged from his chest, and Wang Lu calmed down instantly. He told himself strongly that he must not leak the thousand-year silver flower, even if there were more spirit stones, he could not give up the silver flower. This thought came so violently and so fiercely, like a huge wave that swept him away.

After ten breaths, seeing that no one responded, the bear-faced male cultivator finally gave up in frustration and did not say another word during the entire trade fair.

"Yes, Xuanhua is hard to find, but Yinhua is easier to find. It seems that the final destination of my Tianyao Stone should be in the West Desert." Yun Tiange laughed with deep meaning.

"Next, I will retreat to the second line and leave the stage to you." Yun Tiange stepped aside. He knew that the opportunity was rare and was looking forward to the treasures in the storage bags of the owners of the Golden Palace Order. Maybe he could also exchange for what he needed.

"Then I will show my ugliness." The dragon masked man had already jumped onto the round platform before he finished speaking.

Then, he lifted a yellowish-brown sword with a crazy spiritual energy with his dazzling hands. With a loud "clang", he laughed and put it hard on the fire fluorite table.


The dragon-like man saw that the fire-fluorite table was intact. He originally planned to use this extremely heavy sword to crush the stone table made of fire-fluorite to make Yun Tiange embarrassed on the spot, but he did not expect that the stone table remained motionless under the blessing of the formation.

The plan failed, and he snorted coldly: "This yellow sword has been out of the furnace for less than a year. It is an unrefined half-step spiritual treasure and a top-grade magic weapon. It is an attack and defense. I will use it to exchange for three ten-thousand-year-old wild monkey chrysanthemums."

Ten-thousand-year-old wild monkey chrysanthemums are a very important main ingredient for refining the three-line Qingling Pill to break through the late Nascent Soul. Let alone three, even one is rare in the world.

Only the three super sects in Zhongzhou have only three plants left. For the rest, only a few plants remain in the peerless dangerous places outside the five domains.

Just when everyone, including Yun Tiange, was jealous of the khaki-colored broadsword but couldn't produce three ten-thousand-year-old wild monkey chrysanthemums, a clean and sharp voice came out.

"I want it."

A female cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage wearing a yellow oriole mask waved her jade hand, and a green jade box landed steadily on the fire fluorite table. The dragon-like man immediately picked it up, and three chrysanthemums that looked like wild monkeys lay quietly in it.

The dragon-like male cultivator suddenly laughed, and at the same time, his left hand casually slapped the long knife on the table towards the yellow oriole female cultivator as if to shoo away a fly.

The yellow oriole female cultivator exhaled a breath of fragrance at the long knife that was coming at her like thunder, and the fierce long knife immediately withered, shrank to half an inch in the blink of an eye, and was put into the storage bag by the grinning female cultivator.

Wang Lu saw the battle between the male and female cultivators using magic weapons, and he just felt very excited.

This kind of effortless competition opened his eyes, and he couldn't help but sigh that the Jinluan Commanders were all unruly people who didn't play by the rules.

The second person who flew onto the platform was a female cultivator in the late Jindan stage, covered with white gauze. The pair of intoxicating phoenix eyes revealed by this woman alone made people want to lift her veil to find out.

The female cultivator in white gauze first bowed to Yun Tiange, and then took out a white jade bottle from the storage bag. As soon as the jade bottle was taken out, the whole hall seemed to be in winter, and the temperature dropped sharply.

Her slender jade finger flicked the jade bottle lightly. When the jade bottle was opened, a piece of ice mist covered the whole platform in the blink of an eye. Wang Lu looked closely and saw a longan-sized, exquisite pill lying in her crystal-like jade palm.

"Ice-clear jade marrow pill!"

After someone yelled, the whole hall became silent.

Wang Lu's eyelids twitched, and a paragraph of words kept hitting his brain:

The Ice-Pure Jade Marrow Pill is not a pill that improves cultivation, but it is a treasure among pills. Taking one pill can improve the cultivator's spiritual consciousness by 20%. However, one person can only take one pill in his lifetime, just like the Rejuvenating Pill. Taking more pills is a waste. This pill is only useful for cultivators below the Spiritualization Stage.

Cultivators below the Spiritualization Stage!

If a Yuanying Great Perfection cultivator who is about to pass the Spiritualization Tribulation takes this pill, the increased spiritual consciousness of 20% can completely play a decisive role.

Just thinking about it makes people excited!

The Ice-Pure Jade Marrow Pill is extremely rare, just like the Four-Colored Crimson Fragrant Fruit, Xuanhua, Millennium Silver Flower, and Tianyao Stone. To refine this pill, a great master of the alchemy must be able to do it, and the spiritual materials used are all over 100,000 years old.

When Wang Lu saw this pill, his mouth was dry and his whole body became restless. Everyone present, except the bear-faced male cultivator, was eager to try it.


After hearing Yun Tiange's cough with magical powers, everyone calmed down at the same time, but they still stared at the pure jade pill in the palm of the white gauze female cultivator that made them think about it.

Yun Tiange, who was standing aside, was also very excited at this time, but as the host, he had to suppress everyone's desire, otherwise, the trade fair would most likely turn into a robbery.

He had finally obtained the opportunity to be the host from Yin Yi at a high price, and he couldn't let it go wrong and fail in his first appearance. If so, what would he use to convince Yin Luanxuan in the future?

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