Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 328 Heaven and fate

Yin Qi's words made Yin Wu, who had just rolled in the sea of ​​blood and corpses, silent.

After a moment, Yin Wu sighed and said, "I am worried and confused. What Junior Brother Qi said makes sense. Maybe the deputy master of Xuan also thinks like you, but with Nineteen's strength, I don't think he can survive even if he fights hard. It's fate!"

"Hahahaha, Senior Brother, don't worry. I believe that kid will grow rapidly after going through the bloody purgatory of this secret realm. Moreover, I have found a capable helper for him a long time ago. It really fulfilled what you said, Senior Brother Wu, it's fate, nothing more than this."

Before meeting Wang Lu, Yin Qi was not optimistic about Yin Nineteen entering the Tianyun Secret Realm. After meeting Wang Lu, he believed that no matter how cruel Wang Lu was, he would not watch Yin Nineteen die in the hands of others and would definitely lend a hand.

It really fulfilled what Yin Wu said, it's fate!

Could it be that there is such a pair of magical hands in the dark, constantly stirring and pulling the lofty and profound destiny?

Yin Shijiu decided to condense the golden elixir after seeing Wang Lu's progress. Perhaps, the two will become life-and-death enemies in the future, or, in the end, one of them will eventually die at the hands of the other.

For three months, Wang Lu has been meditating and practicing in addition to killing monsters and taking treasures. The bottleneck of his cultivation has gradually loosened and progressed layer by layer. As he continues to go deeper into the Tianlin, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is getting thicker and thicker, almost more than 200 times that of the outside world. He did not think about why he did not meet others in the Tianlin, and he was too lazy to think about it.

The deeper he went into it, the stronger the monsters became. Some level 6 monsters were even stronger than him. It was not that he could not beat them, but he did not want to provoke them too much. Seizing every moment and easily improving his cultivation was the right way. Why bother to covet those things outside of his body?

A mutant level 6 peak red-eyed giant monkey guarding a 70,000-year-old red and blue twin flowers, not only has the same speed as him, but also has the same strength as him.

Although the red and blue twin flowers made his heart beat, he gave up.

Rather than fighting to the death with this monkey, it is better to give yourself more time to practice. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you miss this Tianyun Secret Realm, you will have to wait for five hundred years.

Five hundred years is too long, so you must seize the day.

On the eighth day after Wang Lu left the red and blue twin flowers, a young man with a scar on his face came to the red-eyed giant monkey. He fought with the monkey without saying a word.

An hour later, the mutant red-eyed giant monkey was torn apart by him, and he successfully collected the 70,000-year-old red and blue twin flowers.

The scarred man sensed a very faint aura on the giant monkey. He licked the blood splashed on the corner of his mouth with his tongue, and quickly chased after it along the faint aura.

In the south of Tianyuan, there is a green grassland with a radius of more than 10,000 miles. On the grassland, there are ten small hills about ten feet high and covered with various exotic grasses.

There are no powerful monsters in Tianyuan, but ten kinds of monster insects divide the land and live in groups, guarding the ten sacred mountains in their hearts.

Yin Shijiu, who is handsome and extraordinary with black hair, was just teleported to Tianyuan, which is what he desperately wants.

After three months of trekking, he finally avoided the panic squirming of tens of millions of vampire earthworms, escaped the poisonous stings of tens of thousands of lightning tail-chasing bees, and smashed a bloody path in the dense swarm of millions of giant tooth demon ants.

Almost every moment, he was in a state of nervous tension.

He almost crossed two-thirds of the vast Tianyuan that could not be seen at a glance. Although many times, life and death were on the line, he also gained a lot.

Three fist-sized, bright red blood-eye fruits. The red-eyed blood-eye fruits are rare treasures for cultivating the magic of the heavenly level. After taking them, one can comprehend the mystery of the way of killing.

Two longan-sized gold and stone jades that are heavier than an iron mountain are spiritual stones for refining powerful magic weapons. They are rare in the world.

Now, he is about to set foot on the territory of the Tongyou Soul-Eating Rat.

A blood-red thousand-year-old tree grows on the holy mountain guarded by the Tongyou Soul-Eating Rat.

The thousand-year-old tree grows one foot taller every 200,000 years until it is ten feet tall, and then it will bloom and bear fruit.

The blooming flowers are blood-red, as if watered with blood. After 25,000 years of blooming, a thumb-sized blood-red small fruit will be produced. The small fruit will grow for another 25,000 years before it finally matures. It is called the thousand-year-old fruit.

The thousand-year-old fruit, as long as it is taken, can increase life by 300 years out of thin air.

The thousand-year-old fruit that took the life of the heavens is one of the most precious treasures in the world of immortal cultivation.

The fourth-level demon beast Tongyou Soul-Eating Rat is one foot in size, but it has a body that cannot be broken by the attack of top-grade magic weapons and four sharp teeth that can bite through iron essence. Their spirits are very powerful. They can capture the slightest trace of spiritual consciousness and soul fluctuations. However, their lifespan is very short. They are born at level four and are still level four until they die at the age of 199.

However, their number is as many as the wild grasses all over the mountains in Tianyuan.

Moreover, they are fearless and will not stop until they die.

In the hundreds of thousands of years since the Tianyun Secret Realm was opened, only the ruthless man of Lingyun Sect more than 30,000 years ago directly killed the fearless Soul-Eating Rat and robbed one of the ten thousand-year-old fruits under their fearful eyes.

This almost caused the Tongyou Soul-Eating Rats, which had suffered millions of casualties, to cry out for their mothers in their hearts. They thought this man would pick them all, but they didn't expect that he only took one and then left in a leisurely manner.

All the other people who came to the Tongyou Soul Devouring Rat's sphere of influence, even if they were extremely jealous, did not dare to snatch the Thousand Years Fruit. This was simply an old man who was tired of living.

Some people who were self-reliant wanted to snatch the fruit from the rat's mouth, but they were all devoured by millions of Tongyou Soul Devouring Rat.

Yin Shijiu thought for a moment, he must go, even if he died, he could not give up this only chance.

Because his mother, who was in the late Jindan stage, was about to die, and only the Thousand Years Fruit might keep a chance to impact the Nascent Soul stage. If he missed this time, he would live in endless regret forever.

Under the Great Dao, everyone is an ant, worthless.

Yin Shijiu calmed down. Although he was extremely brave and had excellent qualifications, there was still a certain gap compared to the ruthless man in Lingyun Sect back then. He needed to use a strategy to get chestnuts out of the fire.

He slowly approached the outskirts of the Soul Devouring Rat's territory and slapped a magic earth escape talisman on himself. He planned to burrow into the hillside, pick the thousand-year-old fruit by surprise, and then fight his way out.

However, he was disappointed. The magic earth escape talisman was useless. There were weeds growing on the ground, but the ground was extremely hard.

Yin Shijiu was desperate, and his eyes gradually revealed a belief that he would die.

He seemed to be afraid that the Soul Devouring Rat all over the mountains and plains a hundred feet away would not know about his arrival. He shouted wildly and rushed towards the rats frantically.

After a meal, Yin Shijiu, who was almost a skeleton and had little flesh and blood left, laughed wildly and broke out from the siege of tens of millions of Soul Devouring Rat.

He didn't care about the flesh and blood falling off his body and fled far away.

Shadow talisman, only the shadow talisman could be mistaken for the real thing and attract the attention of the rats. He found that ray of opportunity.

In the world of immortal cultivation, when the shadow talisman appeared, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed through his mind, and only then did he come up with this plan that made him crazy, insane, and wild to the extreme!

In a natural hidden cave deep in the Tianlin, Wang Lu, who was madly swallowing spiritual energy and meditating, suddenly woke up, and a strong fluctuation came from the inverted six senses array.

He was startled and knew that trouble was coming.

With one hand raised, Wang Lu looked at the light yellow feather of the inverted six senses array in his hand, which was as light as a feather. There was already a slight crack on the feather.

He couldn't help but get angry from his heart, raised his head and saw the scarred young man opposite him who was like a wild knife out of the sheath.

Wang Lu's eyelids jumped, this man was the mad knife Wuji of the body sect of the Zhongzhou super sect, one of the Tianlongdifeng tokens!

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