Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 329: Wrestling

The scarred young man narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw Wang Lu on the opposite side. Although this man's cultivation was only in the middle stage of the Golden Core, and there was still a certain distance from the late stage of the Golden Core, he gave him a strange feeling, like a hidden sword, or a sleeping monster, which made him feel a little uncomfortable.

He understood that in the world of immortal cultivation, more than 90% of the immortal cultivators in the same realm would regard cultivation as extremely important, because in the battle, the key to victory or defeat, life or death is often determined by the depth and amount of mana.

However, for some geniuses, cultivation is just a by-product, and strength is the root of everything.

It is obvious that the cultivator in front of him, who is as immovable as a mountain and impeccable from head to toe, is the same kind of person as him.

At the same time, what puzzled him was that Wang Lu's breath was almost non-existent, leaving only a trace of aura that seemed to exist and not exist, which took him a full five days to track here.

This place is shaded by ancient trees, with birds singing and flowers blooming. A dense, arm-thick vine, like an airtight net, falls naturally from a small hillside, covering the natural cave tightly and without any flaws. It is indeed a good place for cultivation.

If he had not majored in strength, he would not have been able to find the hiding place of this person with his sensitive intuition and superior sense of smell.

At the same time, this also made him smell a hint of danger.

However, as the owner of the Tianlong Difeng token, he came to the Tianyun Secret Realm to strangle those who obtained the token, and cut off one by one, so as not to ruin his good fortune of obtaining the essence of Tianlong Tianfeng.

Two hundred years ago, he was still in the middle stage of Jindan and was invited by the Baidan Sect. Originally, he did not value the Tianyun Secret Realm, but more than a hundred years ago, when he broke through to the late stage of Jindan, he accidentally received the Tianlong Difeng token, and after learning about it in detail, he resolutely joined this secret realm.

The Baidan Sect's request was very simple. They only needed him to help collect some spiritual herbs and medicines, and they would buy them with the corresponding spiritual stones. He agreed without thinking.

He traveled hundreds of thousands of miles to Tianyun Secret Realm and was teleported to Tianlin.

He did not go looking for spiritual medicines, but found a hidden place and used the Baidan Sect's "Tianling Pill" to practice hard.

The spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is too rich, dozens of times richer than the Titan Peak of the sect's body sect. For him who practices both magic and martial arts, it is like a treasure from heaven, which makes him ecstatic.

Although he is a genius with earth spiritual roots and heavenly spiritual roots, he spent too much time on the road of body refining. He just broke through the late Jindan stage. Although he is one step away from the Yuanying stage, it is like a chasm across the sky.

Two months later, after he felt that his cultivation level was equal to twenty years of hard work, he calmed down completely in his excitement. No matter who it was, as his cultivation level increased by leaps and bounds, he had more confidence to kill all opponents of the same realm.

He began to look for people everywhere in the Tianlin. In less than a month, he killed twenty-eight people, even the people from the Baidan Sect, and he killed them all. This made his storage bag contain more than a hundred kinds of natural treasures. If he left the secret realm, he couldn't imagine how many spiritual stones he could exchange for.

Besides, for the strength cultivators, the road to advancement is becoming more and more difficult due to the extinction of many natural treasures. They must have the support of a large number of spiritual stones to buy those rare body-building treasures, and then make themselves brave and diligent.

Who would dislike too many spiritual stones?

He looked at Wang Lu wearing a monkey head mask, and Wang Lu was also staring at him silently.


A mountain wind carrying endless spiritual energy blew between the two.

Wang Lu's expression moved, and there was a loud "boom".

His body shattered in a bang, and at the same time, Kuang Dao Wu Ji's body was also shattered by his punch.

The two exchanged positions invisibly.

Both were surprised at the other's agility and strength.

"Ti Zong, Kuang Dao Wu Ji."

"San Xiu, Chen Yong."


Kuang Dao Wu Ji couldn't help laughing when he heard that the other party was a San Xiu. The scar on his face was like an earthworm, wriggling on his face, which was very weird.

He didn't believe Wang Lu's nonsense at all. He could easily dodge his sudden punch without reaching the late Jindan stage. Moreover, there was no specific time for the opening of the Tianlong Difeng secret realm. If this person was allowed to cultivate to the late Jindan stage, he would definitely become another difficult opponent and must be strangled in the cradle.

After figuring this out, Kuang Dao Wu Ji roared, and a strong force seemed to transcend the limitations of time and space and was injected into his body. A "crackling" sound of bones came from his flesh.

Wang Lu's face straightened, and he gathered all his strength. A strong wind suddenly rose within a radius of ten feet where he stood, and sand and rocks flew everywhere. The whole space became dozens of times heavier in an instant.

He moved his body and used all his strength to perform the "Crossing the Clouds" body movement, and disappeared in a moment.

With a laugh, Kuang Dao Wu Ji closed his eyes, moved his spiritual consciousness, and punched diagonally upward.


The energy burst out, but it was just a phantom of Wang Lu.


Kuang Dao Wuji snorted coldly, and his fists kept hitting out like butterflies flying through flowers. The whole space exploded with "boom", "boom", "boom" under the exploding fist force. Everything within a hundred feet was razed to the ground, turned into dust, and disappeared.

However, that person also disappeared like air.

However, he knew that the opponent must be hiding somewhere, accumulating a fatal blow to him.


The scar on Kuang Dao Wu Ji's face seemed to twist, and a shadow as fast as lightning forced into his eyes. The shadow was divided into two, two into four, four into eight...

This was not an illusion, but the real body brought out by the shadow in a very small range and in a very short time.

The shadow was centered on him, flying up and down, left and right, and in an instant it covered the five-meter radius of his space.

At the same time, each shadow held a thick and broad sword as black as ink, and posed completely different sword postures, sweeping towards him like a torrent.

The heavy sword has no edge, and one force breaks all methods!

Kuang Dao Wu Ji was slightly shocked. He saw the power of this attack. If he didn't deal with it properly, he would definitely die.


With a wild roar, a yellowish-brown thick-backed knife came into his hand incredibly fast. He summoned all his magic power, and a layer of yellow knife waves surged up, covering him completely in an instant.

He held the knife in one hand, and poured all his strength into his arm. With the blessing of magic power and physical strength, he gently swung the thick-backed knife, and the yellow knife waves covering the sky and the earth were like a punctured balloon, suddenly exploding towards Wang Lu who was holding a sword and killing him.


Another loud noise!

The yellow knife waves dissipated, and countless Wang Lu holding swords also disappeared.

The whole world suddenly became quiet again.

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