Faced with the enraged Hou Jie's golden rope magic weapon, Lu Shun, Wang Lu and the monks were immediately in a hurry and needed to allocate part of their magic power for defense.

Those casual cultivators didn't have many resources for cultivating immortals, and the only magic weapons they used were mid-level magic weapons. Their bombardment against Hou Jie was unnecessary, and they were just harassing them. Under Hou Jie's violent attack, they soon became exhausted.

But at this moment, Lu Ming, the head of the Lu family, rushed over with more than a dozen mid- to late-stage Qi refining monks.

Lu Ming shouted: "Set up the formation."

After saying that, he led five late-stage Qi Refining monks and joined the battle without hesitation.

He released a blue flying sword, which released pieces of ice blades to kill Hou Jie.

With the addition of Lu Ming, the battle situation suddenly became balanced. Wang Lu also took the opportunity to drink a sip of spiritual milk. He quietly released the needle-shaped magic weapon brought out from the Jiuyue Secret Realm, named Mangzhen.

With 30% of his spiritual consciousness, he raised his magic power and the light needle disappeared in an instant. The next moment, it shot into Hou Jie's heart.

With a sound of "町", there was a burst of lightning and flint, and Hou Jie released an invisible shield-shaped magic weapon at some point. Although he failed to defeat the enemy, Hou Jie was also staggered by the needles.

Taking advantage of these two or three breaths, Wang Lu's crazy hammer, Lu Ming's flying sword and other monks' attacks flooded towards Hou Jie.

Hou Jie raised all his magic power and poured it into the shield-shaped magic weapon. The shield-shaped magic weapon suddenly stopped being invisible and burst out with light. All attacks came one after another, but this shield was unusually tenacious, like a candle in the wind. , has never been extinguished.

Wang Lu and others knew that if they did not seize the opportunity to destroy them now, and Hou Jie survived this powerful attack, there would be a high probability of defeat waiting for them.

They were furious and continued to pour mana into the magic weapon. After half a quarter of an hour, there was a loud bang, and the shield-shaped magic weapon finally couldn't bear it and fell into pieces.

Hou Jie was instantly submerged in the colorful bombardment.

"Hahahaha... It feels good to beat me up, now it's my turn..."

Hou Jie's clothes were torn, his hair and beard were messy, blood spurted out all over his body, and he was laughing crazily.

Everyone was using all their firepower, but this person was not dead. It was so unexpected and terrifying.

Everyone subconsciously took a step back.

"Array up!"

When Wang Lu saw that the situation was not good and was about to run away, he saw the head of the family, Lu Ming, throwing a blue formation flag into the sky.

With his roar, raindrops filled the sky. The raindrops were filled with bursts of icy cold air, and quickly gathered into nine blue ice swords that were ten feet wide. Each ice sword had the power of a top-notch magical weapon, as fast as lightning. Chop towards Hou Jie.


Hou Jie immediately swallowed a pill, channeled all his magic power, and continued to squeeze the magic with both hands. A three-foot-long bloody hand appeared on his head, and the big hand immediately faced nine blue ice swords.

Hou Jie's blood-red magical power consumed a lot of mana, and his breath suddenly became weak. He bit his lips, put a few defensive charms on his body, took out a top-quality flying magic weapon, jumped on the flying magic weapon with a snap of his fingers, and soared into the sky. Disappeared into the vast night.

With a "bang", the ice sword and the palm were shattered at the same time, and the eight mid-stage Qi Refining monks and Lu Ming fell to the ground at the same time.

It's not that they didn't chase, but that everyone's mana was basically exhausted and they could only watch Hou Jie go away injured, but there was nothing they could do.

Besides, none of them had the courage to confront a Foundation Establishment monk alone. Even if the Foundation Establishment monk was covered in wounds and his breath was low, they would not dare.

With a thought from Wang Lu, the little butterfly that had not participated in the battle quietly disappeared in the direction that Hou Jie had escaped.

Lu Ming looked at the messy and broken garden, waved his hand, and accompanied Wang Lu back to the hall.

Someone will take care of the garden.

In the hall, Lu Ming and Wang Lu were sitting at the top, while the rest of the people, including Lu Shun, were waiting below.

Lu Ming said to Wang Lu: "If fellow Taoist hadn't discovered the murderer in advance, the consequences would have been unpredictable."

Thinking about the thought of escaping just now, Wang Lu smiled awkwardly: "Master, you're welcome. Without the formation of the master, I don't think we can escape this disaster. I didn't expect that the robber actually cultivated in the foundation stage. This is a bit troublesome. ”

Lu Shun gave Lu Ming a wink, and Lu Ming said impatiently: "Just tell me what you have to say, why are you hesitating?"

Lu Shun said: "Brother, Shangzong, we have severely injured him this time. If we wait until he recovers, we will only be left with a dead end. This is the time to beat up the drowned dog and take advantage of his illness to kill him. "

"Second brother, I think so too, but where can I find it?"

Lu Ming sighed.

"Don't worry, you two. Everyone, hurry up and restore your mana now. I believe there will be news soon."

Wang Lu looked resolute.

After hearing Wang Lu's words, everyone took out spiritual stones to meditate or swallowed pills.

Lu Ming and Lu Shun looked at each other, feeling a little weird.

Especially Lu Shun, Wang Lu always kept his magic power in perfect condition during the fight with Hou Jie. This made him take a high look at this master sent by the Dream Sect, and now he was so confident that he could track down Hou Jie. This made him feel the mystery of Wang Lu even more.

For a time, everyone was working hard to restore mana, and the hall was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

In the early morning, the sun shone through the layers of clouds and mist, and with it came Wang Lu's spiritual beast Zijiu.

Zi Jiu reached Wang Lu's shoulder in a flash and flapped his shoulders happily with two wings.

Wang Lu stood up and said solemnly: "Master, Lord, fellow Taoists, the exact location of the thief has been found. Let's set off now."

After saying that, he took a step and came to the square.

Lu Ming and Lu Shun and more than ten cultivators followed Wang Lu out.

When they saw the butterfly on Wang Lu's shoulder, they were all amazed. They had seen all kinds of spiritual beasts, but this was the first time they saw someone use a butterfly as a spiritual beast.

Zi Jiu circled around Wang Lu joyfully. He took out the withered eagle flying magic weapon, jumped on it, cast a spell, and followed the little butterfly to break through the air.

At the same time, he reminded Zi Jiu to slow it down, as he was worried that Lu Ming and the others could not keep up.

Looking back, it was true that only one in ten cultivators had flying magic weapons, but Lu Ming and Lu Shun each released a flying magic weapon that looked like a bird and an arrow, and everyone jumped on it and caught up soon.

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