Zijiu flew out of the city with Wang Lu and his party. Three hours later, they saw a towering green mountain in front of them, hidden in the mist. This was the famous Tingyu Mountain.

The group of people plunged into Tingyu Mountain, and Zijiu swooped down, passing through forests and trees, crossing streams and waterfalls. Gentle mountain breezes came from the misty mountain fog, and the fresh air was mixed with the fragrance of wild flowers in the mountains. Feeling relaxed and happy.

Within a moment of burning incense, Zijiu led them to a dense forest and stopped.

Everyone jumped off the flying boat one after another, gathered their breath, and slowly and quietly sneaked away.

About ten miles further, there was a flattened open space. Five stone houses were built side by side in the open space. The stone houses were backed by a green hill. Two monks in the late stage of Qi Refining were guarding the stone house in the middle.

Wang Lu sent a message: "The murderer is in the stone house in front. Now we need to confirm one thing. Have the sixteen children who were kidnapped been harmed?"

Lu Ming nodded in agreement: "If they are not killed, we need to bring them back safely. I will use the Earth Escape Talisman to explore the situation first, and we will discuss it in detail when we come back."

The earth escape talisman is equivalent to the primary and intermediate level talisman. It can escape from the ground and move forward. It is relatively rare and expensive.

Lu Ming took out an Earth Escape Talisman, and he was instantly immersed in the earth and rocks like a pool of water.

After lighting the incense, he appeared from the same place and said to everyone: "The murderer is very smart. The five stone houses have all placed restrictions. Although the restrictions are relatively simple, once they are destroyed, they will react in an instant. , we need to think of other ways.”

Wang Lu patted Zi Jiu on his shoulder, and Zi Jiu dissipated in the air like a puff of smoke.

He did not expect that Zi Jiu could not only have a speed comparable to ordinary flying spiritual weapons, but also be invisible. He could not even sense the powerful spiritual consciousness that he was proud of. He did not know that he would become a third-level monster in the future. Bah, a third-level spiritual beast. He couldn't help but yearn for what kind of surprise it would bring him in the end.

After a few dozen breaths of roaring, Zi Jiu landed on his shoulder again as if without a trace.

After Wang Lu sensed it, he said: "The foundation-building monk is in the middle stone house. There are three late-stage Qi-training monks living in the two adjacent stone houses, two on the left and one on the left. Sixteen children are imprisoned on the left. There are five monks in the middle stage of Qi training. As of now, everything is subject to the arrangement of the family master. "

After saying that, he put the little butterfly into the spirit beast bag and secretly threw a high-grade spirit stone into it.

"For today's plan, we can only fight hard. Everyone is prepared to fight to the death. I promise that as long as we win this battle, everyone will be given ten medium-grade spiritual stones. I have some invisibility charms, wind travel charms and regeneration charms here. Dan, now distribute it to you.”

Lu Ming said solemnly.

Of course Wang Lu would not refuse stupidly. Everyone took the talismans and elixirs, secretly mobilized their magic power, and carefully sneaked towards the stone house.

When approaching the open space, Lu Ming made a stop gesture, clasped his fists and said to Wang Lu: "Can Shang Zong take action and kill the guards guarding the door first?"

Wang Lu understood what he meant. He had used a needle to sneak attack Hou Jie before. Although he was unsuccessful, his victory was due to his extremely fast speed and extraordinary power. The enemy was in darkness and we were clear. If he was caught by surprise, the probability of success was extremely high.

Wang Lu did not refuse, he took out the light needle and silently used his magic power. The light needle disappeared in a blur, and his consciousness controlled it and stabbed one of the monks off guard. Before the monk on the left side of the door could react, a silver needle struck him. It shot out from between his eyebrows.

And just when the other monk was in shock, a silver needle pierced his heart.

Neither of them understood how they died until they died.

The bodies of the two people were supposed to hit the ground with a "thump" and "thump", but Lu Shun's eyes quickly sealed the two bodies with his hands, and the two corpses slowly flew into the dense forest.

Everyone cleared their ears and eyes, separated and slowly approached the four rooms.

Lu Ming, Lu Shun, and Wang Lu sneaked into the door of the stone house in the middle. The three of them held magic weapons. Lu Ming motioned to the others to act together.

"Bang", "Bang", "Bang", "Bang"

The four doors shattered in response, and except for the children's loud cries, the stone house was empty and no one was there.

"Oops, I fell into a trap, everyone retreat immediately."

Lu Ming suddenly understood and shouted.

"Haha, it's late. Please get into the jar. Don't worry, let's have fun."

Hou Jie led more than ten people to appear in the open space out of thin air and sneered.

As soon as he finished speaking, a pale yellow formation enveloped the stone house in the blink of an eye. Hou Jie took out a formation plate, his magic power was slightly combined, and he pointed his finger on the formation eye. Eight yellow scarf warriors emerged from the yellow mist. Holding an earth-yellow magic stick in his hand, he rushed towards the crowd.

This formation is the "Yellow Turban Warriors Formation" given by the Ghost King. Although the transformed Yellow Turban Warriors only have the seventh level of Qi refining, they are victorious because they can't kill them all. They only need to place 60 high-grade gold medals at the six formation feet. The spirit stone can consume all the monks in the formation.

A dozen or so people from Wang Lu saw eight yellow turban warriors with expressionless faces and indifferent expressions, marching neatly to surround them. They all looked stern.

Lu Ming and Lu Shun released their magical weapons with a loud shout, and the rest of the people also released them one after another.

Suddenly the sky was filled with brilliance, and various magical weapons such as knives, halberds, swords, hammers, etc. swept towards the eight yellow scarf warriors.

The eight yellow scarf warriors continued to move forward without fear, a layer of yellow brilliance blooming from their bodies. The yellow brilliance shattered under the fierce attacks of everyone, and the eight warriors were instantly torn apart.

However, before that, they threw eight yellow sticks into the sky, and a formation of sticks condensed out. In an instant, hundreds of heavy stick shadows fell hard on everyone.

Everyone added defensive magic weapons to themselves, and after a series of crackling sounds, they took the attack in a panic. Looking at the eight yellow-turbaned warriors who were shattered on the ground, before they could catch their breath, the eight warriors' shattered bodies recovered in less than a breath, and once again surrounded them with expressionless and indifferent faces, holding yellow magic sticks in their hands.

Half a day later, the two mid-stage Qi Refining monks finally ran out of mana and were smashed to pieces.

As the night was approaching, three more mid-stage monks fell.

At midnight, only Lu Ming, Lu Shun, and Wang Lu were left in the formation.

All three of them were injured, and Lu Ming and Lu Shun looked desperate. Wang Lu was also hesitant in his heart, wondering whether to take out the spiritual milk to share with them. However, once exposed and the news leaked, even if he broke through this strange formation, he would not be able to control the two.

When he was undecided, the attack of the yellow-turbaned warriors followed.

Although the Yellow Turban Warriors were not very skilled, they could not be killed no matter how hard they tried. They had killed the Warriors hundreds of times. After the first death, he revived in less than one breath, and after dozens of times, it took three breaths, and now it took nearly twenty breaths to recover.

This was good news for them, but compared to the recovery speed of the Yellow Turban Warriors, they consumed more energy and had no time to try to break the formation.

At this time, Hou Jie, who was outside the formation, had a sullen look on his face. Looking at the top-grade spirit stones that were about to run out, he had no better way. He had no top-grade spirit stones left.

Because he needed to control the entire formation from time to time, his mana was basically only restored to 40%.

"Deputy Sect Master, don't worry. Even if the spirit stones are exhausted, they are out of ammunition and food. At that time, the Sect Master doesn't need to take action, and the subordinates will be able to capture them easily, so that all of them can travel together on the road to the underworld."

One of Hou Jie's subordinates saw his worry and said calmly.

"Well said, I am very relieved."

Hou Jie smiled.

Wang Lu in the formation, after a struggle between heaven and man, made up his mind that if he couldn't even survive now, what was the point of talking about the future.

While the Yellow Turban Warrior was recovering, he said to Lu Ming and the others: "Two Taoist friends, if we want to survive, we must unite sincerely. I have some spiritual milk here, but just in case, you two need to make a great oath of the heart demon."

The two looked at each other, with a complex surprise and astonishment in their eyes, but they flashed and disappeared with determination.

They had reached the end of their rope, and all the talismans and elixirs were used up. If they didn't take the spiritual milk, they would only die.

Now there was light in the dark, although the spiritual milk was rare, their lives were more precious.

So the two of them made their oaths respectively, and Wang Lu took out three small jade bottles, each of which contained three mouthfuls of spiritual milk. He threw two bottles to them and drank a mouthful himself, and his magic power was restored immediately.

"Fuck you, I must smash your broken formation!"

Lu Ming, whose magic power was instantly restored, cursed angrily.

Except for him and Lu Shun, all the high-level fighters of the Lu family were killed or wounded in this battle. One can imagine the anger in his heart.

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