The three of them kept attacking the same position of the formation. The formation suddenly moved, and there were signs that the formation would break at any time.

Twenty breaths passed quickly, and the yellow scarf warrior recovered and started to attack the three of them as before.

Wang Lu turned around and faced the strongman's attack independently.

"Break it on me!"

After half a stick of incense, accompanied by a violent roar, the formation shattered and the yellow scarf warrior disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, magical weapon attacks flooded the sky one after another.

Wang Lu and the others seemed to know in advance. Lu Ming took out a blue bead, which instantly enlarged, and a blue light circle enveloped him; Lu Shun released a yellow defensive magic weapon, which after a fierce battle before It became a bit tattered and could barely cope with it for a while; Wang Lu used the last Fire Dragon Lantern Talisman.

The attack came quickly and violently. Except for the magic weapons of Hou Jie and the six monks in the late stage of Qi refining, the attacks of the other five monks in the middle stage of Qi refining were much weaker. After several waves of defense, the three slowly began to counterattack.

Hou Jie frowned. The three Wang Lu men who he thought were easy to capture showed unexpectedly strong fighting power. He felt a little worried.

Half an hour passed by in a flash. Seeing that their magic power was insufficient, the three of them drank the remaining spiritual milk.

On the opposite side, Hou Jie and his group saw that the three of them had perfected their magic power and that they had very little magic power left. Some monks began to retreat.

Because of the existence of the fire dragon lantern talisman, Wang Lu was not worried about his own defense at all. He used the crazy hammer to smash it while using the needle. Once someone relaxed, he would use the needle to sneak attack and quickly move towards the three of them. tilt.

An hour later, out of the eleven monks on the other side, only Hou Jie and four of his men were left. Both sides were furious and were determined to fight to the death.

The three of Wang Lu still had most of their mana left, while the five of Hou Jie only had about 30% of their mana left.

Relatively speaking, the opponent still occupies a certain advantage. After all, Hou Jie is in the foundation building stage.

Both sides were silent for a moment, both silently accumulating their last remaining mana, with the potential to complete their efforts in one battle.

Hou Jie stepped forward, sneered, took out more than a hundred various attack talismans from his storage bag, and distributed them to the four of them.

When Lu Ming and Lu Shun saw this, their expressions changed drastically. Although Fu Zhuan played a limited role in the battle, it could play a decisive role in turning the tide of the battle when the two sides were in a stalemate and their mana was greatly damaged.

At this time, for them, although they can withstand the attack of this wave of talisman seals, it must be the moment when their magic power reaches its lowest point, and it almost becomes a situation where everyone is a slave and I am a fish.

However, just when they were despairing, Wang calmly moved forward, casually took out more than a hundred attack talismans from his storage bag, and at the same time told Lu Ming and the others to step back.

The two secretly murmured in their hearts that although the talismans were extremely simple to activate, it would take several monks to cast spells at the same time to activate more than a hundred talismans at the same time.

In fact, they don't know that the Six Talisman Sect has a special method for activating a large number of talismans and seals, not to mention more than a hundred. At the highest level, countless talismans and seals can be activated at the same time, which is a piece of cake.

Hou Jie saw Wang Lu also taking out quite a lot of talismans and said fiercely: "Attack."

The five people released their spiritual consciousness and activated their magic power. More than a hundred talismans and seals rushed towards Wang Lu and the others like arrows from the string.

Wang Lu was also unambiguous and threw more than a hundred talismans towards Hou Jie and the other five.

The spells released by Fu Zhuan met each other in mid-air, and they all died together and were completely annihilated.

Soon after, Wang Lu took out dozens of talisman seals, hundreds of talisman seals, and hundreds of talisman seals with his hands like butterflies piercing flowers, and rushed towards Hou Jie and the five others.

The power of one elementary low-level talisman is limited, and even ten talismans are limited. One hundred talismans are equivalent to the continuous bombardment of high-grade magic weapons dozens of times without stopping. The power of hundreds of talismans is equivalent to the non-stop bombardment of top-grade magic weapons. Killed dozens of times.

I heard bursts of rumbling sounds, and in an instant it spread to the surrounding dense forest. Rocks were flying, flowers, plants and trees fell and blew up in this wave of shocking explosions. All kinds of wild beasts affected the fish in the pond, and were blown to pieces. Stay, the jungle is in a mess.

At the same time, continuous hysterical screams echoed in Tingyu Mountain and spread far across Tingyu Mountain.

The smoke dispersed, and now only Hou Jie was left standing across from the three of them, half-kneeling on the ground with a magic weapon in his hand. The other four disappeared like air, leaving nothing behind. They were too dead to die anymore.

When Lu Ming and Lu Shun saw this scene, they were involuntarily shocked and took ten steps back, keeping a certain distance from Wang Lu.

Wang Lu, who stood in front of them with a resolute face, was like a bloodthirsty monster, which frightened them, and their little thought of luck disappeared.

Wang Lu stared blankly at the ashes in front of him, the complicated look on his face disappeared in an instant, he picked up the crazy hammer and started smashing it. Now was the best time to end this battle.

Seeing the shadow of the hammer roaring towards him, Hou Jie, who was wielding the magical weapon, moved sideways at an incredible speed more than ten feet away, narrowly and incredibly escaping the hammer.

At the same time, he activated the flying magic weapon and flew towards the nameless mountain like a bereaved dog.

Wang Lu said eagerly: "The master of the house and I will go after the murderer, and I also ask the master of the house to bring the children back."

Seeing Wang Lu's decisive killing, both of them subconsciously followed his arrangements.

Wang Lu took out the withered eagle and jumped on it. The withered eagle flew towards Hou Jie's escape direction like an eagle with spread wings. Lu Ming also took out his flying magic weapon and followed.

Lu Shun sighed. He finally understood the difference between the disciples of a small cultivating family and a large sect who were both at the ninth level of Qi training.

But he was wrong. Wang Lu was indeed a core disciple of the Dream Sect. It would not be an exaggeration to describe a monk with Wang Lu's combat power as rare.

He put away the mood of escaping death, walked slowly to the door of the room, and used a magic trick. Sixteen children came to life one after another. Among them, he saw Lu Yan, a girl from the Lu family who had been kidnapped, which made him feel depressed. Recover a little.

When the girl saw Lu Shun, it was like seeing a savior. Tears kept flowing down her face: "Grandpa..."

Lu Shun picked up Lu Yan, stroked her hair and said, "Yan'er, be good, it's okay. Don't cry. Let's go home."

After casting the spell, he released the flying magic weapon, and then picked up the children one by one. He looked at the direction in which Wang Lu and the others were leaving, and still left Tingyu Mountain.

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