Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 37: The Power of the Ghost King

Hou Jie just moved more than ten feet away, which was completely due to practicing a martial arts secret book called "Crossing the Clouds".

When he accidentally got this secret book, he sneered at it, but after flipping through it casually, he found that this secret book was most likely a cultivation method about speed and body skills. The requirements for the body were extremely harsh, and it was necessary to open up many acupuncture points and meridians in the human body that he had never even heard of.

The cultivation route required by this secret book was completely different from the operation route of the exercises he learned, so he only practiced a very small part and pressed the stop button.

He half-powered to drive the flying magic weapon and kept swallowing various pills. He was really scared and almost fell in the hands of a cultivator at the ninth level of Qi Refining.

Although he hated it, saving his life was the right choice.

Now the only one who could save him was the Ghost King. He believed that as long as the Ghost King took action, these cultivators would be bloody and die without a burial place.

He knew that Wang Lu and the other two were following him closely. In addition to being worried about his own life, he also wanted to lure them to follow him so that they wouldn't lose him.

While recovering his magic power, he pretended to be out of power and activated the flying magic tool. Two hours later, he came to the big tree in the nameless mountain.

Looking back at the two people following closely behind him, he knocked on the big tree for a while, revealing a stone step leading to the underground. Soon the big tree closed and he disappeared into the tree.

A moment later, Wang Lu and the other two arrived here and found the residual breath left by Hou Jie, who disappeared in front of this big tree. They were a little at a loss.

Suddenly, Wang Lu thought of the mechanism set up by the master of the Aoshan courtyard in Liupi Mountain, and he had a vague idea.

However, the mechanism usually requires special methods to open. It seems that this big tree is hiding something. He might as well do it once and for all. Since there is no way to open it, he can only break it violently.

He took out the crazy hammer and smashed it with one hammer. The big tree fell flat on the ground, and the whole mountain forest shook violently.

The tree fell, revealing a passage leading to the underground. He and Lu Ming looked at each other, each released a defensive treasure, and stepped down carefully.

After about half an incense stick of time, the expected danger did not appear, and they successfully arrived in the cave.

Hou Jie stood respectfully in front of the ghost-faced statue, as if waiting for their arrival.

Hou Jie's hair was disheveled, and his hair covered his entire face, revealing only two white and blood-soaked eyes. Seeing them coming, he laughed sinisterly "hehe", "hehe", "hehe".

The two saw Hou Jie's strange and weird appearance, and secretly held the magic weapon tightly with a chill.

In less than two breaths, Hou Jie stopped laughing, and instantly appeared beside Wang Lu, grabbing him with a claw. Wang Lu was shocked, but his reaction was not vague at all. He poured magic power into his square inch boots and barely avoided it.

However, the fire dragon lantern talisman on Wang Lu's body trembled violently. If he was caught, it is very likely that the talisman would have been crushed by a claw.

Hou Jie missed the first attack, and the power of the early stage of foundation building was revealed. "Bang, bang, bang, bang", bursts of copper bean frying sound came from his body, and the speed suddenly increased by more than double, chasing Wang Lu.

In an instant, Wang Lu was hit repeatedly, grabbing, slapping, punching, palming, tapping and other moves fell heavily on him.

Every time he was hit, he vomited blood. Although the Fire Dragon Lantern Talisman blocked most of the attacks, the heavy blows from pure power made his body overwhelmed.

After receiving a palm, the shaky Fire Dragon Lantern Talisman could no longer bear it, and "bang" disappeared.

"Giggle", "Giggle", "Giggle", "Giggle" a burst of contemptuous laughter came, Hou Jie's attack and laughter came at the same time, Wang Lu had no time to activate other defensive magic weapons, so he could only temporarily add a dozen Vajra Talismans to himself.

The defensive light shield formed by the Vajra Talisman was broken layer by layer, which gave him a chance to breathe. Then he activated the top-grade defensive magic weapon given to him by his senior sister, and took the opportunity to drink a big mouthful of spiritual milk.

Seeing this, Hou Jie turned around and attacked Lu Ming, who was trembling with fear. Lu Ming symbolically resisted fiercely for a few times, and was torn into pieces in Hou Jie's evil laughter.

It was obvious that Hou Jie had been possessed by the ghost king and lost his nature.

The top-grade defensive magic weapon was indeed extraordinary. Wang Lu had completely given up the competition with Hou Jie in terms of speed, and let Hou Jie attack back and forth repeatedly like a tortoise shell.

However, his mana was rapidly depleted under Hou Jie's attack, but he was as steady as a mountain. When his mana was exhausted, he drank a mouthful of spiritual milk, which made Hou Jie jump up and down in anger.

Seeing that the heavy attack was of little use to Wang Lu, Hou Jie stopped.

He lowered his head and chanted incessantly. Two lines of blood kept flowing out of his eyes, ears, nose and mouth, flowing on the ground, gathering into a blood circle, which frightened Wang Lu.

Wang Lu suddenly felt bad. Now was the time to fight for his life.


He roared and took out all the talismans without hesitation. Thousands of talismans flew all over the sky as he did his best to complete them in one go, releasing a power far exceeding that of the middle stage of foundation building and sweeping towards Hou Jie.

At the same time, the blood circle shone brightly, releasing one blood-colored light circle after another, forming a huge sword with blood-red energy in the light circle. The tip of the blood-red giant sword was facing up and slashed towards Wang Lu.

Talismans like a violent storm met the blood-red giant sword in mid-air. In the collision, countless talismans suddenly dissipated, and wave after wave of talismans followed. The giant sword was being consumed and became smaller. When all the talismans were used up, the giant sword shrank into a three-inch small sword, and it still slashed down towards Wang Lu's head at an extremely fast speed.

The talismans in the sky met the bloody giant sword and slashed at Wang Lu. It seemed long, but in fact it took less than two breaths. At this time, Wang Lu's magic power was exhausted. He sat on the ground powerlessly, letting the turtle-shaped magic weapon and the crazy hammer fall beside him. He had no time to take the spiritual milk. He was powerless to resist.

"Giggle" "Giggle" "Giggle" "Giggle"......

With a burst of evil sneer, he said with difficulty in a jerky, cold and ruthless voice: "Die........."

After saying that, Hou Jie fell to the ground like a pool of mud.

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