Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 41 Registration

The Fantasy Sect has certain rewards for the sect monks who have successfully built their foundations, and they need to be registered.

Wang Lu didn't care much about the rewards, but the registration was a rule that the Fantasy Sect had been following since its establishment.

Only after registration can one become a formal disciple of the Fantasy Sect, and the status of the inner sect core disciple issued to him by the sect before can only be triggered after the foundation is built.

The Fantasy Sect is too big, and the management of its disciples is relatively free, but it will also give certain responsibilities.

The foundation-building period is generally two hundred years of life. The sect stipulates that all the sect's foundation-building monks need to complete a task stipulated by the sect. As for what task, they have their own arrangements.

Wang Lu did not register immediately. He first took Zi Jiu out of the spirit beast bag and put it in the grass nest. The little butterfly grew from half a foot long to more than a foot in sleep. Its breath was stable, and it was out of danger. There were also signs of breaking through the second-level monster beast, which made him feel relieved.

He placed ten high-quality spirit stones in the grass nest without any regrets, and then took out the "Six Talisman Book" with some expectation.

He used his magic power and pointed at the second blank page. The page shone brightly, and hundreds of various spiritual talismans appeared in the air. Wang Lu looked at them carefully one by one.

Golden Spear Talisman, Vitality Talisman, Silver Flame Talisman, Spirit Rain Talisman, Soul Seeking Talisman, Blood Escape Talisman, Soul Absolute Talisman, Body Immobilization Talisman, Flying Talisman, Ice Sword Talisman, Fire Cloud Thunder Talisman...

All the spiritual materials needed for the talismans, the drawing methods, various details, the shape and power of the talismans after they were completed all poured into his sea of ​​consciousness one by one.

If he had not successfully built his foundation and his spiritual consciousness had increased by more than three times, such a large amount of information would have exploded his sea of ​​consciousness, turning him into a walking corpse without consciousness, and even killing him on the spot.

After half a day, Wang Lu completely accepted the talismans of the foundation-building period.

He was overjoyed and eager to move. The talismans were a powerful trump card to protect his life, and he had long regarded them as his closest comrades-in-arms.

Along the way, the Six Talismans provided him with mana and foundation far exceeding that of cultivators of the same realm, and the various talismans recorded in the Six Talismans Book were the foundation for him to gain a foothold in the world of immortal cultivation.

The middle volume of the Six Talismans Book must be retrieved, and the middle and lower volumes of the Six Talismans Book can only be left to fate. He did not think too much about it. Once the opportunity comes, it will be determined.

Wang Lu took out the storage bag he got from Hou Jie, and "swish swish" poured out a bunch of messy and worthless things. He took them back after a glance and found time to go to a market to deal with them casually.

The only thing that interested him was a yellowed ancient book "Over the Clouds". He flipped through it, and his expression was moved, with an incredible look on his face. He began to practice according to the formulas and the route of exercise above.

The mana in his body became agitated and quickly moved to the Yongquan acupoints on both feet. Like a needle, the Yongquan acupoints were quickly opened, and the mana flowed along the other acupoints on the feet...

Two months later, he had practiced nearly one-fifth of the skills. He felt that his legs were as light as feathers and had a strong feeling of flying.

Wang Lu secretly practiced his skills, and a figure returned to the original place like a startled wild goose. The secret book "Crossing the Clouds" was like a treasure, and he was tightly held in his arms and laughed heartily.

As soon as the laughter stopped, several afterimages appeared on the running route. It was too fast, and the eyes could not keep up with such a speed. If he had obtained such a rare speed-related skills earlier, he would not have been passively beaten by the ghost king like a tortoise shell.

He tried to jump, turn, move horizontally, and move again... It seemed that there were countless wind-traveling talismans on his legs, and countless afterimages filled the entire room. When Wang Lu stopped, the afterimages dissipated, and he was quite satisfied with his own speed.

"Crossing the Clouds" seemed to be tailor-made for him. It did not conflict with the "Six Talismans" he practiced. With his lightning-fast body movements and the unexpected talisman attacks, his strength has been greatly improved.

Wang Lu rested for a night. In the early morning, he looked at the sleeping Zi Jiu, activated the defense formation, and then left the cave and headed towards the main peak of Cuiping Mountain.

The main peak of Cuiping Mountain is surrounded by clouds and soars into the clouds. There are several relatively low hills like guards guarding it.

Wang Lu walked leisurely to one of the hills. A majestic hall stood on it. The plaque of the hall was written in a dragon-flying and phoenix-like manner: the Hall of Creation.

As the name suggests, only cultivators who have reached the foundation-building stage or above can enter the hall. No matter what the cultivator has experienced, what opportunities he has had, or what background he has, the Fantasy Sect treats all foundation-building cultivators equally and all have the ability to reach the upper realm.

Wang Lu climbed up the white jade steps step by step. At the end of the steps, two calm-looking Jindan-stage monks were guarding the gate. They sensed its aura and automatically let it pass.

Wang Lu walked into the spacious, bright and quiet hall easily.

The hall was inlaid with several crystal white moonstones, and a dozen cushions were placed on the ground.

What surprised Wang Lu was that three foundation-building monks were actually sitting in the hall meditating and practicing, and they were unaware of his arrival.

A strange smell of sandalwood came, and the sandalwood blended into Wang Lu's magic power, and the magic power actually rippled slightly. Wang Lu quickly found a cushion to practice.

Half a month later, the sandalwood disappeared, and Wang Lu stood up and walked towards the side hall to the left.

Walking into the side hall, a white-bearded old man with a similar aura to the hall master Bai Yifan was lazily lying on a recliner behind a blue jade square table with his eyes closed, so comfortable.

Seeing someone coming, he lay down and asked casually: "Which department, what's the name?"

Wang Lu bowed and said: "Thanks to the sect for the cultivation, Wang Lu of the Futang lineage has fulfilled his mission and finally succeeded in building the foundation. I came here to register."

Hearing Wang Lu's answer, the white-bearded old man seemed to regain some vitality and looked him up and down, and said to him: "Take out your identity jade card, and I will register you now."

Wang Lu respectfully handed the identity jade card to the old man. The old man made a few strokes on the jade card and threw it to Wang Lu after a while: "Okay, you can go back."

Just when Wang Lu turned to leave, he was stopped by the old man. The old man smiled and said: "Oh, I forgot your reward, take it."

Wang Lu took the storage bag, and said, "Thank you, senior. I won't disturb you from your quiet cultivation."

When Wang Lu walked out of the Creation Hall, the old man in the side hall suddenly became alert and murmured, "You are so good, Liu An and Chen Dong. You actually put such excellent disciples in that garbage place of Futang. It's really a waste."

In the Creation Hall, when each disciple who has just established his foundation comes, the sect will give them a special Buddhist treasure, Tianlu Sandalwood, to help them stabilize their realm. The average disciple will wake up in about a day, which is equivalent to practicing for a month. The ones with better qualifications will wake up in three to five days, and the ones with better qualifications will wake up in seven or eight days. The ones who practice for ten days are one in a hundred.

To reach ten days, the qualifications, consciousness, physique, luck and other aspects of the cultivator must be far superior to ordinary people to achieve it.

In the history of the Dream Sect, only three people have practiced for half a month, including the current Wang Lu, who is the fourth person.

One of them is Chen Dong, the current owner of the Dream Sect's Treasure Pavilion. One died halfway, and one is still unknown.

A disciple like Wang Lu who only appears once in a thousand years should be placed in the Dream Pavilion or the Illusion Sect and carefully cultivated. How could he be trampled on by the Fu Hall?

Thinking of this, the old man got angry. He immediately sent a message to Liu An and got a reply. He stroked his beard and smiled softly, "Let the little guy make friends with Wang Lu."

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