Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 42 Rapid Increase of Cultivation

Just when Wang Lu walked out of the Hall of Creation, Lu Mansion, tens of millions of miles away, was decorated with lights and colorful, and it was extremely lively because the rewards from the Dream Sect had come down.

Lu Shun was alone in the room, staring blankly at the three middle-grade Foundation Establishment Pills and two high-grade Foundation Establishment Pills quietly placed in the jade box on the table. He was shocked and a little overwhelmed.

For a long time, although I was overjoyed from the sky, I was also filled with emotions.

This was obtained in exchange for the strong fighting power of the family head and the Lu family.

We must make good use of this hard-won Foundation Building Pill to strengthen the entire Lu family.

Also, if there was no way to go to the King of Zong, there would never be such a grand reward. This is an extremely strong thigh that must be held tightly and cannot be let go even if it is beaten to death.

Wang Lu walked out of the hall and took a brief look at the storage bag. There was a robe of a foundation-building monk and a thousand middle-grade spiritual stones in the storage bag.

Having your back against a big tree allows you to enjoy the shade. This is the benefit of the sect.

He briefly sensed the direction, left the Dream Sect, released the Withered Eagle Magical Artifact, and flew towards Liubi Mountain.

Ten days later, he returned to Aoshan Courtyard.

The speed of using the mana in the Foundation Establishment Stage to activate the flying magic weapon is one third faster than that in the Qi Refining Stage. If you use all your strength, the speed will be accelerated by two thirds. However, doing so will damage the corresponding formation in the magic weapon. The gain outweighs the loss.

Of course, the driving of general flying magic weapons does not require mana, and the corresponding spiritual stones can be used instead.

It is said that top flying treasures require the best wind spirit stones to activate them.

Looking at the familiar small courtyard in Aoshan, he took out his token to open the restriction, walked to the tablets of the ancestors, burned incense and prayed, knelt on the ground holding the "Six Talisman Book" in his hands and said: "Dear ancestors and masters, Fortunately, the disciple has lived up to his destiny and finally reached the foundation. When the disciple becomes a Golden Core monk, he will go to Northern Xinjiang to retrieve the sect's other "Six Talisman Book" and ask for the blessing of the ancestor. "

After saying that, Wang Lu took out the bamboo-leaf greens and poured a bowl in front of each ancestor's tablet. He also placed a bowl in front of the master. He picked up the wine jar and drank from it.

While drinking, he told about his trip to Tingyucheng without any reservation.

When he talked about Zi Jiu, his voice was choked with sobs, and when he talked about rescuing Zi Jiu, he danced with joy; when he talked about getting "Zong Yue Yun Jian" by chance, he thought it was God's blessing and took a big drink; when he talked about going to register, He is very proud...

As he talked, he got drunk and lay in front of the memorial tablets of his ancestor and master, in a daze, as if they were smiling at him.

The next day, Wang Lu took a bath in the spiritual spring and left on the withered eagle.

He came to Buyunfang City again, and to his disappointment, Li Mouqing was still missing.

Wang Lu went to the Song family and his son. What surprised him was that the Song family's weapon refining shop had been replaced by a shop that brewed spiritual wine. The Song family and his son had left Liubi Mountain half a year ago.

So, he went to Lingcai Pavilion.

Lingcai Pavilion's business is even more prosperous than three years ago. The entire Lingcai Pavilion has also acquired several nearby shops to expand and become more grand.

After Wang Lu walked in, a man in green greeted him warmly and asked him whether he was buying, selling or bartering.

He smiled and said nothing because he saw Shi Kuang smiling at him behind the counter.

Shi Kuang is now a genuine monk in the early stages of foundation building. With him taking care of him openly, people who think of causing trouble in the Spiritual Materials Pavilion will also weigh it to see if they have the capital.

Wang Lu left his assistant behind, walked up to Shi Kuang, and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist Shi, you are well. Your business is getting more and more prosperous."

Shi Kuang cupped his hands and said, "It's great to congratulate you. Fellow Taoist has also succeeded in building the foundation. Let's sit upstairs."

He said something to the shopkeeper and accompanied Wang Lu upstairs.

Sitting face to face, Shi Kuang called for someone to bring the green bud spiritual tea. Wang Lu sipped the spiritual tea, recalling the first time he came to the spiritual material pavilion, and sighed: "Where is Deacon Zhu, I want to buy some spiritual materials."

Shi Kuang said: "Auntie is out. I have sent a message to her. She should arrive soon."

He continued: "Last time, I wanted to thank fellow Taoist for his volleying talisman, which allowed me to win a Foundation Establishment Pill. I will give you a cup of tea instead of wine to express my gratitude."

Wang Lu had a drink with him: "Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be polite. We all help each other and get what we need."

"Haha, Brother Lu, I will be punished with a cup of tea for these words."

At this moment, a burst of laughter like silver bells came in, and Zhu Ning in purple walked in with a spring breeze on her face.

After building the foundation, Wang Lu saw Zhu Ning and discovered that she was actually a strong person in the Golden Core stage, which surprised him a little.

Wang Lu stood up and clasped his fists in embarrassment: "The deacon is serious, I have a drink."

Zhu Ning smiled and said, "Yes, these are friends."

Then he said: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist for successfully building the foundation. Fellow Daoist's cultivation level has improved too quickly. It is almost close to the middle stage of foundation building. Kuang'er, you have to work hard."

Wang Lu was surprised and felt a little weird and said: "The deacon doesn't know something. I have piled up the pills. There is nothing as solid as Taoist friend Shi's step-by-step practice."

After Wang Lu finished speaking, Shi Kuang gave Wang Lu a grateful look, and Zhu Ning said, "What do you plan to purchase this time?"

Wang Lu took out a jade slip and handed it to Zhu Ning. After a moment, Zhu Ning frowned slightly: "There are so many spiritual materials, which greatly exceeded my expectations. There are several spiritual materials that even I have only heard of. I’ve seen it, so be it, I’ll make arrangements immediately to see if I can get 90% of the spiritual materials.”

Wang Lu told Zhu Ning about his request for spiritual weapons. Zhu Ning asked the waiter to go to the counter to pick up several spiritual weapons with sparkling lights and extraordinary powers, and put them on the table for him to choose.

Under Zhu Ning's explanation, he chose a medium-grade spiritual weapon that looked like a stone brick and a low-grade spiritual stone that was mainly used for defense, a single khaki-colored garment.

Zhu Ning introduced that the stone brick had excellent offensive and defensive capabilities and could form a defensive wall. When attacking, it could trigger a mountain-like stone cloud, which would crush all resistance into dust; the khaki-colored garment could withstand the sudden attack of the medium-grade spiritual weapon.

Wang Lu put his life first and bought the two spiritual weapons without hesitation, spending ten high-grade spiritual stones.

Seeing Wang Lu paying the spiritual stones with great pain, Zhu Ning joked, "Little brother, you have a very rich family fortune. I have a top-grade defensive spiritual weapon here. Just take it..."

"Stop teasing me, deacon. How can I afford it!"

Before Zhu Ning finished speaking, Wang Lu interrupted her.

The three chatted for nearly two hours. A waiter handed Zhu Ning a storage bag. Zhu Ning carefully checked it and gave it to Wang Lu, saying, "I am only missing five spiritual materials: Baiye Flower, Jiuxing Leaf, Caishi Gallbladder, Tuoyue Branch, and Yanyang Spiritual Fruit. I will try my best to collect them. Please come back in half a year."

Wang Lu held the storage bag and showed a little disappointment. In fact, he was ecstatic in his heart. He said calmly, "Master asked me to purchase complete spiritual materials. It's almost there. I'm sorry to trouble the deacon."

After that, he put a storage bag containing thirty high-quality spiritual stones on the table.

Zhu Ning smiled and put it away without even looking at it.

Before leaving, he asked him for his opinion again, whether he could introduce his mentor to the senior master. Wang Lu smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth. He did not refuse or agree, which made Zhu Ning puzzled for a long time.

After returning to the Fu Hall, the disciples of the Fu Hall told him that the hall master had been out on business for more than a month, and Senior Brother Yun Zibo was summoned back by the family ten days ago.

For this reason, he returned to the cave leisurely. Zi Jiu was still sleeping, but one of the ten high-grade spirit stones he put down had turned into a small gray stone.

Wang Lu smiled bitterly and said: My little ancestor, you are too good at eating.

Putting down his mood, he casually arranged a small spirit gathering array and began to practice.

A month later, his cultivation was close to the middle stage of foundation building.

He was very puzzled. According to the characteristics of the "Six Fu Jue", it was about 40% slower than the cultivators of the same realm. Why did his cultivation approach the middle stage of foundation building in less than a year?

After carefully sensing it several times, the magic power was not weak, and it was abnormally strong, which puzzled him.

What Wang Lu didn't know was that his half-month practice in the Fortune Hall was equivalent to two years of hard practice day and night.

However, such an opportunity is not to be sought, and only the cultivators of the foundation building period can enjoy it when they register for the first time.

The Buddhist treasure, Tianlu Sandalwood, was obtained by the Dream Sect at a huge cost in exchange for the Golden Zen Temple, a super sect in Zhongzhou, using its own rare treasures. Although it is only limited to cultivators in the Foundation Establishment Stage, it is still powerful enough to defy the heavens.

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