Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 43 Tian Yidong

Time passed by like a flash, and more than two years passed by. Wang Lu was completely immersed in the wonderful world of drawing the foundation-building talisman.

Although the talisman seals in the foundation building stage are in the same line as the Qi Refining stage, basically all talisman seals have reached the level of elementary and intermediate levels, and some special talisman seals have broken through the middle level and reached the height of elementary and high level. This is A high-level spiritual talisman that can compare to the full blow of a top-quality spiritual weapon.

A year and a half ago, he briefly left seclusion for a trip to the Spiritual Materials Pavilion. Zhu Ning was indeed very efficient and prepared fifty copies of the five kinds of spiritual materials needed.

He sold some of the elementary and intermediate talisman seals he drew, which greatly surprised her. She was afraid that he would run away, and all the requested spiritual materials were arranged first. He also took this opportunity to purchase a large amount of spiritual materials again.

This gave Zhu Ning an incredible idea, which even she felt was extremely ridiculous.

At this moment, Wang Lu was drawing a rare low-level high-level talisman called the Beast Talisman.

Using the spirit of a third-level monster to inscribe on the talisman paper, there were fifty-four spiritual materials required. Wang Lu prepared a total of two hundred and twenty materials.

The materials alone cost him fifteen high-grade spiritual stones.

Fifty pieces of materials were used up. Wang Lu either fell short at the moment of completing the talisman or made a small mistake at the beginning or in some step in the middle.

As the number of times increased, especially the last seven or eight times, he felt that he was only one step away from real success, but he could never find the reason for his failure.

At his wits' end, Wang Lu sighed. He racked his brains and finally couldn't figure out the mystery.

Never use force, otherwise, not only will spiritual materials be wasted, but in serious cases, you may become possessed.

Seeing that he was just one step away from success, he thought about how great it would be if the master were here.

Thinking of this, Wang Lu suddenly had an idea. How could he be so stupid? While he was in Futang, he could ask the church leader Bai Yifan.

True to his word, he hurried to Bai Yifan's cave and sent out the messenger. Half an hour later, Bai Yifan walked out of the cave.

Seeing Wang Lu with anxiety written all over his face, he asked, "Junior brother is so anxious, why are you looking for me?"

"To make a long story short, when I was drawing the animal talisman, I was always just a little short of the mark. I couldn't always get what I wanted. So I came here to ask my teacher."

Wang Lu spoke eagerly.

"What, junior brother, you are already drawing the animal talisman. This is something that ordinary talisman-making masters may not be able to do."

Bai Yifan said in surprise.

"Hey, I want to try it too."

Wang Lu said slyly.

"In that case, tell me about the whole process of your drawing."

I believe you are the only one who has ghosts, Bai Yifan laughed.

"First, I prepared the required talismans exactly as required... However, in the end, I failed."

Wang Lu said regretfully.

"There is something here. I must tell you very solemnly. From now on, junior brother, you must not tell anyone about your method of making talismans, otherwise you will definitely get into trouble. From what you said, I found that, junior brother, your inheritance is very Same as usual.”

Bai Yifan said calmly.

"Senior brother, please stop pretending, I'm awake. Tell me quickly, where did I go wrong?"

Although Wang Lu was shocked, he was more concerned about the crux of the problem.

"Actually, junior brother, your drawing process can be said to be meticulous and interconnected. As for where you went wrong, you can think of it. The monks in the Qi Refining Stage use magic weapons, and the monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage use spiritual weapons. Right?"

Bai Yifan said with a smile.

"Magical weapon, spiritual weapon, magical weapon, spiritual weapon, magical weapon, spiritual weapon..."

Wang Lu kept thinking about these two words. What is their connection with magic weapons and spiritual weapons?

Suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, Wang Lu thought of something. He ran away quickly, and a joyful voice came from the air: "Thank you, senior brother, for clearing up my doubts!"

Bai Yifan looked at Wang Lu's retreating figure and praised, "Junior brother, your talent is far higher than mine. It seems that our Futang family is about to rise."

At the same time, I was thinking, hey, it seems like I can’t even draw the beast talisman, you guy.

Wang Lu quickly took out the sect map and headed towards the weapon refining hall.

He couldn't wait any longer and launched the movement technique of "Leaping Through the Clouds". He jumped fifteen feet away. He was as fast as a flying eagle and as nimble as a flashing rabbit. His limbs were all over the road. film.

In less than two hours, he traveled thousands of miles and arrived at the famous Bifeng Gorge area.

Bifeng Gorge is well-deserved. The scenery in front of you makes people feel like they are in a jasper dream. Thousands of green bamboos are swaying in the wind, and the mountain breeze is like accompaniment to them, sometimes light, sometimes heavy, sometimes slow, Sometimes urgent.

Deep in the Bifeng Gorge, there is a huge mountain peak as tall as a cloud, with a burst of mountain rain floating in the air. It is the famous Biyu Waterfall.

The waterfall is dozens of miles wide, the water is green in color, and it flows straight down, like a crazy charge of thousands of troops.

Qi Refining Pavilion is located on the outskirts of Bifeng Gorge.

After walking for another ten miles, a magnificent hall came into view. On the plaque were written three powerful characters: Weapon Refining Hall.

The Weapon Refining Hall is a very important department of the Dream Sect. All the high-level magical weapons, spiritual weapons, and magic weapons of the Dream Sect come from the Weapon Refining Hall.

Of course, the Dream Flag, which also includes the Zongzong's middle-grade spiritual treasure, finally appeared in the world three thousand years ago after the efforts of several generations of experts in the Artifact Refining Hall.

It is said that at that time, the seven major sects in the southern part of the Western Desert were engaged in a war between humans and demons that occurred once in thousands of years with the demon cultivators and demon tribes in the vast mountains to the south.

Just as the seven sects were retreating, the Dream Flag appeared. As soon as it arrived on the battlefield, it showed the dreamy realm of the spirit treasures. The demon cultivators and demon clans caught in it suddenly fell into a mysterious dream and illusion, and they couldn't help it. The land is killing each other.

The result was that they were invincible and unstoppable. The demon clan suffered heavy losses and called for a truce.

At this point, the two tribes have redefined their spheres of influence, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The monks who came to the weapon refining hall were like crucian carp crossing the river. There were not a thousand but hundreds of monks who came to exchange magic weapons, spiritual weapons and even magic weapons. The whole exchange hall was in full swing and full of people.

Seeing this scene, Wang Lu thought that although the Talisman Hall he was in was busy, compared with the Weapon Refining Hall, it was as silent as the Qingshui Yamen. It was really infuriating!

The purpose of his visit this time was to ask Tian Yidong, the Taoist monk of the Dream Sect who was the most talented in Qi refining and his senior sister Xie Lingyun, to help him refine a talisman pen.

Under Bai Yifan's reminder, the talisman pens from the previous Qi refining period could no longer keep up with his cultivation and attainment of spiritual talismans, so the crux of the problem was that there was no talisman pen suitable for his current strength.

As for the main material of the pen, he had already prepared it, which was the two tail feathers of the ink-eyed eagle. When he mentioned the ink-eyed eagle, Wang Lu naturally thought of the girl in the aqua dress.

Although Li Mouqing is not as beautiful as Chen Yaer, that beautiful image still appears in his heart from time to time. I don't know where you are now. Are you okay?

A waiter greeted Wang Lu energetically, and Wang Lu gave him the identity token given by Tian Yidong.

As soon as he saw the token, the waiter felt excited and hurriedly called Wang Lu to leave the bustling hall.

The waiter took Wang Lu to a quiet and elegant flower hall, bowed and left quickly.

Wang Lu was enjoying tea leisurely. After nearly an hour, Tian Yidong, who was as calm as water, came over and saw Wang Lu's evil smile flashing away. He said, "Junior brother Wang is a rare visitor. It turns out that junior brother has already completed the foundation building, right? I want to help my brother refine one or two, but there are too many people asking me to refine the spiritual weapons. If it is my turn to come here, it will be fifty years later."

"Senior Brother Tian, ​​are you okay, Senior Sister?"

Wang Lu joked, if you want to take advantage of me, I will naturally have a magic weapon to deal with you.

When Xie Lingyun was mentioned, Tian Yidong was like a mouse hearing a cat's meow. He coughed: "I still remember your senior sister. Ever since you established the foundation, your senior sister has been determined to attack the golden elixir stage. I said that I would protect you in the future, so I didn’t prepare many back-up plans for her. However, with the help of my handsome and talented senior brother, your senior sister’s advancement to the Golden Core stage should be just around the corner. I am Should I thank you or just leave like this?"

I have seen braggarts, but I have never seen such big braggarts as Tian Yidong. However, Wang Lu was very touched by the way his senior sister cared for him.

Wang Lu also came up with his trump card: "Senior sister likes the Qingyan Crescent Moon I gave her very much. After senior sister comes out of seclusion, I must speak kindly to my most handsome and strongest senior brother in front of her, so that senior brother can Your love is doubled, senior brother, don’t you think so?”

"Good boy, I like to hear this. Tell your senior brother what kind of spiritual weapon you want to refine. Show me the materials."

Tian Yidong said happily.

Not to mention the love is doubled, as long as you don't let her bully me, I have to hold you back, otherwise, with your senior sister's bad temper, you will have a big fight for three days and look bad every day.

I'm having a hard time.

He thought so, but Tian Yidong didn't dare to say it.

Wang Lu took out the two tail feathers of the Black Eyed Eagle and handed them to him. Tian Yidong took them and said calmly, as if he had completely changed. "Junior brother, please see, this is not an ordinary Black Eyed Eagle." The tail feathers that have faded are because the general tail feathers are ink as a whole, and these two ink colors contain a few gold particles. This is only possessed by the mutant ink-eyed eagle. The five elements of the ink-eyed eagle are gold, but with the addition of these few particles The golden dot, I am sure, is a rare mutated black-eyed eagle with two attributes: gold and lightning."

Wang Lu picked up the tail feathers and looked at it carefully several times before finally finding those golden dots as small as dust in the ink. This made him admire and admire Tian Yidong, who was worthy of being the number one talent in the Refining Hall. man of.

Seeing the expression of admiration and admiration on Wang Lu's face, Tian Yidong showed no expression and continued: "Junior brother needs to refine a talisman pen."

"Senior brother, your eyes are as bright as a torch. This is exactly what I mean."

Wang Lu replied respectfully.

"Originally, a rubbish like you, hey, it's considered rubbish, has no qualifications for me to take action. However, your senior sister has taken special care of you, so I will help you without any trouble and won't accept your spirit stones. However, you can You must promise me that if your senior sister comes out of confinement, you have to help my brother to speak up. "

At the end, even Tian Yidong couldn't help laughing.

Seeing him like this, Wang Lu couldn't help but think that Senior Brother Tian must be under the power of his Senior Sister, and he was easily offended, and even did some domestic violence to him from time to time.

Thinking of this scene, he actually looked at Tian Yidong seriously, as if he wanted to find some kind of wound on his body.

"Get out of here. It will take up to two months. After you refine it, someone will send it to your cave."

Seeing Wang Lu's eyes like this, Tian Yidong knew that his cowardice must have been noticed by him, so he cursed with a guilty conscience.


When Wang Lu heard Tian Yidong's words, he acted like a frightened bird, screamed, and ran away in panic.

"Humph, brat, haha!"

When Tian Yidong saw how cooperative he was with him, he burst into laughter.

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