In the cave, Wang Lu let out a breath and finally touched the threshold of the late stage of foundation building. Even if he has not broken through the late stage, his magic power has already surpassed that of ordinary monks in the late stage of foundation building, and even reached the peak of the late stage. One month later The sect competition also gave him more confidence to compete for the top ten.

If you want to get through the late stage of foundation building, one month is impossible, even with countless Bingxin Pills. The time is too short.

Hey, God was kind to him and gave him a month to prepare. Of course, his preparation was to make talismans.

Thinking of making talismans, he suddenly remembered something.

Opening the cave, Wang Lu found Bai Yifan who was making a talisman.

Seeing his arrival, Bai Yifan said "OK" three times in a row.

Apparently he was quite satisfied with his cultivation speed.

Bai Yifan was very clear about his purpose. He smiled and took out a jade box about one foot long from the storage bag. There was a prohibition talisman affixed to the jade box.

Wang Lu tore off the talisman seal and opened the jade box. Lying quietly inside was a pure white talisman pen with a dark tip and extraordinary spiritual power.


He picked it up, and the talisman pen sounded a clear note as if it was connected with his heart.

"Show it to my brother."

Wang Lu handed the talisman pen to Bai Yifan.

Bai Yifan caressed the talisman pen gently, not missing every inch, as if he were appreciating a rare treasure. After a long time, he returned the talisman pen to Wang Lu and couldn't help but praise: "This is the best of the talisman pens. It has arrived." The highest peak of the top-level spiritual weapon, and it touches the edge of the magic weapon. Even if it is used at the golden elixir stage, it is not less than the Nascent Soul stage. Senior Brother Tian is worthy of being the master of weapon refining in my Dream Sect. "

"Junior brother, please give me a name."

Wang Lu thought for a while and said, "Mo Yin."

"Where does this mysterious name come from?"

Bai Yifan asked.

"Let's use it to remember the days when we were selling charms."

Wang Lu said as if he was back in Buyunfang City.

The best spiritual weapons need to be refined, but auxiliary spiritual weapons like this will take about three days to become handy.

It took him a day to refine Mo Yin, but he didn't know if it was because of the "Six Talismans" that his magic power was much higher than that of ordinary people.

Wang Lu held Mo Yin in his hands and meditated for half an hour. Holding it, just like Li Mouqing in the green dress was quietly accompanying him, he couldn't help but laugh silly.

The next moment, he began to make talismans continuously, and all kinds of talismans and seals were drawn from his pen in a smooth flow. For twenty-five days, he kept frantically drawing talismans day and night, and all the spiritual materials like a mountain were covered by him. Exhausted.

Looking at the various spiritual talismans all over the floor, he breathed a sigh of relief and sorted them into categories, totaling fifty-three kinds of spiritual talismans.

Wang Lu adjusted his breath quietly for three days, and there were still two days before the competition.

After coming out of seclusion, Bai Yifan told him a piece of news that made him extremely happy. Senior sister Xie Lingyun had condensed the golden elixir and was now stabilizing her cultivation.

The lifespan of the golden elixir stage is five hundred years. If his golden elixir is successful, he will live one or two hundred years longer than the average golden elixir stage monk. This is where the "Six Talismans" defies heaven.

Bai Yifan collected some information for Wang Lu about those who were eligible to compete for the top ten in this sect competition. For example, Huang Yan, Chen Ya'er, Xu Kui and He Chan were all listed in detail.

At the same time, he also told him that many newcomers were coming this time with great momentum, and many veteran strong men in the foundation-building stage were also gearing up, and asked him to go back and check carefully in order to be prepared for the battle.

Wang Lu returned to the cave and read it carefully. He would not underestimate the enemy just because his strength had increased. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle.

Among them, excluding the four Chen Yaer, there were more than a dozen people who caught his attention.

Dan Pavilion Poison Spirit Root Li Yang, the poison power is quite terrifying.

A pair of twin sisters from Meng Pavilion are very good at combined attacks.

The Huanmen monk known as Dragon Soldier has a rare and powerful talent of spiritual consciousness, and can control at least two spiritual weapons without any effort.

The violent girl from the Divine Power Sect accidentally obtained the inheritance of the ancient sect Jufeng Sect, and she has a lot of background.

Meilou Liu Chen, the imperial envoy's top-notch spiritual weapon, the eyebrow and eye needle, appears and disappears, performs lingering and charming skills, and seduces the soul.


On the tenth day of August, the morning sun was rising, the mountain wind was blowing, and the bamboo forest was swaying. Five people from Wang Lu who participated in the Futang competition, led by the hall leader Bai Yifan, embarked on the sect that once every twenty years. Gate journey.

Bai Yifan released a top-notch flying spiritual weapon that looked like a carriage. The six of them jumped up. Bai Yifan performed a magic spell, and the spiritual weapon suddenly rose into the sky, like a Pegasus, and flew away in an instant.

In the car, Bai Yifan told the five people to do their best and there was no need to go all out. Wang Lu and the other five nodded frequently.

Except for Wang Lu, he knew all four people in Futang, two men and two women, and their cultivation levels were all in the middle stage of foundation building like his own.

The two male cultivators are named Lu Feng and Chen Tang, both of whom are good-looking. The two female cultivators, one named Liu Chun and the other named Han Yu, are both attractive. The four of them are talented and beautiful women that Futang focuses on cultivating, especially Liu Chun. He Lu Feng's talent for making talismans was only inferior to that of Wang Lu.

The purpose of participating this time is to let them see the various geniuses of the sect, so that everyone will not sit back and look at the sky and become arrogant.

After Bai Yifan finished speaking, he glanced at Wang Lu. Wang Lu gave him a relieved expression in response, which made him dumbfounded.

But what satisfied him was that Wang Lu had almost crossed two small realms in a year and touched the window paper in the later stage of foundation building.

He had asked Wang Lu privately what kind of spiritual roots he had. He had two spiritual roots. He was not as good as his superiors but more than his inferiors. He also said that his qualifications could only be ranked sixth in the Talisman Hall.

Wang Lu asked Bai Yifan curiously if he was ranked first, but Bai Yifan smiled and said nothing. After Wang Lu's repeated questioning, he said that Xie Lingyun was a wood-type spiritual root, while he was a different spiritual root. As for the spiritual root, he did not tell him.

Wang Lu asked Bai Yifan who was the fourth and fifth, but Bai Yifan still pretended to be mysterious and did not speak, which made him scratch his head.

At that time, when he heard that Xie Lingyun was a natural spiritual root, Wang Lu was stunned and could not believe that his senior sister was so amazing.

After thinking about it, he asked the hall master, with such a genius like the senior sister, why didn't other factions come to snatch it?

Bai Yifan gave him an unfathomable side face, but he would not speak no matter what.

The carriage crossed the mountains and ridges, and in less than half an hour, it arrived at the Bifeng Gorge where the competition was held, where the Dream Pavilion was located.

Although Bifeng Gorge is a gorge, the peaks are higher than the sky. A huge green waterfall falls from the sky on the left side of Bifeng Gorge and falls into the green lake, stirring up huge waves of hundreds of feet, shaking the sky and the earth, with a huge momentum, just like opening a magnificent curtain for the competition.

The competition was held in the vast Jade Square of Meng Pavilion. In the middle of the square, eight arenas were built with unknown green jade, namely, Jia Platform, Yi Platform, Bing Platform, Ding Platform, Wu Platform, Ji Platform, Geng Platform, and Xin Platform.

There are two remaining platforms of Ren and Gui in the tenth heavenly stem.

A three-story green pavilion 30 feet high was built on the right side of the square. The pavilion was in the shape of reverse steps. The higher it went, the more it protruded in the air, giving people a strong visual impact.

On the left side of the square, there was a wide and long jade table with an open square jade box on the table, which was the box for drawing lots.

All monks in the competition had to go there to draw lots so that they could play in the corresponding arena.

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