Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 48: The Prize

Bai Yifan brought Wang Lu and the other five to the crowded square. Looking around, there were at least thousands of people gathered.

What surprised Wang Lu was that the hall master had a very good popularity. After a while, several people with a high aura greeted him warmly.

Bai Yifan smiled and asked them to draw lots by themselves, then left the five people behind and flew to the second floor of the pavilion and disappeared.

Although he had only been in Futang for more than six years, he had impressed everyone since he showed his talisman making skills in Futang that time. In addition, he was low-key, worked hard, and never competed for fame and fortune. The four of them all followed Wang Lu as the leader.

Wang Lu said, "Four brothers and sisters, I heard that there are a total of 401 people participating in the competition this time. In the first four rounds, one person will be given a bye and directly advance to the next round. I hope Futang will have this good luck. Let's draw lots."

The four followed him to the draw place, where a long line of dozens of people had already formed in front.

Every time a lot is drawn, the name of the person's sect, the number of the lot drawing, and the person to be matched will be instantly displayed in the formation behind.

When the drawers draw their own numbers from the box, their expressions are different. Some are excited, some are excited, some are constantly sighing, and some are frustrated and disappointed... all kinds of strange and different.

Wang Lu thought about it, what should he do if he draws one of the four people in the hall?

Oh, I guess the sect will never allow such an event to happen. There must be a mystery in the box.

"Oh my God, why am I so unlucky, I drew number 202, against Wang Meng of the Dream Pavilion, number 200."

A female cultivator from the Illusion Gate cried out with her mouth covered.

Now more than a hundred duels have been drawn.

It was the turn of five people. Wang Lu came to the green square box. Sure enough, the box blocked all spiritual senses and could only draw by luck. He took a jade slip at random, with the number 38 written on it. His opponent, number 364, had not been drawn yet, so he had to wait.

The four people from Futang, Han Yu was lucky enough to draw number 201, which means she had a bye in the first round. This made her feel surprised and attracted the attention of others. She blushed with embarrassment. Wang Lu and the other four naturally started to make a fuss with great joy, and gave all kinds of exaggerated speeches, which made her laugh continuously.

Lu Feng played against Liu Fei from Jian Ge, Chen Tang played against Yan Lifang from Yan Family, and Liu Chun played against Gu Jun from Daomai.

The five people came to the rest area of ​​Futang behind the square, waiting for the start of the noon four quarters competition.

On the second floor of the high pavilion, there was a magnificent green round table and thirteen jade chairs.

The fragrance of spiritual fruits, spiritual food, and spiritual wine on the table made people want to whet their appetite. Bai Yifan sat at the round table casually, picked up a glass of spiritual wine and put it into his mouth.

The high pavilion is divided into three floors. The first floor is where the powerful elders of the sect watch the battle. The second floor is occupied by the sect's hall master, pavilion master, sect master and the heads of the four major families. The third floor is where the sect master, treasure pavilion master, deputy sect master, dream pavilion master and illusion sect master are located.

The three floors are arranged and treated in the same way, which is enough to show that although the fantasy sect is clearly divided, it is also strict and fair.

The thirteen people on the second floor, although their strength is not as good as the dream pavilion and the illusion sect, are also the iron bones of the fantasy sect and are indispensable.

In particular, the refining hall, the pill pavilion, and the four major families have the momentum to compete with the dream pavilion and the illusion sect.

In the past fifty years, the genius disciples of several families have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and Tian Yidong of the refining hall is even more famous in the western desert.

Every competition is an important part of the reshuffle of resource integration and power division.

The Sect Master and Pavilion Master are very supportive of such competition. Only with competition can there be development, and only with competition can there be tempering. Only by constantly spurring oneself can one become stronger and gain a foothold in the precarious world of immortal cultivation and pass it on.

The seventeen branches of the Fantasy Sect gather together every twenty years. While examining and selecting outstanding disciples, it is also a good opportunity for communication and verification.

Including the leaders of the seventeen branches, which one did not pass the test of the big competition before finally sitting on their respective top seats.

Every time the big competition, the people on the third floor will take out the lottery and guess the top ten and top three candidates. This is also an unwritten rule of the Fantasy Sect for a long time.

On the second floor of the high pavilion, all thirteen seats are full.

Zeng Qi, the head of the weapon refining hall, said with a smile: "How are you, fellow Taoists? The competition held every twenty years is about to start. It's really exciting. Let's at least come up with some prizes. Hehe, I am not talented, so I will just throw out some ideas. I predict that the top ten will be Zhong Cai from the Dream Pavilion, Xu Kui from the Puppet Hall, Liu Xun from this hall, He Chan from the Illusion Gate, Chen Yaer from the Treasure Pavilion, Huang Yan from the Sect Master's line, Xiong Canzhi from the Xiong Family, Yang Jie from the Yang Family, Liu Chen from the Meilou, and Li Yang from the Alchemy Pavilion. As for the top three, they will be Liu Xun, Chen Yaer, and Li Yang."

"Old man Zeng, you fooled me in the last competition, and I got everything wrong. You made the prediction, but where are the prizes?"

Feng Jiang, the head of the knife vein, said.

Zeng Qi raised his hand, and two shining spiritual weapons landed steadily on a long colorful table. Looking closely, they were a long flying shuttle with a brilliant green light and a turtle-shaped defensive treasure shield.

Flying and defensive spiritual weapons are rare, let alone top-grade ones.

Seeing this, everyone's faces changed slightly, and they looked at each other.

Feng Jiang said without showing any weakness: "It's really something. Old man Zeng, listen carefully, the top ten are the mad knife of the main line, Xu Kui, Chen Yaer, Huang Yan, He Chan, Liu Xun, the violent girl of the Divine Power Sect, the Dragon Soldier of the Illusion Sect, Yan Yan of the Yan Family, and Zhang Yuqin of the Meilou. The top three are Xu Kui, Dragon Soldier, and Zhang Yuqin."

As soon as the voice fell, a piece of black gold ore and a green spiritual grass fell on the far left of the color table.

Seeing the black gold ore and green spiritual grass, Bai Yifan secretly praised the magic iron and green grass.

Everyone was talking a lot, and next to Bai Yifan, Yan Jiao, the master of the Puppet Hall, and Lin Pingdao, the master of the Jiange Pavilion, were communicating with him in low voices.

After a while, except for Zeng Qi and Feng Jiang, the other eleven people entered their favorite candidates on the jade slips, and put various spiritual flowers, spiritual grasses, spiritual fruits, spiritual materials, ancient treasures, spiritual talismans, puppets, and formations respectively. Pans, array flags... and other treasures were delivered to the color table.

Xin Xuan, the owner of Meilou, and Liu Muyan, the head of the Liu family, already have a close relationship. "The Transformation of the Giant Spirit" has reached the fourth level, and it is also a popular choice in the top ten. Looking at you, why are you still unhappy? "

Liu Muyan glanced at Bai Yifan and said, "Sister, I don't know. I don't care about this competition at all. What I care about is, don't you still know what my sister is thinking?"

Xin Xuan's charming face said with a smile: "With those guys in Futang, you still want to compete in the top ten. I think it's a big deal if you can get into the top fifty. My sister and that white idiot will compete every twenty years." It seems that the bet is guaranteed to win, and so does Bai Yifan. More than two hundred years ago, my sister was the first of the five secrets of my dream sect, but this guy is indeed very talented. Tell me, how did this guy take my sister? Whose heart was captured?"

"Oh, I'll tell you later. I was the one who betrayed him in the first place. Otherwise, he would have been a Nascent Soul long ago, and he wouldn't have taken the initiative to become the master of the Talisman Hall."

Liu Muyan's sad face showed deep regret and self-blame.

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