Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 52: Abandoning the Battle

At the critical moment, Wang Lu used all his strength to activate the "Zong Yuanjian" movement technique, and narrowly avoided this sudden blow.

The dust and smoke dissipated, and Liu Hang was holding a spiritual stick in his hand. His body was covered with scars, and he was out of breath and said, "I lost."

Wang Lu cupped his fists and apologized: "Senior brother, I accept the concession."

The onlookers in the audience were dumbfounded as they watched this thrilling battle. It wasn't until Wang and Lu walked off the stage that bursts of cheers broke out.

In this way Wang Lu reached the top fifty.

Two people from Futang entered the top fifty, which no one had thought of before the competition.

The one-hundred-to-fifty battles kept everyone entertained and it was a worthwhile trip.

Even the deputy sect masters Chen Zhu, Qin Xuan and Fang Ling in the attic lamented that this competition was the most brilliant and powerful one in the history of the Dream Sect.

As the sun sets, the third day of the competition ends. Huang Yan, Chen Yaer, Xu Kui, He Chan and Wang Lu all advance successfully.

This made Wang Lu think that the five people had not faced each other head-on in the three rounds of competitions. He guessed that this was most likely a secret promise of the sect.

The five people in Futang returned to the rest room. When the four of them saw Wang Lu, they seemed to have seen a ghost and asked Wang Lu about the talisman seal.

Others don't understand, but the four of them have put almost all their efforts into the talisman. They know that it is not easy to activate dozens of talismans at the same time, let alone hundreds of talismans. It is even more difficult. This not only requires very powerful Divine consciousness must also have special techniques, and the understanding of various talismans must also reach a very high level. Otherwise, the collision and conflict between talisman and talisman will explode in the hand before being thrown. Come on.

Wang Lu laughed dumbly and said: "Brothers and sisters, only by working hard and working hard can you achieve this little achievement like a junior brother. As for the talismans, I also drew them one by one, junior brother. I worked hard and spent two whole years working day and night to draw such a few talisman seals."

"Junior brother, you still call it that. I think in terms of spiritual stones, the talismans you threw out in these three rounds alone have millions of low-grade spiritual stones. This is too scary."

Lu Feng said in surprise.

Chen Tang then smiled and said: "A junior and mid-level spiritual talisman is worth three hundred low-grade spiritual stones. When the junior brother takes action, he will get a hundred pieces, which is thirty thousand low-grade spiritual stones. Just like today, the junior brother has taken more than twenty times in total, especially The last two times, the scene of the talismans flying all over the sky, I think it will remain in my mind for a long time in the future. This time alone has exceeded one million spirit stones. Junior brother, you are too rich. I think in our talisman hall, except for the hall master, he is the old man. Besides, you are so rich that you haven’t fully recruited me yet.”

"Okay, okay, brothers and sisters, after the competition is over, I will share some of my ways of making talismans and some thoughts on it. Just let me go, I will participate in the fourth round of the competition tomorrow morning. "

Wang Lu said with his fists pitifully.

"Hehe, please don't bother junior brother. Our Talisman Hall has rectified its name. Who said spiritual talismans are useless? Look at our junior brother who defeated Liu Hang, who is number one in foundation building in the Liu family. If anyone wants to say anything in the future, let him see it. See the countless talisman and seal scripts of my junior fellow apprentices.”

Liu Chun joked with a smile.

At midnight, Wang Lu finished his practice. He touched the talisman in his storage bag, then closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing.

At chen hour, the breeze blows, and the cool breeze brings refreshment.

Fifty-one people stood neatly at the drawing place, surrounded by monks watching the battle on three floors inside and three outside.

Huang Yan first drew the jade lot number 3, Chen Yaer drew the 11th, Xu Kui drew the 25th, He Chan drew the 39th, Wang Lu drew the 16th, and the 26th lot The ownership has become the focus of everyone's attention again.

There are still ten people who have not yet been drawn, including Futang's Hanyu.

Li Yang of Dan Pavilion Poison Spirit Root had a cold expression on his face and said "I don't believe it" with arrogance. He stepped forward and pulled out the No. 1 jade slip from the box, which caused everyone to laugh.

The Dragon Soldier of the Huanmen stopped his smile, politely pulled out a No. 31 jade slip, sighed and walked back.

At this time, someone shouted "Korean", and then the word "Korean" rang out throughout the Biyu Square as if it was magnified ten thousand times.

Wang Lu pushed her gently, and Han Yu walked to the drawing place with a blushing face. At this time, the world became quiet.

She groped around in the box for a while, and tremblingly took out a jade slip, as if out of worry or something else, it fell from her hand to the ground before she could see it clearly.

There were people with strong spiritual consciousness among the crowd of onlookers. They saw the word "twenty-six" at a glance. Han Yu picked up the jade slip with a red face. The three numbers "twenty-six" were clearly clear.

Everyone started cheering as if they had won a lottery.




Enduring in the sky of Dream Sect.

Bai Yifan kept drinking for comfort, and drank heavily with everyone present.

And the reward given to her by the sect was even more astonishing, a hundred high-grade spiritual stones, which made the crowd roar for a while.

When Chen Zhu announced the start of the competition, Wang Lu discovered that the person facing him was actually Xiong Canzhi, who summoned him in the first place.

The two stood face to face on the T-shaped platform with different expressions. Seven years passed by, and he still clearly remembered the scene when they first met.

Xiong Canzhi's pointed mouth and monkey cheeks still looked carefree, but Wang Lu knew that underneath his nonchalant face, there was a terrifying and exquisite heart that was full of thoughts.

Xiong Canzhi released a ban and said, "Junior brother, how are you? I envy you very much. Although you are not the one who gained the most in the Jiuyue Secret Realm, in my opinion, you are the most special one. I believe that you are better than the other four, and even a little bit stronger. Hey, slowly, you will understand in the future."

"Senior brother is still so fond of joking. I will go all out in this fight because it is related to my future. If I offend you, please don't take it to heart."

Wang Lu said seriously.

"Hehe, junior brother, there is no need to be so serious. I admit defeat. I don't want to face your bombardment of talismans. I have calculated for myself and I can't pass this level. Instead of giving it a try, it is better to help junior brother and let him keep the last trump card and bravely enter the top ten."

Xiong Canzhi suddenly changed the subject.

Before he came to his senses, Xiong Canzhi walked off the ring.

This round, he won without fighting.

Wang Lu thought about what Xiong Canzhi said with some shock in his soul. He wanted to go and cut open his head, because Tongxinyu, one of the ten great spiritual flowers, and Lingru were obtained from the secret realm.

There is also a power magic skill that has not been practiced in "Kui Niu Treading the Sky Art", and he obtained the spirit beast Zijiu and Chen Yaer, the granddaughter of Chen Dong, who saved the sect's great master.

Seeing Xiong Canzhi walking away, he made up his mind to have as little contact and intersection with this mysterious person as possible in the future.

Seeing that the expected fierce battle did not occur, the audience immediately booed and surrounded the other arena.

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