Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 53 Six-star Moon Blade

Wang Lu was thoughtful and did not go to watch the others' fighting. He returned to the rest room uneasily and casually set up an isolation formation.

Xiong Canzhi's words made him feel dazed and exhausted.

He just lay on the ground and slept with his clothes on.

In his sleep, he saw his father and mother accompanying him to play in the mountains, putting vegetables in his small bowl and eating with gusto; he also saw his master, Qiu Huaren, watching him draw the talisman with a smile, and when he saw any mistakes, he would step forward and whisper. He corrected in a whisper; he seemed to have walked into a green dream, and a girl in a green skirt walked forward lightly. No matter how he shouted or how much he chased, the girl just walked forward without looking back... ....

When Wang Lu woke up, his whole body was covered in sweat and cold. When he raised his magic power, the cold sweat was wiped away. He stretched and released the restraints.

Before he could react, a soft and warm body melted into his arms, and Lihua cried with rain: "Brother Lu, what's wrong with you? It's been three days and three nights. I thought something happened to you. Do you know how worried I am about you?"

Wang Lu was stunned, his brows raised, as if he had thought something clearly, he gently held Chen Ya'er in his arms with one hand, patted her shoulder with the other, and comforted: "Don't cry, Ya'er. I'm a little tired, so I'll rest." After a while, I didn’t expect that if I slept for three days and three nights, if Hao Yaer cried again, her eyes would be red from crying. "

Hearing Wang Lu call her Ya'er for the first time, Chen Ya'er suddenly burst into tears and smiled. The whole room seemed to be filled with ten thousand daffodils in an instant, fragrant and extremely moving.

Wang Lu asked worriedly about Dabi's situation.

Chen Ya'er gave Wang Lu a pretty and charming face and said, "Brother Lu actually cares about the competition. Because the battle was too fierce, many people were exhausted and seriously injured. The sect decided to enter the twenty-sixth round." To be carried out in ten or thirty days.”

Then he said: "You are lucky this time. You are not allowed to sleep again. Otherwise, in the next twenty years, I might have to go to Hanzhu Cave to accompany you."

"Stab it."

Hearing the noise outside, the two separated instantly.

Bai Yifan walked in and saw the blushing Chen Ya'er and the embarrassed Wang Lu. Bai Yifan was such an old fox. Lao Huai was greatly comforted and gave him a thumbs up and said: "Good boy, I have you."

When Chen Ya'er heard Bai Yifan's words, she was even more ashamed and wished she could find a hole in the ground to crawl into. She ran out like a frightened little white rabbit.

After Chen Ya'er left, Bai Yifan looked Wang Lu carefully up and down: "Junior brother is very lucky, but it is the hardest to bear the kindness of a beauty. You must remember this, boy."

"Brother, why are you sighing?"

Wang Lu couldn't help but ask.

"The word love can only be understood if you experience it and understand it yourself. Prepare well for battle. Two days ago, your senior sister Xie Lingyun went out for a while. This is what she asked me to give to you. If you can achieve something, just It depends on your fate in the remaining seven days, I have asked the four of them to return to the hall temporarily. "

After Bai Yifan finished speaking, he handed him a storage bag and left.

Wang Lu took out a jade box from the storage bag. Inside was a set of gleaming green daggers. There were seven daggers, six handles were one inch long and one finger wide, and the other handle was two inches long and one finger wide.

It turned out that the senior brother wanted him to quickly refine this set of spiritual weapons.

Generally, it takes about ten days to refine a spiritual weapon, but for a child-child spiritual weapon, it takes twice as long.

However, with the improvement of his cultivation level, and with the blessing of "Six Talismans", his actual mana has surpassed that of ordinary peak monks in the late stage of foundation building, reaching the realm of foundation building perfection, and the spiritual milk after the mana is exhausted Help each other, refining day and night, the time should be barely enough.

He couldn't wait to set up a ban in the room, placed the spiritual weapon in front of him, and clasped his hands together. After a moment, the king's face turned red, and he saw a drop of blood slowly condensed on his seven fingers. The drop of blood on his thumb was larger than the others. Six drops should be twice as large.

Essence and blood coagulated, the word "Qu" was softly uttered, and seven drops of essence and blood instantly merged into the corresponding dagger.

Wang Lu felt weak and dizzy, so he quickly took a sip of the spiritual milk.

The spiritual milk could not only restore mana, but also provide strong nourishment and replenishment to the body. When the spiritual milk went down his throat, he suddenly felt that his soul had stabilized for the most part. He took another sip and his whole body returned to normal.

What a good thing.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to type various magic formulas into the seven daggers. For a moment, the green light shone, and the seven blades went from standing still to gradually floating and slowly swimming away...

He gradually felt that his connection with them was deepening step by step.

Three days passed. Wang Lu, who had exhausted his mana, drank two sips of spiritual milk in a row before his mana and mind recovered.

At this time, the dagger became lighter and lighter. This sudden surprise caught Wang Lu off guard.

It turns out that Seven Blades has exceeded the limit of spiritual weapons and has almost touched the category of magic weapons.

Spiritual weapons cannot be placed in the Dantian to warm and nourish, only magic weapons will do. This is why magic weapons are powerful.

As the magic weapon continues to be cultivated and refined, the connection with the monks becomes closer and closer. When used, it can be used as one wishes, like an arm.

The spiritual weapon requires more mana and spiritual consciousness from the monks to operate freely. Although the magic weapon also requires mana and spiritual consciousness, the dosage is one percent of that of the spiritual weapon.

The dagger turned into a shadow, which means that the dagger has reached the category of half-step magic weapon. I don’t know where the senior sister got it from. This treasure is extremely precious. Even if all the spiritual stones in Wang Lu’s body are put together, he may not be able to buy even one of it. blade.

It's just a pity that he doesn't have a spell to use the seven blades, otherwise their power would increase exponentially.

This is also a major shortcoming of Wang Lu at the moment, just like holding a peerless sword, but there is no corresponding sword technique for him to use, and he can only rely on the sharpness of the sword itself to fight.

He put aside these distracting thoughts. Now he has not completely refined the dagger, and he must not relax.

Six days later, after consuming a bottle of spiritual milk, looking at the almost transparent and extremely tiny seven green dots as thin as hair, it was done.

Wang Lu was overjoyed, and a wave of fatigue came over him. His eyelids kept fighting. Before he fell asleep, he cast a spell and integrated it into the restriction.

The sky was slightly bright, and the light flashed. The needle pierced his left buttocks fiercely.

"Ah" screamed.

Wang Lu woke up, rubbed his sleepy eyes, pinched the spell to take out the needle. He was afraid that he had overslept, so he could only use this method to wake himself up.

After a slight feeling, he realized that there was still half an hour before the morning hour. He sat upright and planned to take advantage of this half an hour to familiarize himself with the seven daggers with green light.

With a wave of his hand, seven green lights appeared in front of him, one of which was obviously larger. He suddenly thought of the "Seven Stars Slanting Moon" formation of the Fantasy Sect when breaking the prohibition of the Jiuyue Secret Realm.

Okay, I will call you seven little guys, the Six Stars Arching Moon Blades.

The Six Stars Arching Moon Blades seemed to have their own names, flying up and down around him happily, so happy.

Seeing them so smart, Wang Lu suddenly had a flash of inspiration in his mind, and he had a brand new idea.

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