Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 54: Overwhelming

At midnight, tens of thousands of monks had already gathered in the square, and it was crowded and lively.

This competition held in Meng Pavilion, from the number of people participating in the competition, the overall quality of the monks, and the endless emergence of talented disciples, has far exceeded any previous competition. This also indicates that the giant ship of Dream Sect has begun to set sail. , like the rising sun, the prospect is full of flowers.

The further you get to the back, the more exciting the competition becomes. Everyone has a candidate to support, including Wang Lu, who also has many people cheering him on.

Wang Lugujing walked to the drawing place calmly.

He has regarded Futang as his home, especially the hall master Bai Yifan, his senior sister Xie Lingyun and his uncle Yun Bozi. They are his respected elders. The Futang masters and disciples are his brothers and sisters.

As soon as the senior sister condensed the golden elixir, she was worried that the spiritual weapons she used were not as good as others, so she specially sent this set of otherworldly and precious six-star Gongyue Blades. If she didn't even make it into the top ten, she would have really let them down. of hope and concern.

Wang Lu secretly clenched his fists, come on, let the storm come more violently, God will kill God if he blocks it, and Buddha will kill Buddha if he blocks Buddha.

At the drawing place, twenty-six people came forward one after another.

There is no lucky draw this time, everything depends on God's will and strength.

When it was Wang Lu's turn, he drew the lottery number nine, and his senior sister Han Yu drew the lottery number seven. Wang Lu gave her a reassuring look and told her not to be brave and to let go when she should.

But she had a determined look on her face, which made him feel a different mood in Korean.

His opponent is Long Bing from the 18th Fantasy Gate, and Han Yu faces Li Yang from the 20th Dange Poison Spirit Root.

Wang Lu took a look at the formation. Chen Ya'er, Huang Yan, Xu Kui, and He Chan all had relatively strong opponents, especially He Chan versus Liu Chen from Mei Lou. This was a strong conversation before the top ten.

Both of them are one of the Four Dream Fairies. Seeing their duel, almost half of the people were talking about them and comparing them in various aspects:

Appearance, temperament, cultivation, skills, supernatural powers, talents...

After Chen Zhu announced the start of the competition, at least a thousand monks gathered around each arena.

Li Yang, who was opposite Han Yu, looked at Han Yu with an evil smile and said teasingly: "Senior Sister Han's luck can be said to be extremely strong and strong. She has won the grand prize four times in a row. It is really enviable. Junior Brother, I fought hard to get here." Now, Senior Sister has collected all the treasures. I have a small suggestion. Can you share it with us and discuss it? "

Han Yu heard Li Yang's hidden banter and said coldly: "Please speak."

"If senior sister lends me the treasure she obtained, junior brother may be merciful and let you go. If you don't agree, then don't blame junior brother for ruthlessly destroying the flower."

Han Yu's face turned pale, and he gritted his teeth and said: "There are so many nonsense words, just come and get them if you have the ability."

After saying that, Han Yu released a purple middle-grade spiritual sword, and for a moment the sword was full of shadows.

When Li Yang saw this, he sneered and said he would be fined if he didn't eat the toast.

He took out a strange knife that was as black as ink and swung it away. A disgusting black cloud appeared above his head, and gusts of cold wind filled the entire ring. The black cloud and cold wind swept towards Han Yu.

Han Yu resisted the feeling of being upset and angry, and the purple spiritual sword kept dancing according to a certain pattern. After a moment, strands of purple sword threads formed a sword array in front of her, and quickly flew towards the black clouds. and cold wind.

When the two came into contact, the sword array shattered, and the black clouds and cold wind dissipated.

Li Yang said evilly: "I have some ability, but it's far from enough."

He threw the strange knife in his hand into the air. The strange knife kept spinning, and the wind surged instantly. A monster seemed to be pregnant in the black clouds. At the same time, thunder exploded, and black lightning continued to roll and interweave in the clouds. The black clouds gathered bigger and bigger, almost During the rest time, the entire arena was covered.

Han Yu gritted her silver teeth, and the purple spirit sword floated in front of her, constantly injecting magic spells into the spirit sword. As if the purple spirit sword couldn't bear it, it broke into dozens of pieces. She suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood and spilled the sword. Pieces, the broken spirit sword seemed to have taken a tonic, spinning around her, getting faster and faster.


Han Yu scolded lightly, and then fell to the ground weakly.

I saw the Broken Spirit Sword like an angry purple dragon, rushing towards the thunder that was about to break through the clouds above my head.

The meaning in Korean is obvious. With the broken sword, she intends to burn the boat. She wants to seize the opportunity to kill the thundercloud before the thunder and lightning is fully formed.

Li Yang sneered and pointed.

The black thunderclouds no longer rolled, and dozens of black lightnings intertwined into a giant black python that opened its teeth and claws to face the purple dragon.


A black-purple halo of light suddenly exploded, the light was so bright that everyone was about to be blinded.

After five breaths, the smoke disappeared.

When Li Yang was laughing wildly on the stage and was about to hit Han Yu who was exhausted of his magic power, she was no longer on the stage.

Wang Lu held the weak Han Yu in his arms, pried open her lips and fed her a mouthful of spiritual milk.

Han Yu, whose body was covered with scars, managed to speak: "Brother, I...I...didn't lose my face..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he fainted.

Bai Yifan, who was on the second floor, glanced hard at Shi Quan, the master of Dan Pavilion, and jumped into the air.

Shi Quan from Dan Pavilion sneered: "If you can't afford to lose, don't compete. Am I still afraid of you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a cold look came over him, and Liu Muyan stood up and left.

Wang Lu carried Han Yu into the room. As soon as he stepped in, Bai Yifan came in with a stern look and said to Wang Lu calmly: "Junior brother, just play your best. I will take care of Han Yu."

After that, he picked up Han Yu and flew away.

Around noon, it was Wang Lu's turn to appear.

He lowered his head and stood silently opposite Long Bing. Long Bing suddenly felt like a volcano that was about to erupt at any time, which made him breathless.


Are you afraid? I have also experienced big battles.

The two were silent, "Ah", suddenly Wang Lu felt a pain in his brain. Long Bing unexpectedly attacked his sea of ​​consciousness with his spiritual consciousness.

This was his trump card, which was originally intended to be reserved for those who blocked his way in the top ten, but under the deep pressure of Wang Lu, he had to use it in advance.

Seeing Wang Lu holding his head and roaring, he thought the plan worked.

However, the next moment, when he saw Wang Lu's bloodshot eyes, he suddenly felt something was wrong. Just as he was about to release his spiritual weapon to attack and defend, something frightened him.

He saw more than a thousand talismans like a cloud of talismans, and in the blink of an eye, they wrapped him up like a dumpling under the fanning of a hurricane.


Wang Lu roared.

His spiritual attack might be useful to others, but for Wang Lu, who was almost possessed by the ghost king, it could only be regarded as a surprise attack, and it could not achieve the effect of a successful attack.

Long Bing only had time to release a defensive spiritual weapon, and was dying and seriously injured under the explosion of talismans that were more gorgeous than fireworks.

Wang Lu jumped off the stage without even looking at it.

This sudden scene stunned all the onlookers and made them shiver.

Where did this ruthless man Wang Lu come from? Where did he come from? The visual impact was too strong and shocking.

The explosion of the talisman just now left them with an extremely strong impression, and they could not calm down for a long time.

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