Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 546 I'm still alive

The Heaven Axe Talisman is Wang Lu's current masterpiece of talisman art, and is the most powerful talisman among the intermediate and mid-level talismans.

The Heaven Axe, which comes from the "Axe of Creation" used by Pangu to create the world, is one of the ten great weapons of the ancient times, with a fierce reputation and fierce flames.

He also drew it hundreds of times before he succeeded by chance.

These ten Heaven Axe Talismans were exhausted, and they were drawn repeatedly for thousands of times. The success rate is the lowest among all talismans so far, 110 to 1.

It is extremely difficult to practice, but it is extremely powerful.

He only drew twelve, and only two were left after the violent attack just now.

In the eyes of Mi Tianhua and his group, Wang Lu and the other two had spent at least half of their magic power to break the Golden Gang Wall, but they looked lively and energetic, which was really strange.

Seeing the shocked Mi Tianhua and the other eight, Wang Lu started to kill first, and his aura instantly locked him firmly.


The six-star arched moon blades were like seven jade arrows, flashing and shooting away.

In a moment, they appeared in front of Mi Tianhua.

"A trifle!"

A white talisman pen appeared in his hand. Facing the seven blades that seemed to be indestructible, the talisman pen gently swept, and a horizontal white light swept towards the seven blades as fast as sparks.


Wang Lu smiled and pointed with one finger.

The seven blades were like a swimming fish, wagging their tails, sinking three feet, avoiding the white light, and suddenly passing through his body.


Another Yuanying early stage strongman, holding a knife with both hands, sent out a knife with great force.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!"

Seven explosions kept exploding.

Facing the sharp white light, Wang Lu sank to the ground, his whole body was surging with black light like water, and he punched out.


The white light disintegrated instantly.

He didn't stop at all, like a cannonball, soaring into the sky, almost before Mi Tianhua and the other eight could react, he was about to kill the crowd.

"Looking for death!"

A loud shout came out.

Mi Tianhua's four Yuanying early stage cultivators all activated their life magic weapons, one knife, two swords, one stroke, four sharp, space-shattering knife auras, sword auras, and pen auras to meet Wang Lu, whose speed even shocked them.

This person must not be allowed to get close, just his weird and super-fast body movements alone, everyone present will lose a layer of skin if they don't die.

The magic power of Yuanying strongmen is ten times that of Jindan strongmen and several times deeper. The magic weapons they nurtured far exceed those of Jindan, and the power is so great that almost no one in the Yuanying stage can take it with bare hands.

They firmly believe that with the joint attack of the four, even the peak level 7 monster will be strangled to pieces, let alone the physical body of a cultivator.

However, after launching this attack, Mi Tianhua suddenly became uneasy, and he could not help but subconsciously retreat more than ten feet away.

It was this ten-foot distance that allowed him to escape temporarily.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Where the four magic weapons bombarded, a huge pit with a radius of twenty feet and a depth of fifty feet appeared, but Wang Lu's figure was not seen, and not even a trace of breath was left.


Cai Ying burst into tears instantly and cried out heartbreakingly.

"This lady wants you to pay for his life!"

With a flick of her jade hand, a colorful spirit sword came into her hand, "whoosh", a violent storm arose, and a huge faceless colorful monster insect on Cai Ying's head seemed to tear the space apart and drilled out.


Two crisp and pleasant chirps sounded, as if coming from its body, and everyone present showed fear.

This colorful weird insect made them shudder and tremble.

The giant worm slowly moved its body, and wherever it passed, the void was shattered. The momentum was extremely shocking, and the sky and the earth suddenly darkened.

"Run, it's the third of the ten strange insects, the broken sky worm!"

Cai Ying burst into tears, and she didn't know what she was thinking. The broken sky worm was evolved from the good and evil thousand strange Gu after she condensed the Nascent Soul. It looks huge, but it is still very weak. Unless it enters the God Transformation Stage, this worm can show its boundless power to shatter a small piece of space.

Now she summoned it forcibly, even if the worm died, as long as she killed Mi Tianhua and others, she would not hesitate.

Just when she was about to summon the broken sky worm in her heart to kill them all, four words made her burst into laughter, turning sadness into joy, and it was beautiful for a while.

"I'm still alive!"

As soon as the voice fell, "Ah", "Ah", "Ah", three Nascent Soul early stage strongmen were smashed into pieces by Wang Lu's three punches from nowhere, and their souls were destroyed.


Mi Tianhua couldn't help but let out a sound of fear. Could this man be an immortal devil?

He immediately left everyone behind, without looking back, wishing his parents had two more legs, and ran away with a chill in his heart.

"Want to escape!"

Wang Lu didn't chase him. He looked deeply at Mi Tianhua's disappearing back.

What was surprising was that when Mi Tianhua escaped six hundred feet, a group of bright green wrapped him tightly. No matter how he cast spells and attacked him frantically, the "infinite" magical power of the six-star arched moon blade did not move at all.

Wang Lu walked slowly and step by step towards the jade space with a radius of thirty feet.

As he walked, an orange cloud of talismans floated above his head.

Seeing this, Mi Tianhua finally confirmed that this person was the direct disciple of his head brother Qiu Huaren.

He knew something about the "Six Talisman Secrets", and the illusion that was transformed was a cloud of talismans.

There was no escape, he became a real turtle in a jar.


Wang Lu spoke calmly.

The orange cloud of talismans rushed into the jasper space in a flash, and a group of extremely violent cutting like a storm surged wildly in the jasper space...

Mi Tianhua completely turned into nothingness, and Wang Lu's revenge was half avenged.


The six-star arched moon blade returned to his side, and a yellowed ancient book also returned with it, which was the middle volume of the "Six Talisman Book".

Wang Lu looked back at Yin Shijiu and Cai Ying, who were the only ones left on the battlefield, and smiled at them.

When they didn't understand, they immediately used all their strength to perform body skills and disappeared.

Seeing Wang Lu's silent departure, Cai Ying bowed her head deeply and remained silent.

After so many years, the good times and beautiful scenery should be empty, even if there are thousands of styles, who can I tell?

Tears slid down like beads...

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