Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 547 Starting Again



Two hurried voices came in half a cup of tea.

Yin Shijiu looked up and saw Liu Ba, a man of incorruptible wood, with a cold and stiff expression, who had become a late Yuanying master at some point, falling from the sky. He grabbed him and jumped onto a yellow flying boat, which was flying at an ultra-high speed of 700 feet per breath and disappeared in a flash.

The fourth aunt did the same. She picked up Cai Ying, who was still crying softly, and flew into a sword-shaped flying treasure. Compared with the yellow flying boat, it was only faster, not slower. It was like a meteor in the blink of an eye, and disappeared in a flash.

About a short while after the four people left, Xiong Qi, whose clothes were torn and blood was flowing from the corners of his mouth, and three late Yuanying masters like him came to the scene. Seeing the corpses all over the ground and Mi Tianhua who disappeared without leaving any breath, one of them was immediately furious and roared.

"Who is it! Who is it! Who is it!"

"I will wipe out all nine of your clans!"

This is a great shame for the Thousand Killings Hall. Such a tragedy and bloody crime happened almost in front of their own mountain gate. It is like a humiliation under the crotch.

If they cannot find the murderer or come up with an explanation, as the seven major sects in the southern region, they will become the laughing stock of the entire northern border for a long time!

Humiliation, shame, no face in the world, all face is lost!

"Who is it, Junior Brother Xiong, you fucking tell me!"

The man was furious and shouted on the spot!

"Cough, cough, cough, cough, cough..."

Xiong Qi's eyes were clear. He had a hard time speaking and a hard time speaking.

I still remember clearly that when he and the fourth aunt were fighting for life and death and were at a stalemate, a great cultivator in the late Yuanying stage with an expressionless face and a strength that made him chilled and had never seen before seemed to come out of thin air. He suddenly hit him silently and was seriously injured.

Just when he was panicking and thought he was going to die, this person exchanged a glance with the Fourth Grandma and left.

At that time, it was impossible to chase him. Would he die if he chased him?

It was only a short while, and the three of you came.

You came, but it was too late.

Even he couldn't figure out why the people of Miaojiang suddenly took action and killed Mi Tianhua. He didn't know why the chief steward of the Four Beast City Yinluanxuan, Yin Shijiu, who had always been indifferent to worldly affairs, seemed to have a deep hatred with him and participated in it.

Did I tell you that it was a joint effort of Miaojiang and Yinluanxuan?

If so, even if all the masters of the Thousand Killing Hall were out, they would be killed by the other party and return with the whole family wiped out.

Miaojiang has been a place of seclusion, concealment, and unfathomable since ancient times. Since the appearance of this tribe in the northern border, no force has ever escaped unscathed. It is very terrifying.

Yin Luan Xuan was even more frightening. Just the transcendent power that spanned this world, even if the Four Beast Sect, which was the leader at the moment, suddenly went crazy and killed madly, would be easily uprooted by it and disappear in the endless years.

What a joke, can they be provoked and moved?

He could only tell the sect master about this matter. He had to swallow this loss and could not reveal a single word.

Otherwise, what followed was that Yin Luan Xuan would cut off contact with them and suffer heavy losses; Miaojiang would use all kinds of strange spiritual poison, and there would be even more casualties.

If the two could be caught on the spot, they might have the capital to compete with them.

Now, the people have gone to the empty building, and they are as far away as the yellow crane. Who should I look for, and where should I look?

Miaojiang or Yin Luan Xuan.

Hey, the mouse is teasing the cat, and he is tired of living!

Xiong Qi did not speak, dragging his serious injuries and returning to the sect 30,000 miles away without saying a word.

In fact, he overlooked one point, that is, Wang Lu's breath.

Obviously, with their strong strength, they can clearly sense that only four people survived this battle.

Why Wang Lu did not leave any breath, that is because of the "God-Repelling Clothes" he wore.

That's why Xiong Qi mistakenly believed that the four people who attacked and killed Mi Tianhua were only Si Agu, Caiying, Yin Shijiu and Liu Ba, whom he didn't know.

The storm passed, and everything returned to calm.

However, soon, a "tragedy of a sect being nearly uprooted" will soon spread throughout the entire northern border.

After killing Mi Tianhua and taking back the middle volume of the "Six Talisman Book", Wang Lu made the next decision in an instant:

Not enough, far from enough, the Shenxue Sect that exterminated the Six Talisman Sect has not been injured yet, and he will kill them even if he dies.

Isn't it just to kill Mi Tianhua and destroy the Shenxue Sect that he has cultivated and refined with great difficulty? After finally killing Mi Tianhua, the only culprit left was the Shenxue Sect, and he was going to set out again.

The wind was whistling and the Yishui River was cold, and he would not return until he broke the Shenxue Sect.

This was his unwavering obsession!

His smile to Yin Shijiu and Caiying was a smile of gratitude and emotion, and he could not say anything else.

In order not to implicate the two, he chose to go alone. After all, this time, it was very likely that he would never return.

The two had paid enough for him, and he could not watch them and himself embark on a road of no return.

Wang Lu ran as fast as he could until he came to a mountain forest 30,000 miles away, and then he stopped.

After resting for half an hour, this place was still too close to the Qiansha Hall, so he hurried on his way again.

One day and one night, in a natural cave on a wooded island in a large lake in the mountains, Wang Lu released the formation and Zi Jiu, took a magic pill, held two medium-grade spirit stones in his hands, and fell into a deep meditation to recover.

The extreme flight was a full 300,000 miles. In his opinion, if the Thousand Killing Hall could still find him, he would have no choice but to wait for his death.

From the very beginning, when he broke the flying boat with a shocking blow, he had consumed nearly half of his mighty power. The bombardment of thousands of intermediate talismans also reduced his mana. In addition, with the final killing of the "Infinite" magical power, his mana was less than 20%.

After a sleepless night of crazy escape, both his physical strength and mana were close to exhaustion.

He originally had a bottle of ten thousand year spiritual milk, but now, taking it was like a ventilated wall, basically useless, and wasted in vain.

Only by restoring part of the mana and strength, can there be a source of water, a foundation for building a house, and the ten thousand year spiritual milk can be taken.

In a flash, a month passed.

Wang Lu stood up and took out the jade map. The mountain gate of Shenxue Sect had not changed.

It was located in the Mabu Mountains, where the Yao Sect and the Thousand Killing Hall bordered, and the spiritual energy was very rich and tens of thousands of miles wide.

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