Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 564 Situation

The South China Sea stretches across eight deserts and connects the four universes.

This vast continent surrounded by sea is called the Nanhai Continent.

There are hundreds of large and small sects standing on the mainland, and the leader is the super sect Tianhaimen in the South China Sea.

This sect governs all sects, large and small, in the South China Sea and is located in the southwest of the mainland.

The Tianhaimen sect has been established for 630,000 years. It has endured for a long time. Under the scorching sun, it is second to none in the South China Sea. No one dares to challenge its prowess.

The South China Sea has always been isolated from the world. There are four ancient immortal cultivating families. They have millions of years of profound heritage. Their strength cannot be underestimated, and they are directly catching up with Tianhaimen.

The South China Sea is so vast that there are as many marine animals living in the sea as there are in the sand of the Ganges.

They are led by four major descendants who are said to be the direct descendants of ancient divine beasts and ferocious beasts. They are all cruel, ferocious, arrogant and powerful.

Fortunately, the ten ferocious beasts and the ten divine beasts have never interacted with each other. Once they meet, they will definitely be divided into life and death, and they will kill each other.

Otherwise, if the four sea clans join forces and attack with thousands of troops, it will be impossible for the human race to resist, and the South China Sea Continent will have long become another habitat for sea beasts.

The Kong family is one of the four ancient immortal cultivating families.

The Kong family is based on the heaven-level top-notch martial art "Kong Sheng Fangyuan" left by Kong Sheng. After millions of years of development, its power is intertwined, everlasting, and surprisingly powerful.

If it weren't for the internal fighting among the Kong family for the position of head of the family thousands of years ago, the Kong family would have been the first of the four ancient families, so much so that they were outcompeted by the other three families and are now at the bottom.

Although it was surpassed by three sects, Broken Ship still had 3,000 nails, which was still several times stronger than many large sects.

There are as many as five peerless masters in the Shanhuashen stage, and there are also four great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage.

There are eighteen strong men in the Nascent Soul Stage, more than a hundred masters in the Golden Core Stage, thousands of monks in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and at least tens of thousands of low-level disciples in the Qi Refining Stage.

This is the strong foundation and proud capital of the Kong family that is still as stable as Mount Tai.

Wang Lu withdrew his thoughts. When he was separated from Xiaoyaozi, he gave himself a light yellow talisman, which was inspired by a unique method. Anyone within a radius of 100,000 miles could find his specific location.

This place is close to the human race. Once the Fire Sea Pig is discovered, it may be chopped down by powerful monks to extract its inner elixir.

Wang Lu had previously only thought about escaping, so he had ignored it.

Now it seems that the origin of this pig may be extraordinary.

Not only do you have ancient memory fragments, but the fragments are not illusory, but real.

To achieve a shocking feat for yourself and save him from extreme danger, you must find a safe place for it. If you take it with you, something will happen.

The only plan for now is to stay away from the land and find a place to live in the deep sea, so that it can succeed in cultivation and have a place to break through.

If it's not good enough, it's okay to bring him with him when he becomes stronger.

Hey, it would be great if we could find the three legendary fairy mountains.

Since the earliest times, Dashanxian Mountain has been said to be a strange island with extremely deep and unfathomable aura, and it has been said to be magical.

It is said that as long as you climb up, you can transform into an immortal and reach the sky in one step.

However, throughout the ages, I have never heard of anyone finding it.

Or maybe they are just spreading rumors.

Wang Lu smiled indifferently and sent a message to the Huohai Pig who was having a great time.

In order to prevent its tall, burly, ugly, and ferocious image from causing unnecessary trouble, the Huohai Pig shrank in size by more than twice, turning him into a cute, smart, and lovable little pig.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

This scene made Wang Lu burst out laughing, and even Xiaolu's miserable situation was diluted a lot.

Yes, people must be optimistic. Leshan, Leshui, Leland, and Letian, with a gloomy look and mood, are not the ones who suffer. If you want to get it, you must build it with diligent hands.

Man can conquer heaven!

Even if he could escape from certain death and being chased by two great monks of the late Nascent Soul stage, what else was impossible?

Everything is possible.

The green birds were released, and one man and one pig flew up, looking at the direction, and flew towards the South China Sea at high speed.

Compared with the Linglong Sea, the South China Sea gave him a completely different feeling.

Although both were boundless, Wang Lu had a vague feeling that the South China Sea was the real ocean and giant sea.

With the green bird's ultimate speed, which is comparable to that of a small ten-thousand-mile flying boat, within fifty million miles, there is no need to worry about any monsters catching up, so it quickly falls into a struggle with the cold aura within its body.

The Huohai Pig, on the other hand, was heartless and upright. It had long recognized Wang Lu's incredibly thick legs and lay flat on his back. He could hardly breathe and "snored" loudly.

It seems that it has no worries about this strange and dangerous South China Sea, as long as this ruthless man is around.

Time flies, half a year has passed, and the green bird has penetrated nearly 70 million miles into the South China Sea.

This sea is indeed extraordinary. As it continues to deepen, the spiritual energy becomes thicker and thicker. At this time, it is comparable to the concentration covered by the sect's Dream Sect's formation.

However, there was something really strange about Nanhai, which made him feel palpitating.

Because, except for the boundless sea water and sea fog, there is no island within a hundred thousand or a million miles.

At first, he didn't take it to heart, thinking it was because there were few islands in this sea area. Gradually, his expression became serious:

Not for millions of miles.

Unbelievingly, I flew so far away again, but still couldn't see the island.

Finally, he stopped in shock.

If there was no island, where the sea of ​​fire pigs would stay, would it be possible for them to follow me like that?


Wang Lu sighed deeply and was about to return the same way when the bright and clear blue sky was instantly covered by a huge black cloth.

It was so dark that no light could be seen and one could not see one's hand in front of one's face.


The fire sea pig seemed to have sensed something and suddenly felt that danger was coming. It woke up from its sleep, and its eyes were instantly bloodshot, revealing two rows of sharp and shining teeth, and it roared at the black sky, black earth and black sea.

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