Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 565: Destruction of Heaven and Earth

The low roar of the fire pig, which was involuntarily afraid, and the sudden darkness had already explained:

The sky had changed!

The dramatic change in the world came so quickly, without any signs, and caught him off guard.

"Woo woo woo woo woo..."

When the sky and the sea became dark, the wind followed. It was not a breeze, but a hurricane that was getting stronger and stronger.

In less than a few breaths, the wind was howling, a scene of the end of the world.


Although the howling wind confused all the sounds in the world, the faint roar from a far distance was still unstoppable and rushed towards him.

Wang Lu looked closely and saw that a very thin blue-white line between the sea and the sky was tens of thousands of miles away from the dark sea level. Not only did it break through the void and surge violently at a terrifying speed, but it also made him see that this straight line between the sky and the earth was infinitely: stretching and rising.

The momentum was amazing, sweeping across the sky and the earth.

This is a huge empty wave of unknown width and height. It is so dazzling in such darkness. Once it comes, it will tear it to pieces and turn it into ashes.

This scene directly made Wang Lu feel cold and numb all over!


Under the destructive power of the South China Sea, this is his only thought.

However, when he looked around, he immediately extinguished and discarded this naive idea.

He and the Fire Sea Pig were like being located in the center of the entire South China Sea, with huge waves and destructive storms rushing towards them from all directions.


"Hurry up and shrink it to the smallest!"

Wang Lu shouted at the trembling Fire Sea Pig.


The orange cloud of runes flashed, tightly wrapping him and the Fire Sea Pig, which had shrunk more than twenty times in an instant.


It was far from enough.

The six-star arched moon blade burst out with a small piece of brilliant green light that merged into the orange light.

"Get up!"

Come again.

Like a Kui Niu forged from black gold, the black light surged and intertwined with the orange-green light.

"Infinite body protection!"

Before the endless and high sky-shattering waves came, Wang Lu was like a revelation, a flash of lightning passed through his heart, and his mind moved. "Infinite" was his most unpredictable supernatural power so far.

Since it is boundless, endless, infinite, and infinite, it can also be converted into a defensive state.

Thinking of this, no matter what, even if his own body will be cut by his life-long magic weapon, the six-star arched moon blade, at the moment of life and death, he must kill a thousand enemies even if he loses eight hundred of himself.

Ah, come on!

Wang Lu roared in fear!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom..."

The fierce winds and waves from all directions with unparalleled power swept Wang Lu into it, "bang", less than four breaths, all defenses were broken, and a man and a pig were immediately hit and pressed into the endless sea.

Before Wang Lu finally lost consciousness, the Fire Sea Pig had already separated from him. Facing this earth-destroying might, he could not save himself, and he only wished you peace.

However, good times come after bad times.

With just one glance, he suddenly realized that he had discovered the secret of the South China Sea.

And it was precisely this secret that allowed him to escape this disaster and save his life.


In extreme reluctance, he fell into a coma.


The waves were gently swaying, the sea breeze was blowing, and after an unknown period of time, Wang Lu woke up leisurely. He opened his eyes hazily, the sky was blue and the clouds were white, the sky was high and the land was vast, and the blue sea was rippling with light waves.

Lying flat on a beautiful white sand beach, he still clearly remembered the wonders before he fell into a coma.

The crazy waves, like boundless hurricanes, completely lifted the magical veil under the sea level.

No wonder there was no island after flying away from the sea for tens of millions of miles.

It turned out that all the islands were buried deep under the calm South China Sea.

See the island, the dawn is coming!

He must not be thrown into the unfathomable sea water. He mustered up his remaining strength and fought against the current in the layers of waves.

This was the last chance, otherwise, he would surely die.

Finally, his bet was right.

However, there was one thing that puzzled him.

He had been in the South China Sea for half a year, but why hadn't he seen even a single sea monster? Could it be that this sea had experienced some super change and became a dead sea?

With such doubts, Wang Lu walked towards the island in front of him, which was at least a thousand miles in radius, was previously covered by sea water, and now seemed to be lifted out of the sea water by an invisible hand.

He must find a safe place to rest and recuperate.

He was seriously injured and almost lost his life.

His soul was extremely traumatized by the shock, his strength and magic power were almost exhausted, and his meridians, acupuncture points and organs were seriously damaged.

If it weren't for the last stroke of genius, the "Infinite Body Protection", with the "Thousands of Threads of Blade Formation" and the "roundness and all-embracing" of the orange talisman cloud, it would have been torn to pieces in less than a breath.

This magical power, as solid as gold, allowed him and the Fire Sea Pig to hold on to the most dangerous and violent first three breaths.

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thinking of the Fire Sea Pig, Wang Lu couldn't help but worry about it.

He hadn't let it enjoy anything yet, and we were separated. Life is impermanent, nothing more than this.

I don't know whether you are alive or dead, how can I find you in the vast South China Sea?

Fire Sea Pig, you must not be in trouble. I believe that with your luck, you must be safe and sound.

With such sentimental depression and prayers and blessings, a natural lake came into view.

A silver waterfall fell from the top of the mountain, splashing layers of waves. The lake was clear, the water plants were faint, and the fish were swimming leisurely, playing and chasing each other, so comfortable.

On both sides of the lake are unknown tall and lush ancient trees. Under the sunlight, the shadows of the trees are mottled, and the mountain wind blows and sways.

The clear bird calls and the sound of the waterfalls interweave and circle, like a melodious sound of nature, listening to it, it is comfortable and peaceful.

I can't help but close my eyes, listen carefully, and feel it carefully.

This place is like a paradise, peaceful and beautiful.

He walked around the lake and walked slowly in the mountains and forests, and the breeze blew on his face, but he suddenly stopped.

He was shocked. Why is the spiritual energy here so rich!

Wang Lu opened his eyes, and in the flash of lightning, an idea that was roughly close to the truth came to his mind.

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