Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 62: Obtaining Fruit

Half a day later, the sound blade had penetrated about five miles into the sea. This place was considered to be out of the frontier of the sea. Wang Lu flew towards a small hill without tall trees.

When he arrived at the top of the hill, a strong smell of grass and trees came. The spiritual energy here was two points stronger than the outside world. No wonder it could produce various spiritual materials.

He put away the sound blade and added an invisibility talisman to himself. He took out the map. The map marked that the three thousand miles northwest was the Tiger Roar Forest where the monster sawtooth tiger lived.

Along the way, he encountered several kinds of monster birds that intercepted in the air, but they were all level three or four monsters. In front of the top-grade flying spiritual weapon sound blade, they got rid of them in a few breaths.

In the middle, there was a narrow escape. A thunder eagle in the early stage of the golden elixir broke through the air. Wang Lu used all his strength and the six-star arched moon blade was fully fired. Seeing that he could not catch him, the monster chased him for thousands of miles and flew back in despair.

The dense jungle was quiet, and occasionally a few creepy monster sounds were heard.

Countless towering trees towered out of the clouds, various wild beasts jumped and galloped among them, and countless unknown flowers and plants grew wildly everywhere.

Wang Lu unfolded "Zongheng Yunjian". Since breaking through to the late stage of foundation building, in addition to further improving his cultivation and spiritual awareness, his biggest gain was his body skills. With a light jump, his legs seemed to grow two wings and he went thirty feet away. With full strength, he could instantly cross a space of forty feet.

The jungle was shaded, the grass and trees swayed gently, and he turned over one mountain after another and crossed several rivers. With the blessing of the invisibility talisman, no monsters sensed his breath when he galloped.

An hour and a half later, he came to the Tiger Roaring Forest in a lush birch forest in the distance.

According to the information provided by Yinluanxuan, there is a sawtooth tiger king and more than twenty sawtooth tigers in the Tiger Roaring Forest.

The sawtooth tiger is a fourth-level demon beast, equivalent to the realm of the late foundation building. The sawtooth tiger king has the cultivation of the early stage of the golden elixir. He came here this time to snatch the fruit from the tiger's mouth, and snatch some of the green blood fruit they prepared for the newly born tiger cubs.

This fruit matures every three hundred years, and it is its maturity period in recent times.

Wang Lu approached the birch forest carefully. Six sawtooth tigers with a body size of about two meters wandered in the forest, as if patrolling.

At this time, how much he hoped that Zi Jiu could be by his side. If he was, with Zi Jiu's concealment skills, he would definitely be able to detect the specific location of the green blood fruit.

Zi Jiu in the spirit beast bag has been sleeping for nearly ten years and has not yet awakened.

In the past ten years, while Wang Lu was worried, Zi Jiu's aura has steadily risen to the level of a fourth-level middle-stage demon beast, which is equivalent to his cultivation of the late stage of foundation building.

Half an incense stick passed, and Wang Lu saw that the six sawtooth tigers staggered the gap between patrols, and passed through the gap like a gust of wind and entered the birch forest.

Arriving in the forest, Wang Lu spread his consciousness and wandered around. He found that the sawtooth tiger in the early stage of the golden elixir was entrenched in front of a huge cave at the end of the birch forest more than fifty miles to the east.

The further east he went, the denser the patrolling sawtooth tigers were. There were far more than twenty of them, and the number had exceeded thirty.

Wang Lu secretly cursed Yin Luanxuan for cheating him, and had to hide carefully for fear of causing any disturbance.

Another hour later.

On a birch tree that five people could hug, Wang Lu saw two fist-sized and ten-foot-high green blood trees, with six or seven green blood fruits hanging on each tree.

The green blood fruit was the size of a longan, and the surface of the peel was mixed with a small piece of blood red, which was ripe.

The five-foot-wide tiger king lay in front of the green blood tree with his limbs retracted, emitting bursts of deep sleep, surrounded by dozens of ferocious sawtooth tigers on both sides.

Wang Lu secretly smacked his lips. If he wanted to get the green blood fruit, was there only a hard fight?

Just as he was about to make a move, several earth-shaking roars of beasts came from the birch forest in the distance, like an earthquake, the earth shook, leaves flew, and the birch trees shook violently.

The tiger king suddenly opened his eyes, stood up with his majestic body, shook his head and roared "Ao", "Ao", "Ao" three times, shaking the birch forest constantly. Wang Lu immediately closed his five senses, but his ears were still ringing from the tiger roar.

The ten white tigers beside the sawtooth tiger king also roared three times, and more than twenty sawtooth tigers roared out of the cave. Wang Lu frowned at this scene. If he acted rashly just now, the consequences would be unpredictable.

Seeing more than thirty sawtooth tigers gathered around him, the tiger king leaped forty feet away like a flash of lightning, and more than thirty tigers also jumped twenty feet away and followed him like a shadow.

For a while, the birch forest was full of flying grass and falling leaves.

In front of the birch forest, more than fifty black fire demon bulls with a body of more than ten feet wide, led by the Bull King, were confronting more than thirty sawtooth tigers.

The Bull King was black all over, three feet wide and three feet high, with two red horns bent to the sky. Two bowl-sized noses kept spewing out bursts of black flames, causing the tigers twenty feet away to retreat continuously.

In half a cup of tea, more than thirty sawtooth tigers separated from each other, and a white light shot out like a whirlwind. The Tiger King came in front of the tigers, revealing four white jade-like but extremely sharp giant teeth, and roared to the sky, shocking the cattle behind the Bull King and causing chaos.

Seeing this, the Bull King cried wildly, and the cattle suddenly quieted down.

The Bull King and the Tiger King confronted each other, and the war was about to break out.

The Bull and Tiger Demons basically fought every three hundred years for the Green Blood Fruit. In the tens of thousands of years of competition, the Black Fire Demon Bull was mostly the loser.

For the sake of the spiritual fruit, there was no need to care so much.

This time, the Bull King was a mutated black fire demon bull. The black flames it spewed out carried a trace of the power of the Six Ding Divine Fire, one of the ten spiritual fires in the world of immortal cultivation. This made the Sawtooth Tiger King a little afraid, and he was thinking of splitting the Green Blood Fruit in half.

When the Black Fire Demon Bull and the Sawtooth Tiger were confronting each other, Wang Lu carefully sensed that there was no more Sawtooth Tiger around. He gently jumped down from the birch tree and came to the Green Blood Fruit Spirit Tree.

It turned out that this tree grew in a small pool with a diameter of ten feet and blood-like water.

He added a flying talisman and quickly picked all thirteen Green Blood Fruits from the tree without leaving any, and put them in the jade box that had been prepared long ago.

He slapped a forbidden spirit talisman and put it in the storage bag.

Just as he was about to leave, a shocking roar of anger came.

The earth shook violently, and the trees and soil in the birch forest flipped violently, as if thousands of troops were rushing towards him.

Wang Lu was shocked and knew that he was discovered.

He used all his strength to launch "Zongheng Yunjian" and ran quickly towards the west of the birch forest, and soon disappeared.

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