Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 63: Battle with Two Monsters

At the moment when Wang Lu collected the Green Blood Fruit, the strange fragrance of the Green Blood Fruit suddenly stopped.

The Sawtooth Tiger King felt something was wrong. It knew that someone was taking advantage of the situation and stealing the spiritual fruit.

It immediately spread the news. When the Black Fire Demon Bull King knew about it, black flames shot up into the sky, and he and the Tiger King disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The two of them fled as fast as lightning, with awe-inspiring momentum.

Someone dared to steal the spiritual fruit while they were fighting, which was simply an insult to their intelligence.

Thinking of this, the Bull King and the Tiger King were so angry that they wished their parents had an extra pair of wings to eat the spiritual fruit thief alive and cut into pieces.

After half an incense stick, the Bull King and the Tiger King came to the Green Blood Fruit. Seeing the bare fruit tree, they both roared and chased in the direction of Wang Lu's escape.

Wang Lu used all his strength to perform his body movements, ignoring the invisibility talisman, and poured his mana into the birch forest, leaving a series of afterimages in the birch forest.

After an incense stick, the birch forest behind him broke and flew away piece by piece, and two auras close to the middle stage of the golden elixir kept approaching, and nearly a hundred bull monsters and tiger monsters at the peak of the late stage of foundation building also surrounded him like crazy.

He tried to release the sound blade, but the whole birch forest seemed to be wrapped in some formation, leaving him helpless.

He could only grit his teeth, hoping to escape from the birch forest as soon as possible, and then release the sound blade to escape.

After thirty breaths, the two auras behind him were getting closer and closer, and the surrounding tiger and bull monsters were getting closer and closer. Wang Lu didn't think much and could only flee forward desperately.

After twenty breaths, the distance was getting closer and closer, and Wang Lu could already feel the anger of the two monsters on his back.

After ten breaths, the bull king and the tiger king could vaguely see Wang Lu's figure, and in great joy, they stepped out with four hooves and jumped a distance of sixty feet.

In five breaths, the Bull King and the Tiger King could catch up with Wang Lu in two or three jumps.

At this time, Wang Lu suddenly stopped in place, threw his hands suddenly, and a thousand primary and intermediate talismans broke through the air and exploded violently in front of the two. This sudden attack made the two monsters dodge left and right.




Three huge explosions sounded in the forest, large pieces of trees fell down, rocks and soil splashed, and the originally smooth hair of the Bull King and the Tiger King was burned into pieces, which was very embarrassing.

If the two had not released the protective qi at the moment when the talisman flew over, they would have been seriously injured.

The two looked forward, and there was no trace of Wang Lu.

The Bull King and the Tiger King were furious, roaring continuously, and chased Wang Lu again.

Twenty breaths, Wang Lu's figure flashed in front, and the Tiger and Bull monsters learned to be smart and chased him from two directions respectively, leaving him no chance to attack at the same time. As long as they entangled this kid in the late stage of foundation building, they would definitely let you experience thousands of tortures.

As a result, Wang Lu stopped again, opened his hands, and like a butterfly flying through flowers, he took out various glittering talismans from his storage bag and threw them at them.

There was another loud explosion, and the two monsters were intercepted by Wang Lu again, which made the two monsters more and more impatient, and their patience was basically exhausted.

Wang Lu was running fast, his face was pale, and his magic power was less than half. He quickly took out the jade bottle and drank a big mouthful of spiritual milk, and his magic power was immediately full.

He sensed that he could rush out of the birch forest about fifty miles ahead, but the two monsters behind him were approaching again, and they would catch up with him in three breaths at most.

He knew that this time, except for using the blood escape talisman and fighting hard.

However, there were only two blood escape talismans left, and he didn't want to waste them as the ultimate trick of running away.

He had never fought with a strong man in the Jindan period, and he wanted to take this opportunity to test what level he had reached.

If he is defeated, he can use the blood escape talisman to escape.

With his mind made up, he suddenly stopped, released the six-star arched moon blade, and activated one of the few primary high-level diamond talismans, and turned to stare at the rushing Bull King and Tiger King.

The two monsters saw Wang Lu stopped again and planned to face the talisman directly, even if they were injured, they would keep him.

What surprised them was that they did not wait for the talismans in the sky, but waited for three one-foot sharp daggers and four daggers to attack.

The sudden daggers did not make the two lose their composure.

The Bull King's majestic body rushed up in the air at a high speed, and at the same time, his four feet kicked fiercely, "bang bang bang bang", sparks flew, and the Bull King was shocked. The four inconspicuous daggers almost cut off his proud four feet as hard as fine steel.

At the same time, the tiger king in midair folded his four legs in an incredible posture, a stream of air in his chest surged rapidly, he opened his bloody mouth, let go of his four hooves, and let out a terrifying roar, forming a sound blade that rolled towards the three daggers.

Seeing this, Wang Lu smiled, and the mother blade and the other two sub-blades quickly merged into one, forming a giant blade that was ten feet long and three feet wide, as thin as a cicada's wing, and slashed down at the sound blade. The sound blade was split into two like a piece of gauze, and the giant blade flashed in front of the tiger king's head without stopping.

The tiger king was shocked and gathered all his demonic power, trying to use it to block the extremely sharp giant blade.

The giant blade slashed at the tiger's aura without hesitation, making a "chi chi chi" sound. In less than a breath, the giant blade broke through the protective aura. Seeing that it was defeated, the tiger king shook his tiger head violently, and four white fangs like jade came out of his mouth and rested on the giant blade, and he quickly retreated.

At this moment, Wang Lu made a move with one hand, and the giant blade shrank instantly. The six sub-blades surrounded the mother blade and spun at high speed towards the two gathered monsters. The speed became faster and faster, and it disappeared in a flash.

Wang Lu kept pointing his hands at the void in front of him. The air seemed to be cut by something and kept surging in all directions. Trees, flowers and plants within a radius of thirty feet fell down one after another, turned into powder and scattered everywhere.

The two monsters were terrified. The four giant teeth of the tiger king were combined in an instant. A huge fang with demonic energy stood up in front of him. The tiger roared in his belly, and an unprecedented roar came out of his mouth. The huge fangs seemed to have eaten a full-body tonic and chopped towards the blade formation.

The red horns on the head of the bull king also formed a ring in front of him, like a blood moon flashing with a strong smell of blood. Black flames gushed out of his nose. Two blazing black flames sprayed on the horn ring. The horn ring instantly rushed towards the blade formation with black flames.

The three phases came into contact, and Wang Lu's blade formation vibrated at a high speed, and there was a faint sign of collapse.

He was sweating profusely, and his hands were like the Thousand-armed Avalokitesvara, constantly changing his techniques in the air, tapping, clapping, sweeping, closing, fanning, pointing, or opening... The blade array suddenly burst into green light, illuminating the birch forest.

The horn rings and giant teeth made a cracking sound.

The two monsters were horrified, roaring, and quickly recalled the horns and giant teeth. At an incredible speed, they fled in panic.

This person is too fierce, what green blood fruit, saving your life is the best choice.

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