Above the Immortal Cultivation

Chapter 64 Procurement

Wang Lu saw the two demons escaping. In fact, he was not having a good time either. His magic power had basically bottomed out, his consciousness had been greatly reduced, and his soul was unstable. If he persisted, he would have no other choice but to take spiritual milk.

Spiritual milk can be encountered but cannot be sought. As his cultivation deepens, one bottle can only restore his mana seven times at most. With the recovery of his body, soul, and sea of ​​consciousness, one bottle will be consumed four times.

I don't know whether it was because of his own powerful strength that made the Tiger and Ox Demon King afraid, or for other reasons, the Sawtooth Tiger and the Black Fire Demon Ox that surrounded him retreated quietly.

After leaving the birch forest, Wang Lu released the sound blade, and he felt at ease with the sound blade.

The sound blade passed through the forest and crossed the clouds, only to encounter the thunder vulture from whence it came. Wang Lu did not bother with the thunder vulture. He fired a spell, and the sound blade suddenly became two points faster. After chasing for thousands of miles, the thunder vulture The eagle flew away unwillingly.

Returning to the inn tiredly, he casually arranged a ban and fell asleep. It took a full day and night before he woke up.

He stretched and washed himself with water, and his energy was restored.

The battle with the two demon kings made him see his own shortcomings, that is, he lacked the corresponding magical powers of swords and swords. The magical powers he used against the two demons that looked like blades were actually the seven stars of the setting moon that he had learned from the sect. What Da Zhen realized is that it is almost too difficult to deal with the Ox King and Tiger King, let alone other golden elixir powerhouses.

Fighting is a process of consumption. The six-star Gongyue Blade is his trump card. If he releases it at the beginning, it will not only consume a lot of mana, but also the spiritual milk will gradually be consumed. Once the opponent has a way to deal with it, he will only lose. Escape.

He considered that he should add a powerful offensive weapon to himself, a defensive weapon that even the six-star Gongyue Blade could not easily break, or some treasures that could threaten the strong people in the Golden Core stage at once. .

He touched the somewhat shriveled storage bag and sighed. He only has one life, and this is only one life. Since it is already shriveled, let me make it completely clean.

Wang Lu removed the restraint, got up and walked to the Blood Hall.

The night in the Bloody Battle City was like daytime under the shroud of the city's protective formation.

At this moment, the lights are brightly lit and the place is bustling with people, so lively.

Wang Lu called a beast cart parked on the street and drove all the way. After an hour, he arrived at the square of Bloody Battle City.

There were people coming and going in the square, but he ignored the monks and teams who had gathered him, and went straight to the Blood Hall, where he came to one of the rooms where the task was handed over.

In order to be responsible and confidential to the monks who handed over the tasks, the Seven Factions set up a total of two hundred rooms on the right side of the Blood Hall.

In the room, a middle-aged monk who was in high spirits at the peak of the late foundation building stage saw Wang Lu entering the room, and immediately opened the room's restrictions and said to him: "What is the task that fellow Taoist came to hand over."

Wang Lu directly took out the jade box containing the green blood fruit and handed it to him. The middle-aged monk took the forbidden spirit talisman and opened the jade box. Five green blood fruits with green and red spiritual power lay quietly.

"Hey, Taoist friend, I am Wu Fei from Blood Prison. These are fifty high-grade spiritual stones. Please give me your identity token, Taoist friend."

Wu Fei saw that Wang Lu had completed the difficult task of obtaining the Green Blood Fruit on the task list, and wanted to make friends. They would also be promoted and receive corresponding rewards based on the difficulty of completing the task.

Wang Lu accepted fifty high-grade spirit stones, handed the temporary identity token to the other party, and then typed a magic spell into his token. The originally white small token turned red.

He also knows a little bit about the rules of Blood Battle City. The levels of tokens are divided into six levels: white, light red, red, dark red, purple, and black. Most of the monks who come to Blood Battle City have tokens that are not more than red. , the red token represents that the monk has a strength close to the middle stage of Golden Elixir.

After receiving the token, there was a hint of joy in Wang Lu's eyes: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Wu. If you complete the task again, I will come to Fellow Daoist to hand it over."

"Haha, then I will welcome Brother Chen."

Wu Fei smiled.

Wang Lu walked out of the room and came to the Blood Hall. Rows of missions flashed continuously. After checking for a long time, he accepted one of the missions.

Two hours later, Wang Lu came to East Street and stepped into a shop called Baibao Pavilion.

The overall layout of Baibao Pavilion is cyan, with a total of three floors. On the first floor, there are several waiters introducing various materials to the guests.

A young man in light blue clothes stepped forward and said respectfully: "Senior, please come back. I have all the common spiritual materials in the world of immortal cultivation. I will definitely make your seniors come home with a full load."

Wang Lu didn't say anything. He walked around the display cabinets in the hall and said, "There are indeed many kinds. Are there not some high-end ones?"

The waiter heard Xian Ge and said with an elegant smile: "Senior, please come upstairs."

There were only a few people on the second floor. After Wang Lu circled around, they stopped in front of a counter, pointed at a sky blue flying sword and said, "Is there anything better than this sword?"

"Senior, I'll be back as soon as I go. Please wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, he hurried downstairs.

The young man saw that Wang Lu's needs exceeded his permission. The Sky Blue Flying Sword was a high-grade spiritual weapon, but as long as this person bought even one high-grade spiritual weapon, he would get the corresponding reward. If it was a top-grade spiritual weapon, , and gained more, so he wished he had two extra legs, and hurriedly went to find the deacon of their Baibao Pavilion.

Just when Wang Lu was bored, an old man with a white beard and a healthy spirit came to Wang Lu under the guidance of the waiter. When several monks on the second floor saw the old man coming, they all clasped their fists in greeting.

The old man said with a smile: "I am Pang Jinlong. If you need anything, just ask."

In Wang Lu's perception, Pang Jinlong should be a Jindan early stage cultivator. Wang Lu sent a message to him. After hearing the message, Pang Jinlong took him straight to the third floor.

There was no hall on the third floor, only five rooms.

In one of the quiet rooms, Pang Long took out five spiritual weapons with shining spirits and placed them on the table. After Wang Lu checked them one by one, they were all rare and top-grade spiritual weapons, but there was nothing he wanted.

Wang Lu clasped his fists and said: "Old Pang, I like some spiritual weapons with more peculiar structures. I wonder if your pavilion has collected some?"

Pang Long smiled and said: "Then how about these two top-grade spiritual weapons?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he took out two purple eight-edged purple gold hammers and a lifelike dragon head crutch.

Seeing the two eight-edged purple gold hammers, Wang Lu couldn't take his eyes away, and said in amazement: "Excuse me, Mr. Pang, how much are these two eight-edged purple gold hammers worth?"

"I want to remind you, the purple gold hammer is one of the few treasures in this pavilion. Even if it is not as good as a set of top-grade spiritual tools, it requires extraordinary spiritual consciousness. You still need to consider it carefully."

Pang Long was worried that Wang Lu's spiritual consciousness was not strong, so he said clearly.

"Thank you, Mr. Pang, for reminding me. I will choose it."

Wang Lu said firmly.

He happily took the eight-edged purple gold hammer, and purchased some materials for drawing talismans and five Yinquan thunder beads that could seriously injure mid-stage Jindan cultivators. As for defensive spiritual tools, Wang Lu had other ideas.

The purple gold hammer cost him 25 high-grade spiritual stones, the spiritual materials for making talismans cost 5 high-grade spiritual stones, and the five disposable thunder beads cost 25 high-grade spiritual stones, a total of 55 high-grade spiritual stones.

After Wang Lu paid the spirit stone like cutting his own flesh, he returned to the inn with Pang Long’s smiling farewell.

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